Chapter 6 - Explosive Encounter

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Ochaco tried to erase those two accidents from earlier from her memory, which she almost succeeded if it weren't for the fact that the two fuckers were sitting right in front of her and their stupid backs kept reminding her of their stupid words.

Stupid jerks.

She didn't realize she was staring until Mei elbowed her in the ribs. Ochaco glared at her but it was quickly gone when she saw the worried look on the other girl's face. Ochaco smiles at her, hoping she understood that she was alright.

However, the teacher calls out saying that it was lunch time and those who had already planned out their robots could start working on them after their break. Those who hadn't would be given a little more time.

"Finally, my stomach hurts from how hungry I am," Jun complains as he puts away his things.

Yuri laughs at him "You're telling me the banana Mei shoved down your throat earlier didn't satisfy you?"

"Everything I do is satisfying" Mei declares and stands up from her chair and walks out, the others following her.

"Well,-" Jun starts but stops when he sees Mei's terrifying glare and puts his arms up in surrender, but he gets confused when Yuri starts walking in the other direction of the school cafeteria "Where are you going, new gorgeous friend?" The boy looks almost sad.

She looks over her shoulder and smiles "Meeting my other friends from other courses that I went to highschool with, we planned on having lunch together on the first day. I'll see you later" she waved at them in goodbye as she turned the corner.

"Well guess it's just the four of us again" Sasuke says as he starts walking down the hallway. Mei and Jun followed, the latter complaining about how one friend had already ditched them.

Ochaco stood in her spot "Actually it'll be the three of you" she says hesitantly.

"WHAT" two voices screamed and two heads turned back at her with so much speed she was scared it broke their necks.

"You have somewhere else to be?" Sasuke, being the calm and collected person that he was, asks her.

"I already told my brothers that i would have lunch with them, since i haven't seen them or spoken to them in person since we arrived at dorms on saturday morning" she answers, looking sheepishly at them, almost feeling bad for also ditching them.

In her defense she wasn't really counting on having company from anyone but her brothers.

"I understand, i really do, but they already had lunch with you their whole lifes, they could spare some for the rest of us" Mei crosses her arms on her chest.

Jun nods his head in agreement "Yeah, she's right. It's not fair for your best friends"

Ochaco almost relents until Sasuke drags Mei and Jun by the back of their shirts and turns around, heading in the other direction, and calls back to her "Go and have fun with your brothers, we'll see you later in class" all the while unbothered by the thrashing and screaming from the two gremlins he's dragging.

The last thing Mei shouts before they round the corner is "Please Chako, don't leave me alone with,- with,- BOYS '' and disappears.

Ochaco laughs and begins walking to the gardens, where she would have lunch with Hinata and Kyo.

As she's walking, she notices four guys coming in her direction, three of them laughing amongst themselves, while one of the blondes between them has a scowl on his face. She hears the tall red hair guy say something to scowl dude about joining them for lunch, and the blonde's response was a not very gentle "go fuck yourself" and steps in the men's bathroom.

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