Unwanted attention

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They arrive at the food court and Ochako groans seeing the big lines in every vendor. She's so hungry she could eat the pavement.

"Alright class-" Deku starts

"There's four of us here" Shoto states

"I say someone goes and finds a table, while the others get the food, sounds good?" Deku asks, ignoring his friend.

Ochako puts her hand up "I'll find a table, my legs are killing me and I'm pretty sure I'll die if I stand to long"

"That's not good, we still have a whole afternoon of walking and having fun!" Deku says, taking her arm and going to the tables

Shoto and Katsuki are right behind them "Yeah, I will have the time of my life laughing at your stupid faces when I win all the games, losers!" Katsuki cackles

They reach one of the tables and Deku lets her sit down, ignoring his childhood friend "Alright you stay here while we go get some food. What would you like?"

Ochako shrugs her shoulders "I don't know, I'm still feeling kinda of dizzy from all the rides, so I don't know if my stomach can hold that much food even if I'm starving"

Deku nods his head, turning to the other two boys "What do you wan-"

"Soba" Shoto answers without letting him finish the sentence.

Deku blinks at his fast answer "Okay" he turns to Katsuki "What about you Kacchan?"

The blonde scratches his chin, eyeing one of the vendors near them "Something spicy, I think I'll check that one over there"

The grennete beams at his friend "Me to! We could go together!" then he looks at her "Does that sound good to you 'Chako?" her heart skips a beat at the nickname, but she ignores it.

She wiggles her nose "Not really a fan of spicy food-"

"FUCKING WHAT" Katsuki yells "Are your taste buds all fucked up woman?"

Ochako rolls her eyes at his dramatics "Sorry, I just don't like my tongue burning and feeling like I'm dying"

"You just ate it wrong!"

She glares at him "What? How the hell am I eating it wrong? I put it in my mouth, then I swallow! Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?"

Deku has a dirty grin on his face "That's exactly what you're supposed to do, preciou- AGH" Katsuki elbows him in the ribs.

The blonde has a small blush on his face "Not the time and place nerd, shut the fuck up. And you!" he points to her "I don't know what kind of spicy food you have been eating but it's clearly not the right kind!"

She crosses her arms and leans back against her chair, looking up at him across the table "Then what the hell is the right kind?"

He smirks, looking sinful like he always does "My kind, pink checks"

She blushes "There's no goddamn way that you can cook, that is not fair!"

Shoto looks directly at her "Yes, he can. One time I ate his leftovers by accident and I can tell you that his food is better than any other that my personal chefs ever made."

"I almost killed you for that, ice cream fucker" Katuski tells him, like almost killing people for eating his food without permission is a crime against Humanity.

The boy has a dreamy expression on his face "Totally worth it"

Ochako is about to bitch about the fact that Shoto has fucking chefs to cook for him when Deku backs him up "He's right though. Kacchan is very talented when it comes to cooking"

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