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It's really nice when you can just let go and let yourself enjoy the little happy moments that come to you once in a while.

For all of her life Ochako had always been on high alert, always looking for some kind of trouble coming her way and not being able to fully relax, not even when she would be at home, always thinking about how her life would be and how she would never be fully happy in a society that didn't accept her, no matter how hard she tried.

What utter bullshit.

5 minutes in the company of these three dumbasses and she was already feeling like a goddamn cloud flying in the sky and shouting fuck off to the small minded people who had made her believe that she didn't deserve this kind of weightlessness.

"We should go to The Kraken first" Deku says, walking on her right side

"What the heck is that?" Ochako asks, thinking of how the ride could possibly look like with that kind of name.

"I don't know, we should figure it out" he responds, looking at the map in his hands. He keeps on turning the paper in his hands in different directions "I have no idea where it is though"

"Bakugou seems to know where we are going" Shoto states from her left side, pointing with his head to Bakugou, who was walking ahead of them, almost like he was clearing the way.

"Of course I fucking know where we are going" the blond spats over his shoulder.

Or to just be an asshole and make himself the leader of the group. Either way she didn't care, she just wanted to go for a ride already.

She hopes the rides will be dress-friendly, otherwise she would have angry emails in her inbox from scary mothers.

"Where are we going then?" she teases him.

She had a ride in mind but didn't let them know, preferring to just go along with what they thought would be better and hoping that one of them would end up picking the one she wanted to ride the most.

"To the Colossal Extreme, obviously" he tells her like its obvious.

Deku frowns, still holding the map up "There's no ride with that name Kacchan"

"Yes, there is, you are just to much of a dumbass to know how to read"

"Do you have difficulty in reading comprehension Midoriya? I could advise you of some great teachers on that matter, they helped me a lot" Shoto looks at him, thinking that's being helpful to his friend.

Ochako laughs at the horrified expression on Deku's face before he squeals "I know how to read! Thank you very much! You know what? I'm just trying to be helpful, but you're mean. Me and Ochako don't need you-"

"Can we go to the Scarlet Serpent?" she asks, seeing that they were going nowhere and she was just too excited to handle their infinite bickering.

"The what?" Shoto asks, looking down on her.

"The Scarlet Serpent. I was looking at their website last night to see what rides were available and the Scarlet Serpent seems so cool. Can we go there please?" she makes her best puppy dog eyes at them that always work on her father and Hinata and sometimes even on Jyo when he is feeling sappy, folding her hands in front of her to plead with them.

"Ow, precious you know I can't say no to you, why didn't you just say that in the beginning?" Deku asks, hugging her. This boy took every opportunity he could to get his hands on her and she never complained.

She shrugs, hugging him back "I don't know, didn't want to ruin your fun"

She feels someone patting her head and sees Shoto frowning at her "Why would you ruin our fun by giving us your opinion?"

The girl in the support classWhere stories live. Discover now