Tough love

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The world had yet to stop spinning.

As she runs through the school's hallways, Ochako doesn't notice the looks she's getting, doesn't notice that she's bumping into people and not saying sorry, her gaze locked straight towards a destination she had yet to discover what it is.

She had no idea where she was going, her legs just kept begging her to move, to run away from the situation she had just gone through, and to keep going since they could be after her and not be done with humiliating her.

All she wanted was to stay, to show that bastard that his words, their words, meant nothing to her. She wanted to tell them that she was of proud of everything she had accomplished because fucking hell she should be. After everything she has been through, all that training, all that studying, all that pushing to be better and better and keep up with her brothers actually meant something to her and she should have told them so.

She should have stayed and seen the reactions of her brother's classmates, she didn't know them, not at all, but what Kyo and HInata told her they seemed like really nice guys. Maybe they would have accepted her and continue to defend her even after they learnt the truth about her.

She didn't see much of their reactions besides their shocked expressions, which was normal, it was their behavior towards her after they discovered that would tell her how they felt about it.

She would never forget the look on Izuko's eyes. Unlike the others, she had actually had a few conversations with, and Iida, but her interactions with him weren't as meaningful as Izuko's.

He was the first person she met. Even before she started in UA , she had talked to him when they shared that precious moment after the written exams. She had saved him from splashing his head on the stairs, and he saved her from being crushed. One of these things was more impactful than the other but it was theirs nonetheless. Sure, she had run away after that first conversation, then fainted, then ran away from him again because of the robots malfunctioning, but she couldn't stop the feeling that she had some sort of connection with him, even if it was really, really, small, and she wished more than anything to make it bigger.

But the way he looked at her when those words came out of Hiroko's mouth, did nothing to assure her that he wanted the same thing. If anything it made her more confused, because she couldn't figure out what it meant. He wasn't disgusted, he wasn't mad, he wasn't pitiful. In his eyes , she thought she saw from the split second she had looked into them, that he almost looked like he understood her. But understood what exactly? Being quirkless? That's ridiculous, she had seen first hand him using his quirk, and for what she remembers, it looked like he had more than one. But that was something that she would have to think about later, or else it would send her to another spiral.

She noticed that her legs were leading towards the Support Department, the safest place she could think about that was the closest to her. She tugs on the doors, to try to open them, but none of them give out, being obviously locked from curious students. But for Ochako, she just wanted a place to cry her eyes out.

She finally succeeds in opening one of them, and finds that the room is a supply closet. She doesn't care, immediately dropping to the ground and hugging her knees. She closes her eyes and lets out the tears she has been holding back until now.

That last comment from Hiroko had hit her hard. Because her parent did turn her away, her parent did not want her, her parent left her.

Her own mother had turned her back on her.

She is grateful for her dad, she truly is, she knows that everything he does is for his children's sake. Every job, every sacrifice is to make sure they reach their dreams.

The girl in the support classWhere stories live. Discover now