Give me your legs, for science

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As Kyo pulled both Izuko and Ochako, since the two of them were practically glued together, the girl noticed that their display got the attention of a lot of people, and from her place in the air she could see something pink practically flying, followed by someone with white air and another with grey hair.

Apparently Jun had told the others what happened and they were coming to check up on her as soon as their classes ended.

She would consider that sweet if she wasn't too busy being distracted by the dead glare her brother was sending them.


The boy in question paused for a moment, then answers "No"


Ochako wanted to laugh, she really did, even more when Iida started to scold Kyo for his language and inappropriate use of his quirk. When they reached the ground, Ochako let go of Izuko's shoulders and put her feet on the ground, the boy letting go of her waist.

She didn't have time to miss the warm feeling they gave her, or to do anything else because she was immediately tackled to the ground by a flash of pink.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS ALMOST A SINGLE MOTHER, DO NOT SCARE ME LIKE THAT" Mei yells, crushing Ochako's lungs since the girl fell on top of her.

"Mei- i cant- BITCH I CANT BREATHE" she managed to shout. Finally someone got Mei off her, Sasuke holding Mei back from tackling her again.

Jun pants, standing right next her on her left side and puts an elbow on her shoulder, leaning on her "Fucking hell, you'd think her quirk is being fast as fuck" he manages to say. Izuko, who was still beside Ochako, never leaving that place after they landed, glared at the spot where Jun's elbow connected with Ochako's shoulder. Sensing this, Jun looks up and finds this boy he had never met glaring at him and puts his arm around Ochako, frowning "C'mon we should go, i wanna eating something from the cafeteria"

"OH HELL NO YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL I KICK HER AS-" before Kyo could finish his sentence Hinata smacks his head and shuts him up.

Mei comes to stand in front of Ochako, blocking her from everyone else "One more step and i'll break your kneecaps mister" she glares at Kyo "who do you think you are to talk to my Ochako like that?"

Before the girl in question could answer, Kyo scoffs "Your Ochako? YOUR OCHAKO? She's my sister so I can talk to her however I like" he moves around trying to get Hinata to release him, but does not succeed.

"You wanna repeat that you little bitch?" Mei starts to walk in his direction but is intercepted by Iida, who stands between the two of them.

"Behave yourselves! This is not the behavior UA wants from its students. Stop being uncivilized and talk to each other like normal citizens" he waves his arms to get his point across.

"Says the guy who speaks like my great grandfather" she eyes him up and down, her stare remaining in his engines "What. Are. Those?" she asks, dropping to the ground to get a closer look. Ochako, Sasuke and Jun all collectively sigh, knowing what's coming.

Iida looks down on her "Huh..." his gaze turns to her classmates, but they shrug their shoulders at him. Iida clears his throat "I believe those are my legs?"

Mei stands up abruptly and gets all up in his face "I know that, transformer, i meant the things that are attached to them" she points at them.

Iida frowns "Those things are, essentially, my quirk" he crosses his arms in his chest, putting some distance between him and the crazy looking girl in front of him.

The girl in the support classWhere stories live. Discover now