The dual boy

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After making sure that she was alright, her brothers left her in the care of her classmates and went to their dorms to study with theirs.

Her and her friends had scheduled to do the same thing after their classes, but Ochako told them that she needed to be alone for a while and that she would take a walk through the school's gardens, and meet with them after she was done. They let her go, though they were a little bit hesitant since they didn't know what she would do or if she would need one of them. She reminded them that she had a phone in case anything happened.

So there she is, walking along the path between all the greenery in the forest in the school's grounds. She thought it was a little bit ridiculous to literally own the woods, but UA clearly had the money to do whatever the hell they wanted. She would do the exact same if she could to be honest.

She finds the spot that they had sat down the previous Sunday to relax after exploring the campus. She smiles at the memory of how welcome she felt by them and how peaceful it was to just sit down together and enjoy each other's company without the need to talk, which was something she struggled everytime she met new people. But it had been different with them and even though they had only been friends for a few days, she adored them already and would do anything for them.

She decided to sit down against the tree, it had a few bushes that could hide her from the path that was only a few feet away, the perfect balance between private and public enough if you looked a little bit longer at the trees.

She closes her eyes and tries to not go into another spiral as she thinks about the day she just had.

Got a call into the teachers office, even though it was just because he wanted her to do something. Still, it was terrifying.

Fought a robot.

The hero class saw her fight a robot.

She got hurt fighting that robot.

Her brother got pissed.

She ran away from him.

Izuku saved her, again.

She met Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Iida and Todoroki (the prettiest person she had ever met but she will think about that later)

Her own classmates bullied her in front of them.

She ran away.

Katsuki and his (lack of) ability to make her feel better.

Deku and Kacchan.

She takes a deep breath, she hadn't had a day this intense ever since the UA's exams, she's not used to this. Tears were already coming to her eyes, of how frustrated and tired she felt, but she swallows the lump in her throat and tries to not cry again, even though she really wants to.

She hears someone clear their throat.

She looks to her left, the opening from the bushes to the main path and she's sure that what's standing in front of her is an angel. A very beautiful angel.

Todoroki is right there in front of her, his torso towards her but his legs and feet are turned in a way that it would make it easier for him to turn around and leave. He looks at her, uncertain on how to approach her.

She gives him a small smile, because after the day she just had, she can't fully pretend to be cheerful "Hey, Todoroki, right?" she asks, even though she knew for sure that it was his name because she thought it was as beautiful as he was the first time she heard it.

He nods, but doesn't say anything else and just stares at her.

Thinking he had forgotten her name, even of she had told him already that day, she says "I'm Ochako Uraraka"

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