A night at the Museum

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Loud cheers echoed through a supposedly abandoned building that posed to serve as a secret base for four secret agents. They were all surrounding a mechanical bull as Tony attempted to beat Layla's high score of twelve minutes and fifty eight seconds. "Whoo!" "Yeah!" His friends encouraged him. "You're almost there! Just three minutes and fifteen seconds until you beat Layla!" Frostee announced.
Time ticked by as the bull kicked and bucked. Tony tried to hold on but could feel his hand slipping. "C'mon, almost there! Twenty more seconds!" Frostee yelled.
"Man! You're gonna beat Layla!" Cisco cheered.
"Did someone say my name?" A sudden voice said, surprising everyone. Tony looked up and that split second of distraction was all the bull needed to buck him off, sending him flying towards a familiar blonde. "Aww!" "Oof!" They exclaimed as they crashed. Everything went black for a couple of seconds until Tony opened his eyes, finding himself laying on top of Layla, their faces only centimeters apart.
For a moment they just stayed like that, frozen in shock. "We'll that was a nice warm welcome." Layla said. A blush formed on Tony's cheeks as he got off of her.
"O-oh, uh, Layla! S-sorry I, uh, I didn't see ya there." He stuttered. Once he was up he held his hand out to Layla. She took it and he pulled her up to her feet. The sound of laughter caught their attention and they turned around, dropping each others hand in the process, to be met with three snickering teens.
"You guys are so-." Tony and Layla sent Frostee a death glare, daring him to finish his sentence. Receiving their message, he decided to stop there.
"So Layla, why are you here?" Echo asked.
"Because I told her." Said the voice of non other than Miss Nowhere as she marched inside with Gary in tow. "We've got a new mission for you." Everyone sat down on the couch and chairs as she explained the mission. "We received entail that a known criminal called J.T. is planning on infiltrating a rich artist's party that is being held at this art museum." Gary held up a picture on his tablet for them to see. "They will be unveiling his latest painting which is worth a fortune and we believe that is what J.T. is after."
"Why would anyone want to steal a painting?" Cisco asked.
"Did you not here the part where I said it's worth a fortune?" Miss Nowhere barked.
"That's what J.T. does. He steals precious artifacts and famous works then sells them at the highest price." She explained.
"And it's our job to stop him!" Tony said, jumping to his feet. "So what do we have to do?"
"I was getting there!" Miss Nowhere yelled. "Anyways, Tony, you and Layla will be attending the party undercover while Frostee keeps watch. Echo and Cisco will be standing guard outside in case he gets away."
"Sounds like a fool-proof plan." Tony said. "When do we start?"

———- Later ———-

Cisco and Frostee both gathered around Tony as he adjusted his suit. "Wow man, you're lookin sharp!" Cisco completed.
"Thanks, Cisco. I just wish it was a bit more... flexible." Tony said as he pulled down on one off the stiff sleeves.
"Ugh, you always get to do the cool stuff!" Frostee complained.
"You mean wearing a stuffy suit and going to a museum." Tony said.
"Not just that." Frostee said. "Wearing a cool suit, going to a party and having Layla as your date."
"What?!" Tony exclaimed. "We're not-! This isn't a date!"
"Frostee's right, T." Cisco joined in.
"Well... whatever." Tony gave up.
The sound of a door opening upstairs caught their attention and they all turned to see Layla walking down the stairs with Echo in tow. "Wow" They gasped. She was wearing a long, form fitting red dress while her colorful hair rested in a bun on her head. Echo also did Layla's makeup, giving her smoky eyes and bright red lips. As Layla ever so slowly climbed down the stairs, she gripped the rail for dear life so she wouldn't trip over her black high heels.
When she finally reached the bottom of the stairs, she reluctantly let go of the rail and tried walking to the rest of the group. But as she was walking, her left heel turned in, causing her to trip. Before she could hit the ground, two strong arms wrapped around her waist, holding her in a low dip just a foot above the floor. "Layla! Are you okay?" Tony asked in a worried voice.
Layla looked up to see Tony hugging her waist with a concerned look on his face. A light blush spread across her cheeks as she realized how close they were. "Y-yeah. You can let me go now." She said. Tony brought her back up and helped her gain her balance before letting go. Before, he thought Layla looked amazing. But now that she was standing right next to him in her heels that made her almost his height and the red dress that suited her so well, he had to admit that she was just stunning.
"You look beautiful." Tony complimented her without thinking about what he was saying.
Layla smirked. "You don't look too bad yourself."
"Sorry to interrupt- wait, no I'm not." Miss Nowhere said as she randomly appeared in the room. "It's time."
The sun was just starting to set as everyone piled outside. "Alright, does everyone understand the plan?" Miss Nowhere asked. Everyone nodded. "Good because I wasn't going to repeat it. Gary! Where's the invitation?!"
"Right here, Miss Nowhere." Gary said, pulling out a small white piece of paper with golden trimming.
"This will get you into the party. Don't lose it!" Miss Nowhere said as Gary handed it to Tony.
"Where's mine?" Layla asked.
"You're Tony's plus one. Just stick with him and you'll be fine." Miss Nowhere explained with an annoyed tone.
"See, I told you," Frostee whispered to Tony. He groaned.
"Wait." Layla said. "Does that mean I'm his... date?"

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now