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Waking up to Mei bursting through the door was already so rooted in her routine that Ochako didn't even stirred when said girl almost knocked her door out that Saturday morning.

What she didn't expect was for Mei to go to her closet and start to pull her clothes out of it.

Ochako sits up from her bed and looks at Mei, hoping that the girl would give some kind of explanation, but the only thing she was doing was checking her clothes and sneering at them in disgust.

"Ugh, do you have anything that's not sportswear or baggy?" She turns around to look at her, showing the pile of clothes in her arms that, judging by the look on her face, were a crime against humanity.

Ochako rolls her eyes at her friend's attitude "Most of them are hand me downs. I was more worried to have enough money to buy food" she slips back into her sheets and closes her eyes.

Mei, however, was having none of that "But we're going out! You need to dress cute!"

"Do I?" Ochako asks, still not opening her eyes and giving Mei attention.

Next thing she knows, she's feeling the morning chill because someone had just ripped the warm sheets off her body. She opens her eyes to glare at Mei.

"What are you planning on wearing?" Mei asks, crossing her arms, like a mother scolding her child.

"Some leggings and some shirt, I don't know. I wanna be comfortable" she was going to spend the whole day out and she was looking forward to it. She was starting to wake up more and that nervous feeling in her belly was already there. She didn't know if that was because she was excited or because she was scared.

"But Ochako! This is not a legging and t-shirt kind of day! Don't you wanna dress cute?"

The brunette glares at her "My clothes are cute"

"For someone who is going to the gym or grocery shopping! C'mon girl, do you really want to wear these things on your day off? This is your excuse to pamper yourself a little and get out of our routine!" Mei tells, almost pleading with her eyes for her to understand that day was not like a school day.

Ochako considers what her friend said. She was right, unfortunately. The only clothes Ochako wore outside of the UA uniforms were her gym clothes. She wasn't the kind of girl to dress up just because she was feeling like it, but not because she didn't like it, but because she really didn't have the money or the fashion sense for it. The girls in Class 1-A all wore really cute clothes outside of school wear and Ochako loved it. She wished she could do the same. Maybe this was her chance.

She makes up her mind when she sees what Mei is wearing, cute black pants and a white crop top that suited her really well. The outfit was simple but beautiful, a step up from the dirty clothes she wears all the time and doesn't give a shit about it. If Mei was dressing up, then Ochako could do the same.

Mei saw her change of expression and beamed at her "If you want, I could lend you some of my clothes!"

She appreciated the gesture but she was sure that if she tried to fit in any of Mei's pants and her thick thighs didn't go through it she was going to cry.


"Actually," Ochako says, getting up and going to her small closet "I might have something"

She pulled out a white dress with pink flowers all over it, it went to the middle of her thigh and the sleeves were see-through, and it had a nice cleavage. Not too inappropriate, but not too modest.

It was her combat teacher's wife and also her dad's best friend, Sakura, who gave it as a gift on her sixteenth birthday. The woman was the only female figure Ochako had in her life and she was the one she went to when she needed advice on women related stuff. She remembers when she got her period and she called her first instead of calling her dad.

The girl in the support classWhere stories live. Discover now