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-People have been wanting this for awhile so here you go, look what you made me do! Be warned that this is... spicy and enjoy!-

    Loud sirens accompanied by bright blue and red lights surrounded the hand-cuffed criminal as Miss Nowhere threw him into a cop car with a triumphant smirk. Cheers erupted from the Spy Racers at another job well done as they gave each other high fives in victorious excitement.
    "You did a good job out there today." Tony said to Layla as she approached him.
    "You weren't too bad yourself." She said with a playful smirk.
    "A big compliment coming from you." He said, his hands wrapping around his girlfriend's waist as he pulled her closer.
    "Keep telling yourself that, Toretto." She said as they both leaned in.
    "Hey love birds! Get a room!" Echo yelled. Tony and Layla unhappily pulled back before their lips could fully meet and turned to see the three other Spy Racers staring at them.
    "Aww, you didn't have to stop." Frostee said, watching them like a fanboy seeing his favorite ship sail. Tony and Layla quickly let go of each other, disappointing Frostee further.
    "Alright, delinquents!" Miss Nowhere said as she and Gary approached them now that they were finished talking with the police.
    "We're not delinquents, we're respected agents!" Echo said.
     "Yeah, whatever. Gather 'round children." She continued anyway.
    "We're already gathered-." Cisco was barely able to say before she continued talking over him.
    "We've got great news for you!" Miss Nowhere paused, letting an awkward silence sneak in as no one said anything. "Wow, I can just taste your excitement." She said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.
    "What's the great news?" Tony asked.
    Miss Nowhere, still not getting the excited response she wanted, let out a sigh. "Tell them, Gary."
    "To celebrate our one year streak of successful missions, Corporate-." Before he could get to the good part, she cut him off.
    "Corporate is sending us on a tropical vacation!" She yelled. The Spy Racers let out cheers of excitement.
    "I wanted to say that!" Gary said with a slight pout, unbefitting a man as big as him.
    "Well, you're too late!"
    "So when do we go?" Tony asked.
    "This weekend." Miss Nowhere answered.
    "But isn't tomorrow Saturday?" Layla asked.
    "Yup! So I suggest you all start packing!" She said as she walked off with Gary in tow.
    "See you all tomorrow!" Cisco said as he and Frostee got into his truck and drove off.
    "This vacation is going to be great!" Layla said as Tony wrapped his arms around her waist again.
    "It will be with you." He said as he leaned in, capturing her lips with his.
    "Eww, spare me!" Echo said, rolling her eyes at their PDA as she escaped to the safety of her car. 
    Layla chuckled when they pulled away, her fingers ruffling up Tony's hair. "So, you wanna come over to my place and help me pack?" She asked with a sly smile.
    "I don't think we'll get much done." Tony said before connecting their lips again. They exchanged heated kisses for several minutes, pulling away before it could get too intense in public.
    "I'll race you there!" Layla said as she quickly got into her car.
    "Unfair!" Tony called after her as she was already speeding away. He quickly got into his car and sped off, chasing after her.

—-The next day—-

Loud voices chattered away in excitement outside the garage as Tony and Layla pulled up and parked. Pulling their suitcases into the pile of luggage, they joined the others as they excitedly talked about where they thought they were going. Not long after they arrived, something large in the sky caught their attention. A huge shadow fell over them and they all looked up to see the spy plane.
"I didn't know we were taking the spy plane!" Frostee said, bursting at the seams with excitement.
"We should back up to give them some space." Cisco advised. They all quickly got out of the way as the spy plane slowly landed.
"Who's ready for a weekend in paradise!" Miss Nowhere said as she stood at the entrance of the spy plane, looking down at them through her sunglasses. The Spy Racers cheered in response as they grabbed their suitcases and rushed into the plane.
"So where are we going?" Tony asked as they began to take off.
"The agency is letting us stay on their private island for three days!" Gary said enthusiastically.
"Gary!" Miss Nowhere yelled. "It was supposed to be a surprise!"
"Oh, sorry Miss Nowhere. You know I can't keep secrets when I'm excited." He said. Miss Nowhere groaned before walking away.
"Wow, three whole days on a private island!" Tony exclaimed. Suddenly, he was pulled backwards into another room.
"Three whole days on a private island together." Layla said before capturing his lips with hers. Tony kissed back while pushing her against the wall, trapping her between his arms. Layla's hands wrapped around his neck as she ran her fingers through his hair. As their kisses became more heated and passionate, growing in intensity, Tony pushed himself even harder against Layla. One of his hands slid down to her waist, sliding under her shirt.
"Mm, Toretto." Layla hummed against his lips. His hand stroked up and down her bare skin under her shirt as he began to drift higher and higher up. Right when he was about to reach her bra, a sudden noise caught their attention. They quickly pulled apart to find Cisco standing there in embarrassed shock.
"Oh, um, sorry! I... I didn't mean to interrupt!" He squeaked before running off in any direction that wasn't there.
"Maybe we should wait for a more private place before doing anything." Tony suggested. Layla made a noise of disappointment before agreeing with him.
The flight was long and full of impatient anticipation. Finally, after several long hours, the spy plane landed and they all ran outside to check out the island. The sun was shining brightly, its warm light cascading onto the ocean in shimmering swirls. Crystal waves lapped onto the beach, spitting up thin sheets of foam on the sand. The beautiful scenery was breathtaking and looked like it was a place straight out of their dreams.
On the edge of the beach was a large beach house that stood proudly infront of a small forest of tangling trees. "Wow! Is that where we're staying?" Frostee asked, poining to the beach house.
"Sure is!" Miss Nowhere said as she took in a deep breath of the clean island air and dramatically let it out. "I can get used to this!"
"So can I!" Echo said. "First one inside gets first dibs on the rooms!" She exclaimed, already running towards the beach house. The others quickly ran after her.
"Not fair!" Frostee said as he was quickly in last place. When they got inside everyone immediately searched for the rooms. The house was huge and had three floors. It looked big enough be considered a small resort. As they explored the house, they found that there was a lounge downstairs along with a tv room and a dining room. On the second floor was several bedrooms, a kitchen and another lounge filled with videogames. There were several bathrooms spread out on each floor and the final floor had the rest of the bedrooms.
They all quickly checked out each bedroom on the third floor, trying to find the one with the best view. Tony ended up choosing a room with a beautiful view of the ocean that also just so happened to be next door to Layla's room. After everyone had chosen a room and Cisco and Frostee were arguing over whose room was better, Miss Nowhere made her way up to their floor.
"The house isn't going anywhere; you can check it out later! Go get your luggage!" She ordered.
"We were just excited." Tony said as they walked past her to head back to the plane.
"We should go swimming after we unpack!" Frostee said as they all grabbed their suitcases and began carrying them back to the beach house.
"You don't think there's sharks in the ocean, do you?" Cisco asked nervously.
"Of course there's sharks in the ocean, it's where they live." Layla said. Cisco let out a yelp as he eyed the ocean carefully, imagining all the sharks swimming around.
"Layla," Echo warned.
"I said sharks live in the ocean but I didn't mean they're in the water here." Layla said.
"I doubt any sharks are going to swim close to the island." Tony said, trying to ease Cisco's nerves.
"But you know sharks, T. You never know when they'll strike!" Cisco said, still glaring at the ocean as if he'd see a shark fin poking out of the waves at any moment.
"It'll be fine, Cisco!" Frostee said as they entered the beach house. When they reached the third floor they all split up into their separate rooms. Tony quickly unpacked the few shirts and random things he brought before slipping on his swimming suit. He stepped outside of his room and found that no one else was ready yet so he decided to pay Layla a quick visit.
Slipping into her room without knocking first, Tony walked in on her in the middle of changing into her bikini. "Nice of you to drop by, Toretto." She said as continued taking off her bra and replaced it with her swim suit top.
"You could've locked the door." Tony said, slightly embarrassed.
"You could've knocked." She said as she approached him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"We finally have some privacy." Tony said. She gave him a playful smile before connecting their lips. As they kissed Layla took small steps backwards towards her bed. When the back of her legs hit the bedframe, she broke the kiss and pushed Tony onto the bed. Getting on top of him, she straddled him between her thighs as she continued kissing him. Tony placed his hands on her hips as they exchanged heated kisses. He stroked up and down her waist to her thighs, sending hot shivers through her body.
    Layla's lips left Tony's as she began trailing kisses down his jaw to his neck. A low groan rose in the base of Tony's throat. There was a faint noise in the background of the room but neither of them noticed as Layla continued sucking and biting at the skin of his neck.
    Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door and it swung open. "Ugh, you guys are out of control!" Echo said in disgust from where she stood in the doorway. Tony and Layla unhappily pulled apart as Layla rolled off of him. "We're going down to the beach now." Echo told them before slamming the door closed.
    "Shall we?" Tony asked, gesturing to the door.
    "I'll race you there!" Layla said, springing off the bed and out the door. Tony chased after her, nearly tripping as he sprinted down the stairs. The others were already in the water by the time they made it down to the beach. Even Cisco was thigh-deep in the water, though he was still skeptically looking around, most likely for sharks.
Layla immediately ran into the water, splashing Echo with the seawater she kicked up. Echo splashed Layla back, initiating an all-out water war. Tony charged in only a few seconds after Layla and tackled her, dunking the both of them underwater.
    "Toretto!" Layla yelled after coming back up to the surface. "I'll make you regret doing that!" She splashed a big wave of water into his face, accidentally splashing Cisco as well in the process.
    "Hey! Leave me out of it!" He said, wading into deeper water to get out of the splash zone. Suddenly he noticed something moving in the water but before he could get a good look at it, it was gone. He frantically looked around but where he was in the waist-deep water wasn't clear enough to get a good look.
    Suddenly he felt something brush against his leg. He let out a loud yelp as he jumped. "Uh, guys, I think something's in the water!" He said but Tony, Layla, and Echo were too busy splashing each other to pay any attention to him. Cisco began backing up as the thing in the water brushed past him again. Suddenly something grabbed his leg causing him to scream. "Shark!"
    His sudden outburst got the others' attention and they all turned to Cisco in time to see Frostee emerge from the water laughing. "Got you, Cisco!" He said through uncontrollable laughter.
    "Not cool, Frostee! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He said, putting his hand dramatically on his chest. 
    "I'm just playing with you!" Frostee said before hunching over so only his head was above the water. Forming the shape of a shark fin with his hands above his head, he began wading towards Cisco in a shark-like manner. "Du-na-du-na-du-na!" He started humming the Jaws theme as he chased after Cisco.
    For the next hour they continued to swim and play in the ocean. Tony was enjoying himself but there was one thing constantly distracting him, completely filling his head to the point where it was all he could think about. It was Layla's bikini. He couldn't help but stare at her and admire how good she looked in it. But that just made him think about how good she would look out of it.
    He looked over to the beach to see Miss Nowhere sunbathing while Gary was reading a book. That meant that no one was in the beach house. It was a better time than any to finally get some uninterrupted alone time with Layla.
    Tony swam over to Layla, his hand brushing across her thigh under the water. "Hey, I was thinking about heading inside now." He said, hoping she would get the hint.
    Layla smiled. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired too." She said as she began wading back to shore. Tony tried to look normal but couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. Grabbing their towels that they left on the sand, they dried themselves off as they headed back into the beach house. They could barely control themselves as they approached the beach house, overflowing with immeasurable lust and desire.
The second they were inside Tony pinned Layla against the wall. Their lips eagerly met as they exchanged passionate kisses. Layla bit down on Tony's bottom lip and he opened his mouth upon her request. Their tongues battled each other as they took turns exploring each other's mouth. As their kisses grew in intensity Layla wrapped her arms around Tony's shoulders, pulling him even closer.
    His hands stroked up and down her body, tracing her curves. Breaking the kiss, he trailed his lips down her neck, sucking and biting as he went. As he got lower and lower, moving closer to her chest, he decided they needed a more comfortable place to continue. Not able to make it all the way up to his room on the third floor, Tony picked Layla up and carried her into the lounge while kissing and sucking at her collarbone.
    Gently placing her down on one the couches, Tony got on top of her and connected their lips again. As they kissed, Tony's hands slipped up her waist and under her top. Massaging her breasts in his hands, he began to slowly rock his hips against hers. Not satisfied with the material that separated their warm skin from each other, Layla pulled down Tony's swim trunks while he did the same with her bottoms.
    "Ready?" Tony asked as he positioned himself on top of her.
    "Do you even have to ask?" She said. He took that as his cue to get on with it and so he thrusted himself into her. Layla let out a moan as he began to move faster inside of her. "Harder!" She yelled. Tony did as she asked as they were both filled with a sensation of pure bliss.
    Time flew by fast as they lost track of everything else outside of them and the moment they were sharing. The air around them was hot and filled with soft moans and low groans. Neither of them wanted this moment to end but they were brought to a sudden stop when they suddenly heard a shocked gasp coming from behind them. They quickly pulled apart, fixing their bathing suits as they turned to the entrance of the room to see Cisco, Echo, and Frostee standing there wide-eyed.
    Cisco's hand quickly moved to cover Frostee's eyes as Echo looked away in disgust. Heat rose to Layla and Tony's faces as they were filled with embarrassment. "It's not what it looks like!" Was the first thing Tony could think to say. But it was an obvious lie.
    "Yeah, definitely not." Echo said and turned to leave.
    "It was a trick of the eye!" Frostee said as he turned to follow after Echo.
    "I saw nothing. I repeat, nothing!" Cisco said as he quickly followed the other two out of the room.
    "Well that was embarrassing." Layla said, covering her face with her hands.
    "Yeah, let's make sure that never happens again." He said.
    "At least it wasn't Miss Nowhere or Gary that walked in on us." Layla said, trying mostly to calm herself down by looking at the positive.
    "Now that would be embarrassing."

--- Back on the beach---

    Miss Nowhere suddenly sat up with a shudder from where she was laying on her towel. "You alright?" Gary asked, looking up from his book.
    "I get the feeling someone was talking about me." She said, shuttering again before laying back down on her towel.
Gary looked around as he felt the same weird feeling crawl up his skin. "You know what? I feel it too." He said before brushing it off and going back to his book.

(A\N- Sorry Frostee! :( his innocence!! I hope you all enjoyed!)

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now