Chapter 2 - The entrance exam (part 2)

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The examines were all divided into different sections on the school campus. Apparently, the school was so rich that they could host thousands of applicants, and have them doing the physical exam at the same time, because it had many training grounds the size of small citys.

She hoped that their application to the schoolarship was also aproved because the tuiton for UA had to many zeros for her and her dad's liking.

As they waited at the gates, after the meeting where the pro-hero and teacher Present Mic explained in a very enthusiastic way what was going to happen on the exam, Ochaco looked around her and watched her competition. Some of them were pretty normal looking, others were obvious to have a mutation quirk due to their physical apperearance. Some were laughing and relaxing, others seemed to be on the edge of a mental breakdown and there was even a blue haired boy who was shouting at everyone that was chatting to stop making noise and distracting the others, while making robotic moves with his arms. Which made no sense since he was the loudest in the crowd of teens and young adults.

Her gaze sweeps the crowd once again and she swears her heart skipped a beat the moment her eyes landed on him. Just a few feet from her was boy-man with the most determined and intense face she had ever seen in her entire life.

She wanted to smash the butterflies in her stomach.

She stared at him like a creep, the way he just kept on ignoring the world around him and glaring at the gates captivated her.

Until he most definately felt that he was being stared at and his gaze locked with hers.

Recognizing her, he smiled and waved at her with a friendly atitude that you should have with someone who you shared more than five sentences with.

She panicked.

He started walking towards her.

She panicked even more.

But before he could reach her, robot-boy stoped him, and Ochaco was ready to give him a big kiss right there and then, although boy-man seemed to be planing a few ways to chop off his arms if he didn't stop waving them in front of him.

Suddenly, the gates oppened and Present Mic announced that exam had begun, and as she started running, a green flash passed her leaving dust on it's tail, followed by a blue one.

She was ready.


She was not ready, she was not fucking ready, she was so not fucking ready.

She lost her brothers a few moments after entering the gates, each of them following their own path of robots to destroy. Which was fine, she didn't need them, she could do this on her own.

She couldn't.

That became clear the moment her gadgets, that she was relying on to pass this stupid exam, began to malfuction. She did manage to score a few points by going for the robot's legs with her blades, but apparently, the stupid big-sized knifes decided that one swipe was enough to live, and broke right after she destroyed the first robot.

Then, she sucedded in triping a few small robots with the strings in her watch and after they went down, she immediatly smashed the control pannel underneath them. When she saw that her strings were ending, she ripped a leg of one of the robots. After that, all she could do was dodge and smash, again and again.

All the while, she had to pay attention to her surroundings not only for the robots, but also for the others students. More than once, she had to save them, or someone had to save her. Even though they were competing against each other, the heroic urge to help someone in distress was bigger than competitive side of the whole thing.

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