Don't leave

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    Colors flashed by the window of Tony's car like a blurry sea of colors as he raced down the streets of LA. Putting the petal to the metal, he pushed his car as fast as it would go as he chased after his target. He could hear the other spy racers talking over the radio, but it was all a blur as he was too focused on who he was pursuing.
    "Damn! I can't get close to him!" Tony exclaimed as the car he was chasing kept gaining distance between them. He sped up, zipping around other cars, but as soon as he started to get close again, more cars would get in his way letting his target slip further from his grasp.
    "I've got your back!" Layla said as she pulled up right beside him, matching his speed. "You keep driving him north and I'll take another way to get in front of him and cut him off."
    "Layla, be careful! This guy is dangerous." Tony warned as he watched her car rear off onto a different side street.
    "You just worry about yourself, Toretto." She said.
    Tony zipped around cars, zigzagging through the traffic. Bit by bit he began to close the gap between him and the car he was in pursuit of. "I'm almost there! Tell me when he turns!" Layla told him.
"Alright." Tony said as he approached the target from the left. Seeing their pursuer closing in, the criminal quickly made a right turn down the next street. "He turned right now!"
"On it!" Layla said. "Stop your car right now!" He could hear Layla yelling to the speeding car. Tony turned the corner after the criminal to watch as they sped towards Layla's car which was parked in the middle of the street, blocking the road. Instead of slowing or stopping, the criminal seemed to speed up.
"Layla! He's not stopping!" Tony yelled.
"He will." Layla assured him. "We're just playing a little game of chicken." Tony watched the car get closer and closer to Layla without any signs of stopping.
"Layla! Get out of there!" He yelled but it was already too late. Realizing that they weren't going to back down, Layla put her car in reverse and tried to back away, but before she could the car crashed into her's head on. "Layla!" Tony slammed on his breaks and jumped out of his car. Running towards the demolished vehicles, he searched for a glimpse of pink and green hair in the wreck.
Still strapped in the driver's seat, he found her slumped forward with blood dripping from a big gash on her forehead. His heart nearly stopped beating as he carefully unbuckled her and pulled her out of the car, laying her out on the ground. "Layla!" Tony yelled. He pressed his finger against her neck and his heart dropped when he didn't feel a pulse. Placing his head against her chest, he tried to listen for her heartbeat but he didn't hear it either. "No, Layla, don't go. Don't leave me." Tears poured down his face as he begged her to open her eyes, to give him a sign that she was alright. But she gave him none.

Tony woke up with a start to find himself sweating with tears staining his face. He looked around his dark surroundings to find that he was not in his bedroom. The memories of the international mission he and the other spy racers were on came rushing back to him along with the memory of his dream. A sinking feeling sparked in his chest and sunk down into his stomach. He felt a bad feeling wash over him like something was off, something was wrong.
Knowing that he couldn't sleep with that bad feeling plaguing his mind and body and that it wouldn't go away until he got some clarity, Tony quickly left his room and snuck down the hall to Layla's. He knew that she wouldn't like him sneaking into her room without her knowing, but he couldn't help it. He had to see it. He had to know she was alright.
Closing the door quietly behind him, he slowly approached her bed where she was sleeping soundly. Tony's heart swelled in his chest as he watched her. The images of her lying lifeless in his dream flashed through his mind, nearly bringing tears to his eyes as they shined with a glossy gleam. "Layla." He choked out, not knowing what he was doing or what he even came in there to do in the first place.
Suddenly Layla stirred in her sleep making Tony freeze. "Toretto? What're you doing here?" She said in a whispery voice rasped by sleep.
"I- I just..." He didn't know what to say as he could feel the corners of his eyes growing wet again. Seeing that something was wrong, Layla sat up and patted the spot next to her on the bed.
"Come here. What's wrong?" She asked. As he sat down next to her he found that he couldn't think of how to articulate the words he needed to say so instead he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a warm embrace. Layla was surprised and confused, not sure how to handle the situation. She wasn't much of a hugger and didn't know what she should do to comfort him but his arms around her felt strangely nice and she could tell he needed it, so she hugged him back.
They stayed like that for awhile as Tony refused to let go. He didn't know what was bothering him so much or why he still had that heart clenching feeling in his chest. Was his nightmare really the cause of this? Was he that distressed over losing Layla that he still couldn't get over it? Or was he afraid that what happened in his dream would happen in real life? Whatever the reason, Tony couldn't let her go.
"Layla, don't leave." Tony whispered.
"I'm not going anywhere, Toretto." Layla said as she tentatively rubbed his back. "Now you wanna tell me what's got ya down?" Tony was hesitant to tell her as he squeezed her tighter. "It's alright. Whatever it is, you can tell me."
"Don't laugh... I had a nightmare." He said quietly, his voice barely audible.
"Why would I laugh?" Layla asked as she broke out of the hug to look at him. Tony averted his gaze down sheepishly.
"In my nightmare..." He paused, not wanting to think of that dream ever again. But the memory infested his mind nevertheless. "You died." Layla let out a breath as she gazed at him with soft eyes.
"I'm right here, Toretto. It was just a dream." She assured him.
"But it felt so real." He said, his eyes drifting across the room to look anywhere but at her. Layla placed her hand gently on his cheek and turned his head towards her.
"Does this feel real?" She asked as her thumb caressed his cheek.
"Yes." Tony said. His eyes were now glued to her as her's were glued to him. Layla wasn't exactly sure what she was doing, or where she was going with it, but she continued anyway.
She brushed her thumb over his lips. "Does this feel real?" She asked. Tony opened his mouth to answer yes, but his words got caught in his throat as her thumb was accidentally almost in his open mouth. But instead of pulling away, they both froze, waiting to see what would happen next. They gazed into each other's eyes, watching as both of their gazes fell to each other's lips. Layla took that as a sign to continue as she slowly leaned in.
"Does this feel real?" She asked as her lips brushed against his.
"Yes." He breathed against her lips. Unable to hold back anymore, Layla connected their lips with a kiss. Tony immediately kissed back as he wrapped his arms around her again. "I don't want to lose you." He said when they parted.
"I'm not going anywhere, Toretto." Layla said before kissing him again. Their kiss was sweet and passionate as they both released their deepest feelings to each other. In that moment they both knew that they weren't alone and Tony was positive that she wasn't going anywhere.
As they parted from the kiss a wave of exhaustion hit Tony like a truck. Although he no long felt the sense of dread that told him something would happen to Layla, he still dreaded the idea of parting from her. "Layla..."
"Ya?" She asked through a yawn as sleep began to overtake her as well.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" He asked nervously.
Layla smiled at his awkward behavior. "Sure, Toretto." She said as she scooted over more and laid back down. Tony laid down beside her and pulled the covers over them.
"Good night, Layla."
"Good night, Tony."
As he closed his eyes, laying next to her, he felt a sensation of peace wash over him as he knew that Layla wasn't going anywhere.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now