Movie night

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(In this one-shot Tony and Layla are already dating)

Soft moans and low groans filled the compact air inside of Tony's car as he and Layla shared passionate kiss after kiss. Lips moving at a quick, rough pace, they pulled each other impossibly closer as Tony's hands explored her body and her fingers tangled into his hair. As their kisses grew deeper, they opened their mouths, letting their tongues battle it out for dominance.
Tony pushed Layla against the backrest of her chair as his hands traveled under her shirt and up her body. Suddenly rabid knocking at the car window forced them to quickly part. Tony turned around as Layla straightened her clothes to see Echo peering into the window with an unamused look. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he moved to roll down the window.
"Hey love birds," Echo said with one eyebrow raised. "We're about to start the movie." Tony suddenly realized how dark had gotten outside and remembered their plans for the movie night.
"Oh, yeah. We'll be right in." He said. Echo just hummed skeptically in response before walking back inside the garage. "Shall we go?" Tony asked Layla as he opened the car door. She rolled her eyes and followed him inside.
In front of the TV that displayed the tittle scene for a movie called Lords of Salem sat Frostee and Cisco on the sofa and Echo on an armchair. Tony sat down on the second armchair on the other side of the sofa and Layla sat down on his lap.
"Ready?" Frostee asked excitedly.
"Is this a horror movie?" Layla asked.
"Yeah!" He said as he pressed play, beaming with excitement. Darkness filled the room as all of the lights were switched off and the TV displayed a scene of several women surrounding a fire in a ritualistic dance. As everyone's eyes were glued to the screen, Tony looked over to the armrest of the sofa, where he found a blanket was laid out, and smirked as he got an idea.
Picking up the blanket, he opened it up and gently placed it over him and Layla. Layla looked over at him questionably as he quietly shushed her and motioned with his head to the movie. Layla averted her gaze back to the movie and no sooner than she did she felt Tony slip his hand under her shirt.
"Tony!" She whispered as quietly as she could. "Not here!"
"How about we play a little game?" Tony said in a hushed voice. "Just watch the movie normally and try not to make any noise or give us away. Then you win." Under the cover of the blanket, he reached the back of her bra and unclipped it.
"What do I get if I win?" Layla asked.
"Whatever you want tonight." He said seductively into her ear. "But first you have to win." There was no way that Layla would turn down a challenge, especially when it had to do with Tony and his sensual touch.
"Easy." She said, agreeing to his little game. But if only she had known just how hard his "little" game would be. Layla helped Tony remove her bra and placed it between his thigh and the side of the chair, hoping she wouldn't lose it later. As the movie continued, now showing a woman waking up in her apartment, Tony slid his hand over her skin sending a shiver down her spine.
Starting off gently, he brushed over her breasts and tentatively massaged them. Slipping his other hand under her shirt, he gripped one of her breasts in each of his hands and continued the massage. Layla let out a small half-sigh as she rested back against his chest.
"Careful, no noise." Tony quietly warned.
"That doesn't count." She whispered, mentally warning herself not to let another slip up happen again.
"One life gone, two left." He whispered into her ear.
"Oh, so I get lives?" She asked.
"Call it an act of generosity. But starting now I'll show no mercy." He said quietly as he squeezed her breasts hard. Layla had to bite her lip in order to not make a sound as he squeezed even harder, digging his nails into her skin.
    The movie continued but Layla was barely paying any attention. The only thing occupying her mind was Tony's hands and how they felt as they roughly groped her. It took everything in her to not make a sound and to keep a blank poker face when really she wanted more than anything to turn around and make out with him right there. But there would come a time for that later. Right now she had a game to win.
    About twenty minutes into the movie Tony shifted gears from easy to hard mode. Molding her breasts with his hands, he squeezed and pulled them hard. His touch felt good, but the more he continued, the harder it was for Layla not to react. She carefully arched her back, trying to be as subtle as possible as Tony pulled at her breasts with his clawing hands.
    As he stretched them forward as far as he could pull, Layla tried to follow, leaning forward, but Tony held her back against his chest. He continued pulling and stretching while she was restrained and filled with a strong sense of pleasurable pain. Her body naturally wanted to lean forward to lessen his pull on her skin, but his stubborn arm wrapped around her waist wouldn't allow her to do so. This especially made it hard for her to not make any noise as he relaxed for only a moment before going right back to kneading her skin like pizza dough.
    Layla could feel a low moan rise up the back of her throat and had to bite down harder on her lip in order to suppress it. Even though she was still looking at the TV screen, the movie and its content were far gone, out of sight and out of mind, as she wasn't paying attention in the slightest. The only thing she could focus on was what was going on under the cover of the blanket.
    "I'm surprised you lasted this long." Tony whispered into her ear. Layla opened her mouth to respond but had to quickly bite her words back as a sudden pinch at her skin almost made her make a noise. She didn't even have to turn around to know Tony's expression as she could feel him smirking behind her.
He continued pulling and squeezing as he roughly clawed at her skin. Layla knew that her chest would be covered in bright red lines later, but she didn't care. As his nails dug into her nipples she squirmed in his lap and had to quickly restrain herself from making any movements that were too big or noticeable. Seeing how she reacted, Tony knew found her sensitive spot and smirked as he continued pinching the same place over and over.
He pinched and pulled at her ridged skin, making a half-sigh leave Layla's mouth which she quickly turned into a yawn to cover it up. "Nice cover, but you're down one more life." Tony whispered. Layla was now on her last life and even though she didn't want to lose, she knew that she couldn't hold back much longer.
Suddenly an idea popped into her head causing a faint hint of a sly smile to spread across her lips. As Tony continued to squeeze her, she purposefully squirmed, pressing down on his lap hard. Layla felt Tony's grip on her suddenly tighten, affirming that her plan was already starting to work. Sliding her hands up his thighs, she scooted forward slightly so that she would have enough room to tease him back.
"Layla, I'm-." He started but cut himself off as her hand squeezed the crotch of his pants. Now he was the one biting his lip so he wouldn't make a sound as his hands ceased their movements.
"I'm adding a rule, too. If you make a sound, I win." She whispered quietly as she squeezed him harder. Tony squirmed under her as his hands squeezed her breasts harder to distract himself from making any noise. But his teasing no longer had as much as an effect on her as she was now the one in control.
Her hand pushed down on his lap before traveling up to his waistband. Tony's eyes widened as he felt her hand traveling back down. He could feel himself tense up, afraid that if he were to move in the slightest he'd end up making a noise. But that didn't stop Layla from teasing him as she began to squeeze again.
Tony could feel a groan raising up his throat and knew he had to act fast so that he wouldn't expose himself to his friends, resulting in the greatest embarrassment of his life. Immediately doing the first thing that came to mind, he pulled back Layla's jacket, revealing her shoulder, and bit down on her exposed skin. At the surprise of his sudden bite, Layla squeezed him harder as he began to suck and kiss the skin on her shoulder.
As Layla got rougher, Tony trailed even more biting kisses up her shoulder to her neck until suddenly the lights turned on in the room. Tony immediately broke the kiss, straightening her jacket, as he rested his head on her shoulder as if he was innocently doing that the entire time. Slowly Layla pulled back her hand and grabbed her bra, putting it back on as discreetly as she could as they both now noticed the TV displaying end credits.
"That movie was good!" Frostee said as he hopped up from the couch and stretched.
"Yeah..." Tony agreed with a smile he hoped looked convincing enough.
"What was your favorite part, T?" Cisco asked.
"I, uh, especially liked that one part at the beginning." He said, but not even he believed himself.
"We'll that was fun but I think it's time for us to go." Layla jumped in, saving Tony as she got up and pulled him to his feet.
"Oh, yeah. Good night, everyone!" He said and followed her out of the garage after they'd all said their goodbyes.
They got into Tony's car and Layla quickly buckled, eager to leave. "Now hurry up and drive. I believe I have a prize I rightfully won waiting for me." She said with a smirk. A smile spread across Tony's face as he quickly sped away, eager to get home.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now