Deku and Kacchan

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"Hey Mei" Ochako greets the girl, ignoring the glare the girl was sending Katsuki "What's up?"

Katsuki snorts behind her, but she didn't have the time to process how good it made her feel because Mei immediately lashes out to her "What's up? Fucking what's up? You just ran out and didn't say a thing! We're all looking for you!" She hugs Ochako and envelops her with her warmth.

Ochako puts her hands on Mei's back "I'm okay, really"

"No she's not" a deep voice says behind her.

She rolls her eyes and separates herself from Mei to turn to Katsuki "I am, blasty. You made sure of it" she teases, and is pleased when she sees his ears turn red and the small blush in his cheeks, although the scowl on his face deepens.

"Tch, whatever cheeks. Make sure to remember our deal" before she can respond he starts walking away from her. He was about to round the corner when someone collided against him with so much force they both fell to the ground.

"WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING DIPSHIT" Katsuki yells, before he realizes that he knows the person that fell on top of him " should have known it was your clumsy ass" he drops his head on the ground, as if he was defeated.

The boy smiles shepelish "Sorry Kachan, I wasn't looking where I was going. Well, actually I was but my senses were not telling me of anything else that was happening around me because I was walking so fast because something happened something really bad i just wanted to make sure that's she's alright and she's okay because i kinda know how she feels an-"

Meanwhile, Ochako and Mei were watching the entire scene, as Izuko kept on mumbling even though he was still on the ground on top of Katsuki and trapping the other boy.


"Honestly, it was bad, i feel terrible even though what happened wasn't towards me"


"She didn't deserve it, she was shaking Kacchan and I couldn't do anything"


"I'm a failure, i'm never going to be a pro-hero, i failed i failed i failed-"


Izuko stops talking and glances down, and locks eyes with the blonde.

"Eheh, sorry" he stands up and puts his hand out to help Katsuki but the boy just swats his hand and does it himself and straightens up his jacket.

Ochako couldn't help it, as soon as she saw Izuko's face she began to laugh at them, Mei also giggling with her as two girls supported each other not to fall into the ground.


Katsuki's anger and the tiny blush on his face only makes them laugh more. She didn't see Izuko's reaction because one minute he was standing beside Katsuki, but in the other he was crashing into her to give her a hug.

A bear hug, to me more exact, because he couldn't tighten his hold more on her unless he wanted to crush her bones.

Ochako stops laughing, but it gets harder to breathe the more Izuko hugs her "Zuk-youre-" she reaches her arm out for Mei "helP"

The girl just shrugs her shoulders and chooses not to help with her attacker. The bitch.

Fortunately, Izuko seems to realize what he was doing so he loses his grip on her, but doesn't let her go completely. He lands his forehead on her shoulder and asks "Are you ok?"

She smiles, touched by how worried he seemed "I am, don't worry"

He nods his head and looks her in the eyes "Great awesome, glad to hear it"

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