Same old shit

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When they arrived at the front doors of the cafeteria, Mei, Sasuke and Iida were already there, the latter with his face all flushed.

Kaminari snorts "What happened?"

Both Sasuke and Iida side-eye Mei, who gave them an innocent smile.

"I don't wanna talk about it" Iida finally says, turning around and entering the cafeteria, the others following him.

Ochako bumps her elbow in Mei's arm to get her attention, when she looks at her, she points with her head at Iida.

Mei shakes her head and puts her arm around Ochako's arm "I'll tell you later". Ochako nods, eyeing Sasuke who looked like he regretted all of his life choices.

The group makes their way into the cafeteria, where a couple of students were lodging around and relaxing with their friends after school.

Jun sits down at one of the tables, Sasuke in front of him and Mei drops down in the seat next to him. Ochako sits in front of Mei, Kyo on her side and Hinata in front of him. Izuko, Kirishima and Kaminari sat down in the remaining seats on Ochako's side while, Todoroki, Iida and Sero sat on the other. The whole group took a whole table.

Ochako looks around her. This was weird for her. Before UA she would sit alone anywhere she went, even going to the school bathroom to have lunch. But now, she never sat down alone, her classmates were always with her.

This was the most people Ochako had ever hung out with. She has to keep her cool around them so they don't think she's a weirdo.

She looks up and see Izuko's blinding smile and moves his hands with enthusiasm as he talks to Kirishima.

Some more than others.

"...anything?" She hears someone say but she doesn't pay attention.

Until someone shoves her.

She glares at Kyo "What, you animal?"

He rolls his eyes in annoyance at her "I asked if you want anything, my treat". Kyo should know better than to give her free food.

Ochako beams at him and hugs him arm "You know what i want"

He lifts his eyebrow "Same thing you ask dad since we were five years old?"

She nods, her mouth already mouthering with the thought of her favorite treat.

Kyo stands up "What if they don't have it?"

She crunches her nose, not liking that idea "Then you don't have to get me anything"

"Hey, what about me?" Hinata asks from his side of the table "I hate it when you play favorites" he crosses his arms.

"Stop that you big baby, you know i don't do that shit" Kyo tells him.

Hinata lights up "Does that mean you'll get me something too?"

His brother turns around "Get it yourself, loser" and makes his way to the line of students waiting to be served.

Hinata stands up, almost pouting "Ugh, not favorites my ass" he looks at her before he goes "Do you wanna get me something?"

She begins to stand up "Sure, let me just-" before she could reach her wallet Hinata stops her.

"I was kidding, Chako. Sit down please" he tells her as he moves away.

She sits back down and turns to Mei only to see her friend with a sad look on her face.

"What is it?" Ochako asks, looking at Sasuke and Jun after "What did you do?"

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