Chapter 7 - The missing piece

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Ochaco sat down at one of the tables outside, admiring the trees and green grass around her as she waited for her siblings. Around her, more people were chatting and talking, probably telling their friends how the day was going, or classmates were getting to know each other.

Her heart was still beating fast from earlier but the prospect of finally talking with her brothers calmed her down. She still was debating if she should tell them about the hostile people in her class and what they were doing to her.

Pro - she could finally lift the weight of her shoulders from being harassed and knew that her brothers would comfort her.

Con - Kyo would probably be expelled from beating the shit out of them, and Hinata from sending them to outer-space.

She decided that for now, she wouldn't tell. She was a grown woman now, she could take care of her problems and stand up for herself in the future.

Probably, if Mei was there by her side, threatening to beat up some people for her. She had a feeling the girl had too much anger in her heart and would take any opportunity to release it, so Ochaco could learn a thing or two about rage.

She was day-dreaming about doing unspeakable things to those that harassed her in the hallway when a container was dropped in front of her.

"Already thinking about how exactly you're going to take over the school?" She looks up and sees Hinata standing there, smiling softly at her.

She beams and gets up to give him a bear hug, pulling Kyo into it. Hinata laughs and pats her head, while Kyo scoffs at the unexpected physical contact but doesn't push them away.

When they separate, Hinata can't help but make fun of his younger (by literally minutes) sister "Already miss us that much Chako?"

She can't even lie "Yes, I did" and continues to smile as she sits back down.

Hinata also can't help but find her adorable so he hugs her again "We missed you to pipsqueak" and kisses her head.

Ochaco wasn't pleased with the nickname but didn't complain because she was not in the mood to be mad at him "So, how did the first day go for you? Are your classmates as heroic as you or are they a bunch of stuck up narcissists?"

Hinata smiles so widely she fears it might split his face "They are AWESOME. We met a few of them over the weekend, and they're super friendly. Well some of them, others preferred to keep it to themselves, and one of them seemed to have a short temper but he wasn't really that mean. OH the guy that saved you is also there"

"Izuko?" she asks, her interest getting higher.

Kyo nods "Yap, we haven't spoken to him though. He was there in that class meeting on Saturday but we didn't see him again after that. And I think he didn't recognize us from the exam day, but again he really didn't take a good luck at us that day, since he was being pestered by Iida and was immediately sent away by Recovery Girl"

Ochaco didn't like the fact that she got sad because there was a possibility that the boy that saved her wouldn't remember her. But again, she wasn't that memorable in the first place so she couldn't blame him.

"Ugh that Iida is such a pain in the ass, he spent the whole weekend complaining about everybody's cleaning methods. And there's this guy, Mineta, he's such a little shit. Wouldn't shut up about all of the girl's body, disgusting behavior, i swear Ochaco if he says something about you" Hinata kept on rambling

"He doesn't even know me" she reminded him, a little bit amused by his protective side.

"And he wont, not if i can't stop it" Kyo said, eating his sandwich.

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