Chapter 3 - What's my place?

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When Ochaco woke up, the first thing she saw was Kyo's face hovering over her.

And immediately being pushed back.

She heard him yelp and curse whoever had pushed him.

"You dumbass she's waking up, don't scare her" Hinata said, from her right side. He looked fine, with only a bandage on his cheek.

" She scared me" Kyo replied and crossed his arms, pouting like a child, from her other side. He also looked fine, but the bottom of his pants were ripped.

"This is not about you" Hinata waved his arms showing his indignation.

"I didn't say it was you idiot"

As they bickered, Ochaco checked her surroundings and realized that she was in some kind of hospital room, with some beds where a few people seemed to be resting on them. She moved her body to sit up, surprised that she wasn't in immense pain right now.

She slowly rembember what happened in the exam, and was more than happy to find out that she didn't lose her legs. And Izuko holding the robot back was something that she might never forget.

She hoped the points she managed to score were enough to get her accepted.

She wanted to ask her brothers how the exam went for them, but they wouldn't shut the fuck up. She was about to try to grab their attention, when a cane hit them in their heads.

"You two, shut your mouths, you're making to much noise i will not hesitate to throw your butts out" she then looked at Ochaco, completely changing her mood and giving her a sweet smile "How are you feeling dear?"

Ochaco moved her body a little bit, not feeling any pain "Fine. I'm just a little bit sore i guess" she smiled at the short old woman "Thank you"

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. You got extremely lucky out there, i swear to god someday i will sue UA for all the danger they put their students through "she says walking away from them, but turning around before reaching a bed with another patient in it "You can go girl, you're alright if you don't feel any pain, if you get in UA i hope to never see your face here again"

The triplets all stared at the old woman in silence.

"Well, she's charming" Hinata finally broke it "Let's go home and scare father to death after telling him what happened to you on the exam"

Ochaco stood up with their help as Kyo said "He might not let you study here when you get accepted" he puts her arm around his shoulder so that she could hold on to him while they walk out.

"When? More like if. I totally blew it all up in the end" yes, she was whinnying like a baby, that's what happens when your dreams are crushed.

"Technically, the green guy was the one that blew it all up" Hinata stated as he openned the doors of the infirmary to the outside.

She looks up at him, because even though they were triplets, the boys were still taller than her, the fuckers "You saw him too?"

"Everyone in that section saw him, kinda hard not to, since he did punch a giant robot so hard that made the earth shake. He was the one who carried you here actually, when you passed out" he responded.

The heat she was feeling in her face was because she was coming down with a fever she was certain. And she was more certain that she was not blushing over the fact that Izuko Midoryia touched her, and she was NOT sad because she couldn't remember it, she was not.

Moving on "What did the doctor do to me? I was sure that my legs were done for after that little accident" she laughs nervously.

"Little, Ochaco? Those guys said that you were being crushed by a piece of the building" Kyo told her as he adjusted his grip on her to walk down the roads of UA's campus.

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