Mishap part 1

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                                            Layla POV
   Everybody saw me as a lone wolf because that was what I told them. They all thought I was though, a loner, a wildcard with a heart of stone. But what they didn't know was that it was all just a facade, what I wanted them to think. Deep down, under the mask, I was a lost soul in search of a home, a family, someone who'd care for me. But I couldn't let anyone know my true feelings so I hid them.
   But even so, there was still one person who could see right through me. He saw beyond my facade and read my heart. When I was in trouble, he'd come to save me. He never stopped believing in me and was always trying to recruit me. He knew what I needed and was willing and wanting to help. And over the time we had spent together, I had discovered my feelings for him. I loved Tony Toretto and I had a feeling he felt the same.
   With every touch, every look, every word, I could feel a connection. The way he'd always save me or ask me if I was alright made his feelings stand out like the bullseye in the center of a target. I couldn't hold back anymore, I needed to tell Tony how I felt and that was exactly where I was headed, to the garage where I could find Tony and tell him everything.
   Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside. My eyes scanned the room before landing on a certain spy racer. "Hey Layla!" Tony said, approaching me with a smile.
   "Hey Toretto, can I talk to you outside." I asked.
   "Sure." He followed me as I walked outside, trembling with nervous energy. I was a nervous wreck, but I had to look calm. Clearing my mind and steadying myself, I braced myself for the moment of truth.
   "I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time. Ever since the day we met, our first job, so on, you've always been there for me. You protected me and cared for me. And I care for you too! So I can no longer hold back my feelings. I love you, Tony." I confessed.
   "Sorry, I don't feel the same." He said and walked back inside. I froze, my heart shattered into millions of pieces. It all happened so fast, I didn't even know how to process it. I just stood there frozen for what felt like an eternity.
   Slowly, the tears came. I tried to hold them back, but in the end they won. Wiping my face with the back of my hand, I ran to my car and slammed the door. After taking a few minutes to calm down, I sped away, not intending on ever coming back. There was no way I would ever go through something like that again. Love only brought pain and disappointment. From then on I was going to start anew, a life without love.

                                              Tony POV
   Darkness surrounded me and my world began to spin as I walked back inside the garage. I had to pause for a second to clear my head before continuing. When I got inside, I found everyone gathered around the door. "Uhh-"
   "Tony, what the heck was that?!" Echo interrupted me.
   "What was what?" I asked.
   "Don't play dumb! Why'd you do that to Layla?" Frostee yelled.
   "Layla's here? Where is she?" I asked. Now I was completely confused, if I wasn't already.
   "Out there, driving away." Cisco told me. Outside I could hear the sound of a car speeding away. But why did Layla leave so soon without even saying "hi"?
   "Do you seriously not remember what happened?" Cisco asked.
   "What? All I remember was going into Frostee's lab and seeing a cloud of green smoke. Then I somehow would up here and you're all yelling at me!" I said.
   "Oh. Well that explains it." Frostee said.
   "What explains it." Echo questioned.
   "You see, I was kinda looking at some old samples of Rafaela's mind control serum and I guess I accidentally mind controlled Tony." Frostee explained.
   "You did what!?" I yelled but they ignored me.
   "So? Even if he was mind controlled, why would he reject Layla?" Echo asked.
   "I did what!?" Again I was ignored.
   "Oh, uhh.. earlier I might have told Tony it was Opposite Day so he had to do everything opposite." Cisco admitted.  "But I didn't know he was brain washed!"
   "Ugh." Echo face palmed.
   "Okay guys, tell me exactly what happened." I said, beyond confused at this point.
   "So, you walked into the lab and accidentally mind controlled yourself, then Cisco told you it was Opposite Day. Then just a few minutes ago Layla came and confessed to you, but you rejected her cuz you actually like her but was mind controlled to do the opposite." Frostee said almost in one breath.
   "What!?" I yelled.
   "It's true." Echo said. I couldn't believe it. I just rejected Layla, my crush, and probably broke her heart. I had to find her. I had to make things right.
Without hesitation I ran outside and got in my car. "Where are you going?" Cisco yelled.
"To find Layla!" I said. But what I didn't know was that in the time it took for us to sort things out, Layla was already on her way to the airport.

To be continued...

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now