The first hero project

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Before she knew it, two weeks had already passed,the amount of school work keeping her and everyone else busy, but that didn't mean that they were not uneventful.

First, she had received a text from one more unknown number, that she discovered belonged to Katsuki. He wasn't very polite, just telling her that he usually trained early in the morning so if she wanted to take his offer to let him know and warned not to waste his fucking time. She responded by telling him that should do that, although they never scheduled it because Ochako was still adjusting to college life so most days she always felt tired and the last thing she wanted was to be thrown around by the explosive blonde and not in the fun way that she wanted. But she had a feeling that the day was coming since her body felt less and less tired. Still, he kept on texting, just like Deku, and she found that she really liked to talk to her friends through her phone, even using facetime when Deku really begged her.

Second, she met all of her brother's classmates. They were all nice, and the girls were all amazing, Ochako managing to bond with them through Mina's bubbly attitude that made her come out of her shell after a few minutes of shyness and awkwardness on her part, although Mei's personality managed to hide it in the first few minutes. She noticed that their whole class got along well and were all close friends, except for one small guy called Mineta, that everyone seemed to glare at everytime he walked into a room. She didn't understand why, until he made a comment about her body, saying that even though she was kinda chubby he'd still hit. Iida had to hold Deku back from straggling him with his black strings, and Sero had to tap Mineta to the ceiling to make sure Katsuki's explosions didn't reach him. The small frost bite that he got from Todoroki from when he gripped his shoulders to throw him to the ceiling gave him a scar that was still visible every time Mineta passed by her in the school's hallways.

When Kyo and Hinata had come back from going to the grocery store to buy food for their dinner, all of the girls were surrounding her on the couch she was sitting on, Mina with her arms around Ochako like a mother bear protecting her cub and Mei waving a broom around to try and reach the purple grape, with Iida holding her in her waist yelling the whole time for her to behave. Kirishima had explained to them what happened, and needless to say that the only reason why Mineta wasn't suffocating in space at the end of that day was because Aizawa had received complaints from the next door dorm.

Ochako found the whole thing ridiculous and overdramatic, but still, she never felt so safe and protected around a group of people she had just met. And they knew she was quirkless and didn't give a fuck. She found herself spending most of her time in 1-A's dorms instead of her own, her friends doing the same since her class was divided right now and the tension was too much for anyone to handle. She didn't mind, she liked hanging out with her brother's friends, they were super nice.

Her friends got along with their friends, which made them all friends which was a reality she was having trouble processing.

But she loved it nonetheless.

They were starting their forth school week when on that Monday Power Loader declared that they were going to work on a group project for the next two weeks. The catch was that the group they were going to be making wasn't with people in their class.

This project consisted of two members, one in the hero course, the other in the support course. Their class would join with 1-A and their objective was to create something that would help the hero student to fight better or to use their quirk at its maximum capacity.

Ochako was excited, she already had so many ideas for each and every single one of them, her notebooks filled with drafts with improved suits for all of them. She remembers in the first week when Power Loader showed them what their suits looked like, and she liked some of them, but others were a monstrosity that she wanted to burn the first time she saw them. She had yet to see them fight in them, but she assumed that some of them were already regretting their choices.

The girl in the support classWhere stories live. Discover now