Not-so-hidden emotions

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(Thank you to Xena_006 for suggesting this idea)

    After working tirelessly for weeks- no, months!- at his new invention, Frostee jumped into the air, letting out an elated shout. Concerned about the sudden loud sound, Echo, Cisco, and Layla rushed into the room.
"What's going on?" Echo asked.
"What'd you do?" Layla's tone was slightly accusatory as she put her hands on her hips.
"You alright?" Cisco was the most concerned of all.
"I'm alright, I'm alright." Frostee waved off their concerned. "Really, I'm better than alright. Check this out!" He enthusiastically held out a strange-looking machine. The other spy racers just stared at him with blank expressions.
    "What exactly are we looking at?" Echo asked.
    "It's an emotion manipulation device!" Frostee practically squealed with excitement.
    "An emotion... what?" Cisco asked as he scratched the back of his head in confusion.
    "With this device, I can manipulate people's emotions!" Frostee explained.
    "You can make people feel different emotions with that?" Layla asked.
    "Well, yes and no." Frostee said. "I can use this to make people express different emotions, but it only works with emotions they already have."
    "Well, you're not trying that thing out on me." Layla said.
    "I need to try it out on someone!" Frostee looked at Cisco and Echo but they both took a step back. Then all at the same time, they smiled as an idea simultaneously popped into their minds.
    Together they made their way out into the main room and found Tony asleep on one of the couches. With a mischievous smile, Frostee placed a metal band on his head. "This connects Tony to the device." Frostee explained to the others. "Which emotion should I try first?"
"Umm, let's not do anything too mean. How about happiness?" Cisco said. Echo rolled her eyes while Frostee shrugged.
Frostee pressed a button on his device and they all stared intently at Tony. In his sleep he began to smile.
"Aww, it worked!" Cisco said happily. "What do you think he's dreaming about?"
"Probably cars." Layla remarked.
"Let's try something else." Echo said. She looked over at Frostee's device and smirked before pushing one of the buttons. Frostee looked at her with a look of worry before turning his gaze to Tony.
As he slept, Tony's eyebrows furrowed and his face scrunched up. He began to toss and turn like he was frantically trying to get away from something.
"What'd you do?" Layla asked.
"Fear." Echo replied. Layla gave her a disapproving look. "Don't worry, he'll be fine."
Just as the words left her mouth, Tony rolled over so fast that he fell off of the couch. As he harshly came into contact with the hard floor, he awoke with a start. "Woah, what? What's going on?" He jumped to his feet as looked around with panic.
"How about this." Frostee pressed a different button and Tony bursted into tears.
"I... I feel so sad," Tony said between sobs. "And I have no idea why!" He began crying even more. As he attempted to wipe away his tears that just kept being replaced by new ones, he turned to Layla. "Layla!" He sobbed.
He held out his arms to her and she looked around at the others. Ignoring her reluctance to hug him, he wrapped his arms around her and cried into her shoulder. "Uhh." Layla looked from Cisco to Echo to Frostee with a look in her eyes that pleaded for help. They just chuckled as they watched.
    "Your hair is so soft!" He sobbed as he stroked his hands through her hair. "My hair will never be as soft as yours!" This made him cry even more.
    Layla groaned in annoyance. "I don't do clingers!" She said. "Frostee, do something else."
    "Alright, alright." He pressed another button. Tony immediately let go of Layla and wiped the trail of tears off his face.
    "Why am I crying?" He yelled in a gruff voice. He looked around the room and his eyes stopped on Cisco. "What are you looking at?" His eyes were narrow and filled with fire while his eyebrows were sharply pointed and downturned.
    "Nothing!" Cisco quickly said. Tony stomped up to him and stared him down with a harsh glare.
    "You think since you're bigger and taller than me that you're stronger?" Tony yelled as he puffed out his chest and lifted his shoulders as much as he could so he would look as tall and intimidating as possible. "Well I can take you!"
    Tony lifted his fists like he was ready to fight. "I never said any of that!" Cisco raised his hands in surrender.
    Tony stood on the tips of his toes as he stared down Cisco and let out a gruff puff of air. "That's what I thought." He turned to walk away and bumped into the couch. He glared down at it with a look of pure spite. "Who put this couch here?"
    He then kicked the couch as hard as he could, but the only damage that was done was to his foot. He yelled in pain as he clutched his hurt foot then glared at the couch again as if it had attacked him. After a few seconds when his foot felt better, he kicked the couch again.
    Layla and Echo laughed at the amusing display in front of them. "Umm, let's do something else." Frostee said as he looked down at the device. "Ooh." A smirk covered his face as pressed a button.
    Tony's tense demeanor relaxed as he turned away from the couch. When his eyes caught sight of Layla he could not help himself from staring. "Wow."
    "What?" She asked.
    "You." He said. Her eyes widened as she fought back the blush that threatened to turn her face pink. She heard the others snickering and sent them a quick glare.
    Tony stepped closer to Layla and placed a hand on her cheek. "What're you doing?" She asked, getting flustered by their close proximity.
    "I just had to check to make sure you're real." He said. "I can hardly believe that someone as amazing as you even exists." That finally got her to blush. "I could stare at you all day long and never get tired."
    "Ooh, Layla's blushing!" Frostee teased.
    "Shut up!" She sent the smirking trio another glare.
    "Hey." Tony said softly, making her look back at him. He smiled. "There's the beautiful eyes I love to see."
    Layla opened her mouth to say something but could not think of what to say to him. She was at a complete loss for words.
    "You know, you looked cute when you blush." He said as he brushed his fingers across her pink-tinted cheeks. "This might sound weird, but I wanna make you blush whenever I want."
    "Uhh." She scrambled for words but found none. He took another step closer to her. They were now so close that their bodies were touching. Layla blushed and he smiled at her reaction.
    "Wow, Tony." Echo said with a smirk as she and the others watched in amusement.
    "Can you change it to something else now?" Layla asked Frostee.
    "No! It's just getting good!" He said. "Ooh, Cisco, we should get popcorn!"
    "Good idea!" Cisco agreed. Together they quickly rushed away to the kitchen to prepare some.
"I love to look at you." Tony said as he stared into Layla's eyes. He then glanced down at her lips. "And I can't help but admire your lips." He added.
Feeling weird about just standing there alone watching them, Echo quickly left to join Cisco and Frostee.
"Toretto..." Layla trailed off, Tony's starry gaze interrupting her train of thought. She could have stepped back. She could have walked away. But she did not. She did not want to.
"I've been having this strong feeling that I want to kiss you." He said. By now her face was practically red. All she could do was nod.
Leaning in, Tony placed his lips on hers. His arms wrapped around her waist while hers wrapped around his neck. All thoughts left her. She had no idea what she was doing and she did not care. It felt good.
When they parted he smiled. "Wow." He said.
"What?" She asked, though she already knew what he was going to say.
"You." He kissed her again, this time more sweet and passionate than the last. Each time they parted they went right back into another kiss.
While their lips were locked and their arms were wrapped tightly around each other, Tony turned towards the couch and gently lowered Layla onto it as he got on top of her.
With a bowl full of popcorn, Cisco and Frostee were about to go back to watch Tony when Echo stopped them. "Uh, I'm not sure if you want to go in there." Echo said.
"Why wouldn't we?" Frostee asked as they ignored her warning and walked into the other room. As soon as they saw Tony and Layla the three of them froze.
"Frostee, what'd you do?" Cisco asked quietly.
"It's not like I thought this was going to happen!" He whisper-shouted back.
"Tony's gonna be so confused when you take that device-thing off of him." Cisco whispered.
"Hey, what's that?" Echo asked in a hushed tone as she pointed to a metal band that was lying on the floor next to the couch.
"Uhh, that's the band that connects Tony to the device." Frostee said.
"Wait, does that mean..." Cisco trailed off.
"Yeah." Frostee turned away from Tony and Layla, not feeling right about watching. "Welp, the experiment was a success."
With that the three of them left, leaving Layla and Tony alone to continue what they were doing.
    After several blissful minutes, they parted to breathe and Layla realized that there was something different about Tony. The device Frostee put on him was gone. So did that mean...
"I love you, Layla." Tony said, catching her off guard.
He smiled as he looked down at her before kissing her again. "I love you."
"I love you too." She said.
"I'm not really sure what happened after my nap, maybe you can explain it to me later." He said. "But for now, why don't we take this somewhere else."
"Sure thing, Toretto." She said before giving him a quick kiss. Then together they rushed out of the garage to go express their love to each other.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now