Show off

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"Are you nervous?" she asks Momo, eyeing her up and down to make sure everything was alright

The day to show off their group project has finally come and Uraraka is shitting herself with nerves and anxiety

Luckily, her partner is looking as calm as ever as she flexes her hands to feel the fabric of her suit. She chuckles softly and giver an amused look

"Not really, we have played with this thing so many times it's almost second nature to me,-" she sighs as she looks down on herself "It's a shame I'll have to give it to the teachers for a while after this"

Uraraka purses her lips as she gets behind Momo and adjusts the suit on her back. The entire thing is black, except for a few stripes of red on either side of her body, her boots reaching her knee for better movement. Only her arms were completely bare, showing off her biceps that Uraraka always had a hard time not staring at when they trained together these last few weeks

After that little carnival day, it became difficult to hang out with her friends. Everyone was so busy with their projects that no one had time to have any sort of fun outside of what they were creating

Well, she was having fun with Momo. She knows that a few of them had a hard time with their partners due to a lack of cooperation or just disliking the other person. Some of them thought that it was going to be easier, but none of them were expecting it to be this difficult working with someone outside of their class

Deku was always complaining about Ymir. The brunette would often arrive at her dorm and look at her phone for the first time since the day started and see that the boy had left a bunch of texts complaining about his partner and that he cursed Uraraka for not choosing him when she had the chance. She would shake her head and laugh at the way he could get so bitchy when he was cranky

Katsuki and Shoto were working with Ymir's best friends, and Uraraka remembers not liking it when the groups were made. It seemed on purpose, like they were planning to put the three boys against Uraraka and had them all to themselves

Well, tough shit, because if there's one thing those three can do, is stop someone from brainwashing them

Deku had to always tell Ymir to shut up or he would leave the project, Katsuki would ask his partner if she thought he was a fucking idiot, and Shoto would simply stare at the girl's soul every time she opened her mouth to talk about Uraraka

And they didn't tell her about this, she knows they act this way because of her brothers and some of the heroes students who had sometimes shared the living room with them while they were working. One time Mina and Mei called her, laughing hysterically after Shoto simply left his partner alone when she said that Momo was going to fail the assignment because she chose to work with Uraraka. It took them two hours to find him and bring him back to the girl, and she was practically begging on her knees for forgiveness

She wished she had seen that, she wished she had been there

Maybe when this project ends they can all hang out again, god knows she needs a little bit of fun outside of the school's walls

"They need to analyze it to see how we made it,-" Uraraka starts, circling around Momo to make sure everything is in order "I just hope we don't get a zero for taking advantage of your parent's wealth to create this"

When Momo told her parents that they needed some supplies that the school couldn't provide, they were hesitant at first, but all it took was one small "please daddy" from Momo to make the man give them everything they wanted

It reminded her of her dad when she really wanted something and only took one look at him to get it. Hinata and Kyo are always saying that she's the favorite because of that

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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