Mishap part 3

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                                                         Layla POV
Tears started to form in my eyes as those words left my mouth. Where they true? Was that how I truly felt? I knew that I erased all emotions a year ago, but I still wasn't sure how I felt towards him. Just the thought of him filled me with anger, yet a small part of me still longed for him. Everything was just too confusing and too much to handle so I got in my car and slammed the door shut. "Later, Toretto." I said as I drove away, leaving him standing there frozen.
Everything was a blur and my head pounded hard from thinking too much. Did I still love him? No, I got rid of all emotions. But then why was I still thinking about it? Why couldn't I get him out of my head? Maybe... I did still love him. But then again, I just rejected him! Even if I did love him, I was in too big of a ditch. I couldn't get back up. I wouldn't be able to get him back.
The rest of the night dragged on slowly. I tossed and turned all night and barely slept a wink. At five in the morning I gave up on sleep and got ready for the day. Tomorrow I was going to leave L.A. since my work here was done. I would be glad to leave all this behind, but deep down I knew a small part of me would miss it.
    Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. I went to answer it but no one was there. Instead there was a note taped to my door. It said: "Meet me at this address at 9 a.m. today. It's an emergency! - T." As much as I wanted to ignore it, I knew that Tony wouldn't lie about something like that. Besides, I didn't have anything else to do so what could it hurt? I'll just go, see what he wants and leave. I thought. Simple.
    At eight forty-five I got in my car and drove to the address on the back of the note. It lead me to a nice little cafe that was quiet and was almost entirely empty inside. I walked inside and looked for Tony. The sparse inside was small so it only took a few seconds to find him. "Hey, Gray." He said when I approached his table.
    "What do you want, Toretto? And how did you know where I was staying?" I asked as I sat down opposite of him at the table.
    "Oh, a, uh, tracker." He said sheepishly.
    "You placed a tracker on me? That's invading privacy!" I yelled.
    "What, I'm used to placing trackers on the... people I'm chasing. Besides, I'm not done with you." He said.
    "What do you want?" I asked.
    "I want you to tell me everything. Last night you said I didn't know what you were doing, so tell me."
    "And why would I tell you?"
    He suddenly got serious. "Because you could be in danger and I want to help." He said, surprising me. "I know something's going on. A criminal named Jack Cole is on the loose. He's been breaking into buildings that have been stolen from all over the country, but never stole anything, himself. We think that has something to do with you. So tell me what's going on." As much as I wanted to do this alone, I knew I had to tell him. Unlike me, he could actually legally take care of Jack Cole.
    "Fine." I said. "It started off as just a coincidence that I stole whatever he was trying to steal the day before he planned to but then he confronted me. He told me not to mess with his plans. But I did anyway. I placed one of those mini cameras on him so I could eaves drop on his plans. I think he's trying to build some type of super weapon, but whatever it is, I know it's not good. So I made it my mission to steal his target before he could. If he doesn't have the materials, he can't make his weapon or whatever."
    It was a lot to grasp but he seemed to understand. "Why didn't you tell anyone sooner?" You know you could get in big trouble if you're caught." He said.
    "Even if I did tell someone, they'd never believe me. I'd get in trouble trouble either way." I told him.
    "Like I said, I'm here to help. Come back to the garage with me so we can tell the others."
    "Wait, they don't know about this?" I asked.
    "No, I didn't tell them we're meeting up or that you were in the car last night." He said.
    Wow, he always did everything with his crew. I was surprised that they weren't even eavesdropping on our conversation. But even if I could trust Tony, I wasn't so sure about the others. "I... don't know." I said.
    "Where's everything you stole?" Tony asked.
    "I have it, why?"
    "Jack Cole doesn't give up easily. You have everything he needs all in one place. You're his next target." He explained. I actually had never even thought about that. But he was right, I stole everything Jack Cole needed. Now everything was in one place, all he had to do was take it. He told me not to meddle, but I did. Who knew what he would do to me now. "Let me help you. I'll keep you safe and make sure you won't end up in prison." Tony said.
    It was a win-win; stay out of prison and stop Jack Cole. My choice was already made. "Okay." I said. He smiled and nodded his head before getting up to leave. "Tony." I called out before he could walk away. "I'm sorry about last night. Everything is just so confusing right now."
    A soft smile played on his lips. "I understand. And like I said, I'm not giving up on you." He said then walked away. A small size formed on my lips. What he said warmed my heart. I was glad he still felt the same way and wasn't angry. But then of course, he was a Toretto and they didn't give up easy.

                              (That night at the garage)
                                        Tony POV
"Ah, good night team. I'm heading home for the night." I said with a fake yawn
"Uh, isn't it kinda early? It's not even eight o'clock." Echo said.
"Well, I had a late night yesterday so I'm going home early." I said and quickly left the garage before they could say anything else. Although I wanted to tell them where I was actually going, I knew I couldn't. They didn't know Layla like I did and Layla was already having a hard time trusting me. It was time I took a solo mission, without my crew, for Layla.
Recalling her room number from earlier, I knocked on the door to room E16 which opened after a few minutes. "Tony? What are you doing here, again?" Layla asked.
"I don't know when, but Jack Cole is coming and I'd rather be safe than sorry." I told her.
"I can handle myself, I don't need you to babysit me." She said.
"It's just a precaution. At least I didn't bring my whole team with me."
She silently stood there looking at me for a few seconds before stepping aside to let me in. Not saying a word, she closed the door behind me and followed me into the living room. "What makes you so sure he's coming tonight?" She finally asked.
"I'm not." I admitted.
"So what? You're just going to come here every night till he comes?"
"That's the plan." I said. "But Jack Cole's not one to wait. He'd want to get it done fast and as soon as possible. How about we watch a movie while we wait?"
The staticky sound of a broken TV caused me to wake from my light sleep to see the lights flickering and a fuzzy gray screen on the TV. Looking to my side I found my arm wrapped around a sleeping Layla who cuddled against my chest. At first I just smiled and watched her sleep peacefully but then suddenly the TV turned off and the lights went out. That wasn't normal. "Layla." I whispered as I shook her awake.
"Tony? What time is it?" She mumbled.
"I don't know cuz the power went out."
I could feel her get up off of me and then she was gone. "Layla?" I whisper-shouted.
"I'm right here." She said from across the room.
"Stay close. It's so dark I-." Suddenly the door burst open and heavy footsteps barged into the room. I grabbed Layla and stood in front of her as bright lights flashed into our eyes.
The room almost shook as a man, much taller than the other intruders, entered. "I told ya not t' meddle, didn' I? Now ya getta see what 'appens da people who don' lis'en da me." He said. "Search da room an' bring da gal."
Four of the men began to ransack the room while the last two approached Layla and I. "I won't let you take her!" I said.
"Then we'll take you too." He said in a low voice. Suddenly everything went black.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now