Seven minutes in heaven

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    As Tony and Layla sat next to each other on a couch in the garage, they were completely unaware of two sets of eyes watching them. Smirks plastered on their faces, Echo and Frostee looked away from their unsuspecting friends and smirked at each other.
    "You have the thing?" Echo quietly asked Frosteee.
    "Yeah." He whispered back. "You sure this plan will work?"
    "Oh yeah."
    "Why are you guys hiding?" Cisco asked as he walked up behind them.
    "We're not." Frostee said as he and Echo stepped out of their hiding spot.
    "We were just about to play a game with Tony and Layla." Echo told him.
    "Ooh, a game? Can I play too?" Cisco asked excitedly.
    "Umm, not really." Frostee said. "We're not really gonna play. The game is actually more apart of a plan."
    "What plan?" Cisco was confused, but could tell they were up to something and did not want to be left on the outside.
    "Just be quiet and watch." Echo told him. He nodded and followed her and Frostee as they walked up to Tony and Layla.
    "Hey, you guys wanna play a game?" Frostee asked.
    "Uhh, sure." Tony said.
    "Whatever." Layla shrugged as she gave him a questioning look but agreed.
    "What's the game?" Tony asked.
    "First we all sit in a circle." Frostee began with the instructions before telling them what the game was. Everyone did as he said and formed a circle on the ground. "Then one person spins the bottle." He presented a bottle and placed it down in the middle of the circle.
    "We're not playing spin the bottle, are we?" Layla asked.
    "No, that's not what this game's called." He assured her.
    "Tony, why don't you go first?" Echo suggested.
    "Alright." He said. He was confused about what the game was and how it worked, but went along with it anyway and spun the bottle.
    Putting his hands behind his back so no one would see, Frostee held a tiny remote and waited for the bottle to start slowing down. As the bottle slowly came towards Layla, Frostee pressed a button on the remote and the bottle stopped spinning.
    Echo sent Frostee a brief sly look before sending Tony a smirk. "Looks like you have to spend seven minutes in heaven with Layla!" Frostee said.
    "What?" Tony practically yelled.
    "You didn't say that's what we were playing!" Layla said.
    "What's that?" Cisco asked.
    "They have to spend seven minutes making out in a closet." Frostee explained to him.
    "We're not doing that!" Layla said as she stood up, ready to leave.
    "What? Are you two scared?" Echo taunted.
    "I'm not scared." Layla said as she rolled her eyes. "Toretto on the other hand..."
    Tony jumped up. "I'm not scared either!" He objected. "I could win this game easily!"
    "Oh yeah? Prove it." Echo said.
    "I will! That is, if Layla's up for it." He sent her a challenging look.
    "I don't back down from anything!" Layla said. Neither her of Tony noticed Echo and Frostee's smirks as they led them into a closet.
    "We'll tell you when seven minutes are up." Frostee said. "Don't come out until then."
    "And don't even thinking about doing nothing and waiting for the time to run out. That's a coward's way out of the game." Echo added before closing the door.
    As soon as Tony and Layla were alone in the dark closet, awkward silence surrounded them. "So..." Tony trailed off. Neither of them were sure what to say or do. They both felt so awkward and were not sure if the darkness helped or made it worse.
    "I guess we should get on with it." Layla said. They both slowly stepped forward and bumped into each other. At the same time they grabbed the other's arms to keep from falling over.
    Their faces flushed bright red as they leaned in, making them both thankful for the darkness that hid their embarrassment. Hearts pounding in their chests, their lips slowly met as they shared their first kiss.
    The feeling felt strange to both of them as neither of them were used to it. But they did not hate it. Really, it was the opposite.
    They pulled back for a second before going in again for a longer kiss. Butterflies exploded in Tony's stomach. For a long time he had felt strong feelings for Layla that he could not explain. He never thought that he would ever get the opportunity to experience something like this with her and had no idea that she felt the same exact way.
    At first they were nervous and held themselves back, but by their third kiss they let go of those thoughts. The rest of the world melted away as they wrapped their arms around each other, going in for kiss after kiss.
    As their kisses became longer and more passionate, Tony's hands began to stroke up and down Layla's waist. The feeling sent a spark of warmth shooting through her chest and she applied more pressure to the kiss.
    Tangling her hands in his hair, Layla took a risk by biting softly on Tony's bottom lip. Realizing what she wanted, he opened his mouth, letting her tongue in. He squeezed her waist as their tongues fought for dominance.
    After a long battle, Tony let her explore his mouth before he took a turn doing the same to her. No words needed to be spoken for them to tell each other how they felt. In that moment they both knew.
    With every kiss they poured out their feelings for each other. And the more passionate their kisses got, the more they never wanted to stop. This was what they both wanted right now. This was what they both needed. And they both gave into the moment.
    "Layla." Tony moaned between kisses. His voice was low and sounded out of breath.
    "Tony!" She gasped as he pushed her against the wall, pinning her there as he continued to kiss her. The sensation coursing through her was like nothing she had ever felt. She wanted more of him. She wanted to feel him even closer.
    Her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck as his body pinned hers against the wall. Moving his lips away from hers, Tony trailed kisses across her jaw and down her neck. Layla stifled a moan, trying not to make too much noise, but he made it hard.
    As he kissed her neck, he bit and sucked at her skin, making Layla gasp. He continued to trail kisses lower and lower until he was as far down her chest as her shirt would allow him. Unable to go further, Tony trailed kisses back up until his lips met hers again.
    The time flew by as they lost track of everything else. They forgot about everything outside of the moment they were sharing together. Where they were, the game, and their friends waiting outside the closet were all just a distant memory.
    Meanwhile, on the other side of the door Echo and Frostee watched the time with amusement in their eyes. "These seven minutes sure feel long." Cisco said.
    "That's because it's been over seven minutes." Frostee said.
    "Then we should let them out!" Cisco was about to approach the closet but Echo stopped him.
    "No, don't disturb them." She told him.
    "What? Why not?"
    "Because this is all apart of the plan." Frostee said. Cisco gave him a confused look. "We know how Tony and Layla feel about each other. They just needed a little push so they'd realize it too."
    "That's why we rigged the game." Echo said. Frostee revealed the remote he had used to control the bottle he had made specifically for this game.
    "Oh." Cisco finally understood. "So when are you gonna tell them to stop?"
    Frostee and Echo smirked at each other. "We're not."

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