Chapter 4 - The start of something new

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The months leading to moving day went by like a blur. They were filled with final exams, more training and for once Ochaco didn't lay in bed at night thinking about her bullies, she was busy dreaming about what her life at UA would be like.

Her brothers were just as excited, even though they will be in different courses, they already promised to spent their free time with her.

Their dad could not stop crying, wheter it was because he was proud of them or because he was sad that they were going to leave him alone, every time her father saw or her brothers he would tear up and give them a big hugg.

She had a feeling that physical touch was her love language because of her dad. She really liked to be near her loved ones and she made it everybody's problem just like him. Hinata and Kyo were the same. Which is why the thought of being away from them made her tear up a little, but her father would be a call away and her brothers in the same place as her, they would be okay.

Packing was a bitch, even she didn't have that much to pack. All her thrift clothes, room decor and other little things she couldn't leave without all managed to fit into two suitcases and four boxes. With Hinata's quirk, it was really easy to move it all around, when the truck from UA came to collect their things the day before they left their hometown, to make their journey easier for them. The moment they arrived at dorms all of their things would be there.

That was perhaps the moment where it cliked for Ochaco, seeing her room bare, safe for her bedframe and matress where she would sleep on with a blanket that night, made her finally accept the fact that this was real.

She got accepted.

She was moving.

She was going to fullfil her dreams along side her brothers starting Monday, when school began. They were moving the students in on the dorms the Saturday before so that they could have the whole weekend to settle in and walk around the campus to explore the school.

Safe to say that she and her brothers were going to do everything they could to do it together.

First days are scary.

Unfortunaly, their dad wouldn't be able to go with them to the dorms or even to the train to see them off because of work, so the night before his children went away, he cooked a big dinner full of the triplet's favourite foods.

The next morning was filled once again with tears, hugs and promises to call every single day. And with a final goodbye, Hinata, Kyo and Ochaco entered the train and waved at their father to windows as they passed by him.


The campus was just as amazing as she remembered from a few months ago. The buildings at the entrance were the ones for classes and learning, the dorms, gyms and other utilities were behind them.

It really felt like a small city, the only thing missing was a convienince store, the nearest one being at the bottom of the hill where the school was.

The triplets looked at everything as they walked to the their dorms, admiring everything since the last time they were there they were to busy being nervous for the exams to trully notice anything other than the road ahead of them. The roads were filled with beautifull trees and it was a very pleasant sight, something tthey should get used to since they were going to see it every single day from now on.

When they arrived at the dorms section, they saw that first building belonged to class 1-A, the one in front it, across the road, was 1-B.

1-A wasHinata's and Kyo's class.

This is were they parted their ways from her.

Hinata sighed "Well Chako, this is us" he looked at her "do you want us to go with you to find yours? Which number is it?"

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