Chapter 1 - UA's entrance exams ( part 1)

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She was going to be sick.

She knew it was Hinata's thing, the sight of vomit was no longer a nuisance to her because there are so many times that you clean it and not get used to smell and ovreall feeling it gives you.

Still, she couldn't help the feeling that any moment she was going to ruined the train's floor with her guts.

"Ochaco, if you don't stop moving your leg i will float you to the moon and leave you there" her twin brother Hinata said from her right side.

How wonderfull that would be, just a timeless existence with nothing but the lack of oxigene to worry about. But that's a problem for fake Ochaco.

"I think she might actually let you" Kyo, the wiser of the three of them she would say, stated from her left side.

She groaned, the nerves were making her crazy.

"It's easy for the two of you to be completely calm, there's no way that you won't be accepted with your quirks" she pouted, and knew that her chances to get in the UA collegue were slimer than her brother's.

Why couldn't she be blessed with a quirk again?

Fuck you universe.

"Ochaco, with your brains, you will definately get accepted, i wouldn't worry about it" Hinata said while scrolling through his phone.

She glared at him "It's not the written exams that i am worried about, i have no idea what they will make us do in the physical exams, and my creations might not even work because they're trash, literally" the very ugly looking piece of junk in her wrist proved it.

It was supposed to look like a watch, but in reality it could shoot strings out of it capable to attach to any surface, something she got the ideia off in a old super-hero movie her and her brothers loved to watch. But, the thing barely function due the fact that it was made of waste and scraps, since she wasn't able to buy what she needed to make her inventions work perfectly.

So yeah, she was nervous to get squash like a bug if she couldn't zoom out of the way quick enough, or, god forbid, her brothers fucking save her.


What, you can't go around experimenting your inventations and not get hurt at least once. Or twice.There was nothing wrong in losing counting really.

Still, she didn't exactly liked getting hurt.

"I can see your thoughts running past the speed limit of normal brain capacity, relax " Kyo wasn't exactly being the wisest right now if he was willing to piss her off.

"I'm going to relax when i get on the train back home, until then, is a party of nerves and everyone is invited"

"Well, looks like the party is about to hit it's climax" Hinata says looking at the window "We're here"

Every muscle in her body was begging to stay on the train, but her determination to prove people wrong was stronger than any other emotion she had, so she got up and followed her brothers out of the train.

It was a small walk from the train station to the UA's campus, one that was filled by Kyo and Hinata's bickering that she did not had the patience to be a part off.

Especially when she saw the main entrance and those big ass letters that told everybody around that "yes, you are here, meet your creator sluts"

Rude letters.

"Wow" was the only thing that came out of her mouth.

"You can say that again" Hinata said from her right side, Kyo on her left.

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