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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Minho checked his phone for the umpteenth time, concerned about Jisung's lack of response to his calls and texts. Suddenly, Jisung's status changed and his messages were seen. Minho didn't waste a second and called him.

After a few seconds he picked up and everything went silent, Minho said,"Jisung".

"Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend!?" Jisung yelled on the other side of the call.

Minho was in shock "I'm sorry..." he stammered.

"And you cheated on her with me!" Jisung continued, his voice rising.

"Just let me explain," Minho pleaded.

"No, I feel terrible. What have I done?" Jisung cried.

"Jisung, you don't understand," Minho tried to reason.

"You don't need to explain anything. You deceived me. You lied to me," Jisung shot back.

"Jisung, please listen to me," Minho begged.

"No, Minho, you listen to me! Don't talk to me anymore!"

They both went silent, Minho was surprised to hear that, he never thought he hurted the boy so much and all that could be heard was Jisung sobbing.

"Please, I... can't do this..." Jisung's voice cracked.

Minho opened his eyes widely "Ji-", he knew the boy was crying and that broke his whole heart.

Jisung hung up.

Minho tried to call and send messages, but Jisung had blocked him. He was at a loss, tears falling down his eyes. He walked around in circles in his apartment trying to think about what to do.

He felt desperate to see Jisung, Minho didn't think twice and ran to his apartment knocking on the door.

"Jisung, please, talk to me!" he pleaded but no one answered.

He knocked again.

"Ji, I'm sorry!" he said, then knocked again.

People opened their doors to look, and Minho glared at them, causing them to shut their doors. He sighed and whispered, "I need you," before walking away.

Defeated, he lit a cigarette and walked like a zombie feeling the cold air between his fingers, even that made him remember the younger. Walking on the street Minho arrived at the company, thinking no one would be there 'is always like this Minho, work to escape reality'.

The light on the production room was on, he didn't think he just walked inside to see Changbin sitting in front of his computer. "Changbin?" Minho asked, as he saw a figure sitting in the chair doing something on the computer. Changbin looked up.

"Minho? What are you doing here-" Changbin stopped, seeing the distress on Minho's face, he felt something was wrong and stood up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" Minho just shook his head "I'll be fine".

Changbin realized Minho wasn't fine and said, "Oh, you know, I worked here all day..." he said and stretched his tired body "....and I'm so hungry. Do you want to have dinner with me?"

Minho looked at him and noticed he just wanted to help "Mmh, maybe... I could go for some drinks".

"Let's go!" Changbin closed the lid of his notebook, he grabbed the wrist of the elder and took him to his car.

They ate hamburgers and drank beer. Minho was silent eating and drinking, and Changbin waited for him to speak, even if he didn't want to talk, he would just be there for him.

"Are you feeling any better?" Changbin asked.

Minho looked at his own hands, "Yeah, thanks for this. I really needed it after what happened..."

"So," Changbin said, raising his glass, taking another sip of his drink.

"I like Jisung," Minho blurted out.

Changbin choked on his drink. "What!?" coughing in shock, he exclaimed, he never expected the older to open up to him like this.

"I like him, but I just realized it too late," Minho said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Nonsense, it's never too late for love!" Changbin said, slamming on the table as he stood up.

"So..." Minho sighed, and Changbin sat down again. "...I went out with my ex-girlfriend to clarify things, and we weren't dating anymore. We just hung out once after we broke up, but Jisung saw us together and she introduced herself to him as my girlfriend. Then Jisung thought I was cheating on her with him."

"Oh my! I'm so confused," Changbin said, shaking his head "What? How?" he was paying attention but he couldn't process everything.

Minho was defeated, heput his hand on his forehead and said, "I don't know what to do. I fucked up everything."

"No, no, no! How would you cheat on her if you're not dating her and how would you cheat with him if you're not dating Jisung either..." Changbin blinked and shook his head in all his confusion, then he opened his eyes looking at Minho "wtf Minho, were you and Jisung dating?".

"No, no, no, I wouldn't say, ahn, I didn't, we weren't... Oh fuck..." Minho sighed. "Right, we were friendly talking, he asked me about some things and we did some things for practice, but apparently we went too far... like I would pick him at work, we had dinner together, we watched movies, cuddled and talked on the phone on a daily basis".

Changbin raised his eyebrow. "Fuck, you guys were totally dating!"

"I just didn't realize that I like him so much, my body and my mind was just moving naturally on its own... towards him" Minho sighed one more time drinking his whole glass.

"Yeah, I've never seen you weak for someone" Changbin pointed at him "you're whipped!".

Minho looked defeated. "I'm fucked, it's driving me crazy" he shook his head.

Changbin suggested, "Hey, call him! Just try to talk to him"

"I tried, he blocked me," Minho said with a sigh.

Changbin thought for a second. "Did you try going to his house? You said you live close to each other."

Minho nodded. "Tried, he didn't answer... He must really hate me." his head fell down on the table, he had no ideas left and he wanted to solve his problem in that second.

"Maybe... you said you picked him at work everyday, you should try to talk to him there".

"But that's just tomorrow..."

Changbin smirked. "Oh, you're totally lost. But, hey, give him some space, after all he must be hurt".

Minho looked down. "I know, I just don't want him to feel hurt... I hate being the one causing this to him."

"He will come back, he wouldn't be so hurt if he didn't like you," Changbin reassured him while patting his back.

Minho looked at Changbin with his eyes red. "Do you really think so?"

Changbin smiled, raising his cup. "Yeah, love always finds a way."

Just then, Changbin's phone rang with a message. He smiled as he saw the messages and started to reply. "Well, I have to get going," he said as he finished his drink.

Minho nodded and smiled at his friend. "Thanks for today."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Cold Hands, Warm Heart ✧ Minsung ✧Where stories live. Discover now