Happy New Year!

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Tony was nervous. This was it. He had been procrastinating all year but he could not put it off any longer. He had to do it.
At the beginning of the year, Tony made a resolution that he would finally tell Layla how he felt about her but it was now New Year's Eve and he still had yet to tell her. That night the Spy Racers were having a New Year's party at the garage. It was his last opportunity to tell her. He just had to find a good moment before midnight to tell her. Easy, right? Not at all.
    Tony's palms felt sweaty as he nervously walked into the garage. Everyone was already there drinking (soda) and partying. His eyes immediately landed on Layla. He gulped, all confidence fading. Though he didn't even have that much to begin with.
    Slowly walking over to Layla, he tried to calm his nerves with some simple small talk. "This year went by fast, didn't it?" He said, nervously chuckling.
    "Mhmm. I feel like I just blinked and it was over." Layla said.
    "Well, it's not quite over yet, we still have a few hours left." Tony said, immediately feeling stupid after the words left his mouth. Layla just nodded.
    Should he have said something else? What could he say next? He never felt so nervous around Layla but now he couldn't even think of how to form sentences. He wanted to keep the conversation going, but the only thing he could think of was how he was going to confess his feelings to her.
    Should he just say it outright? Should he ease her into it? Should he hint at it first? Should he pull her aside first so no one else could overhear him? Or should he just wait for her to make the first move, hoping that she felt the same way and would be brave enough to say something. That felt like the best option to him, but it was a cowardly choice and he knew it was not dependable. No, he had to be the one to tell her first. After all, it was his resolution.
    Before Tony could think of what to say next, Layla walked away, going to the snack bar to refill her drink. Tony let out a sigh. He had to tell her, but not yet. It was not the right time.
    During the rest of the party he kept his eyes glued on Layla. She kept talking to the other Spy Racers. He could not find the right opportunity to swoop in. Soon it was almost midnight and Tony began to worry. He had to make his move soon or else he would miss his opportunity.
    He had half a thought of letting it go and just making it his resolution to tell her his feelings next year. But if he did that he knew he would never end up telling her. He already procrastinated for an entire year. If he put it off again he knew that he would just continue to put it off until it was too late. No. He had to do it now. It was now or never.
    Clearing his throat, he approached Layla as she was in the middle of a conversation with Echo. "Excuse me." He broke into their conversation. They stopped talking, raising an eyebrow at him. "Uh, Layla, could I talk to you for a moment?"
    "Sure." She said, turning to him.
    "Um, I was thinking more in private." He said nervously.
    Layla looked at him a little confused. "Okay." She followed him into another room. For a moment they stood in silence as they could hear the other Spy Racers cheering in the background.
"It's almost time for the count down!" Cisco yelled. Tony gulped. It was now or never.
"So, Layla. I've been meaning to say this for a long time. I should have said it earlier but I've been putting it off for an entire year." Tony rambled. "You see, it was my New Year's resolution last year but I didn't do it until-." He got cut off when he heard his friends counting down from ten in the other room. He was running out of time. He had to make this fast.
Layla looked at him with a raised eyebrow, wondering what he was talking about and why it was taking him so long to get it out. Taking the hint, he decided to just go ahead and say it.
"I like you, Layla. Like, a lot. And it's not a friendship sort of like, I like you more than that. Much more than that." He said nearly all in one breath, feeling both relieved and nervous at the same time. He finally told her but now he had to wait for her response.
In the background they could hear the Spy Racers counting down. "3, 2..."
"It's okay if you don't feel the same, I-." Suddenly he was cut off by the feeling of her lips pressing against his. He could not believe it. Layla Gray was kissing him.
"Happy New year!" He heard his friends yell from the other room.
Tony blinked several times after they pulled away. "Wait, so you feel the same way?" He asked, still processing what just happened.
"Would I have kissed you if I didn't?" She replied. His mouth hung slightly open as he stared at her in disbelief, hoping that this wasn't a dream. Layla chuckled. "Happy New Year, Toretto." She said with a smile.
Snapping out of it, he returned her smile. "Happy New Year."

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now