The end of a happy day

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After that little incident with the man and Deku and Katsuki bitching about Shoto calling her his girlfriend for a good 30 minutes, she finally managed to make all of them eat their lunches so they could go on with their day.

She kept looking around to make sure that there were no angry Kyos near her because she really wasn't in the mood to run away and avoid him. She wanted to prepare herself for later mentally.

Luckily they had a serene lunch without overprotective brothers coming out of the bushes and went to the games of the carnival right after

It was a complete slaughter.

Katsuki and Deku jumped around from vendor to vendor, trying to beat each other, even though the games were played individually so there was no winner.

But they could compete on who could give her the most stuffed animals.

So that's how they spent the afternoon, with Uraraka rolling her eyes and following the boys every time they were done with one game and moved on to the next, with Shoto by her side, carrying all of the stuffed animals in his arms. When she asked him if there was a game he wanted to try out, he said he would rather stay with her and talk than look like a maniac like the other two.

Something that didn't make her blush or giggle like a teenager.

And she had to agree on Katsuki and Deku looking like two idiots.

They would shout at one another like they were the only ones around, trapped in their little world of competition to worry about anything else. Their little smirks every time one of them would win definitely didn't do things to her, not in the slightest

By the time the sun was setting, with her holding more stuffed animals than she could count, the three boys also with their arms full

Katsuki cackles as they approach the exit "HA! IN YOUR FACE YOU DAMN NERD! I WON" his yelling gathered a few looks from people, but Uraraka was more than used to it by now, having spent the whole afternoon like that

Deku groans "You only won because that damn guy didn't let me play! Talking about how he had to close it" he mumbles under his breath "It wouldn't have taken more than five minutes"

She chuckles at his tone, playfully shoving him with her hip "Yes, it would" she shakes her head "If you had won one more then Bakugou would have demanded that you played again, and again and again,-"

"We get it Cheeks we're competitive," Katsuki tells her, though there's barely any bite on his speech. He almost looks serene without the usual scowl on his face, with his arms full of stuffed animals and his cheeks rosy from the sunshine he caught all day

"More like annoying" Shoto muses, and Uraraka laughs at him, the other two gaping at the dual boy

"I'm not annoying!" Deku tells him, and she could swear he just pouted. He turns to her "'Chako, tell him I'm not annoying"

"My father always told me not to tell lies" she says, walking ahead with a spring in her steep, holding back a smile as he follows closely behind her

Somehow, he manages to hold all of the stuffed animals with just one arm as he puts the other around her shoulders "Stop being mean to me, I can't take it" his body is as close as he can, and after doing this so many times, she's actually getting used to it

Katsuki opens his mouth to no doubt say something snarky, but she feels the energies shifting as they arrive at the gates

"OCHAKO!" Kyo's voice somehow fills the open air, and all of the people around stare at him as if he's a manic

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