Pokey game

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    It was a bright, sunny day in LA as Tony casually strolled into the Garage. He and the other spy racers had just finished a mission the day before so now they finally had some free time to just hang out like old times. Echo was skateboarding and spray painting her half pipe while Layla was riding the mechanical bull and Frostee and Cisco were eating snacks on the couch. Tony walked up to the couch and looked over their assorted snacks. 
    "Hey T." They said when they noticed him.
    "Hey Frostee, hey Cisco." He said. "What's that?" He picked up a small narrow box that had the word pokey spelled on it.
    "It's pokey. You've never had it before?" Cisco asked.
    "No." Tony said as he shook the box a little.
    "You should try it, it's good." Frostee encouraged him. Tony shrugged and opened the box, taking out a thin stick half covered in chocolate and sticking it in his mouth.
    "Hmm, it's not that bad." He said.
    "You should try playing the pokey game." Frostee suggested.
    "Who even plays that anymore?" Cisco asked but Frostee quickly nudged him.
    "What's the pokey game?" Tony asked.
    "It's where two people bite down on either side of the pokey stick and the first to pull away loses!" Frostee explained. "You should try playing with Layla." He sent a sly look to Cisco when Tony wasn't looking. Cisco smirked as it finally clicked what Frostee was up to.
    "Eh, you think she'd wanna play a silly game like that?" Tony said, ruining Frostee's plan.
    "It's ok if you're scared to lose to Layla." Cisco said, winking at Frostee.
    "I'm not sure why you just winked but I'm not afraid to lose to Layla!" Tony said. "She's afraid to lose to me!"
    "Then go challenge her to play with you." Frostee said.
    "Alright, I will." Tony said as he took the box of pokey and walked across the Garage to Layla with Cisco and Frostee following close behind. "Hey, Layla!" Tony called.
    "I'm kind of busy right now, Toretto." She said as she clung to the mechanical bull that bucked back and forth.
    "It will only take a second." He said. She looked up at him irritably just as the bull bucked forward hard, knocking her off. Tony held out his hand, which she took with a look of annoyance, and helped her to her feet. "Wanna play the pokey game with me?"
    "You interrupted me for a stupid game?" Layla said, raising an annoyed eyebrow at him.
    "No, I interrupted you for a stupid challenge. One that you have no chance at beating me!" He said.
    "Hah, you're on, Toretto." Layla said while rolling her eyes. "So how do you play this dumb game?"
    "So, you get one pokey stick." Frostee explained as Tony took one stick out upon his instruction. "Then you each put one end of it in your mouth." Tony placed the chocolate end in his mouth and Layla rolled her eyes again before biting down on the other end. A slight hint of pink tinted Tony's cheeks at how close they were. "Now you both keep biting down on the pokey stick until one of you pulls away."
Bite down? Easy! Tony thought as he nibbled on the chocolate covered part of the pokey stick. Layla on the other hand didn't move as Tony's lips got closer and closer to hers. Realizing that they were right on a collision course, she pulled away, letting Tony eat the rest of it. "I win!" Tony exclaimed triumphantly.
    "That's no fair! He was getting too close!" Layla argued.
    "That's the whole point of the game!" Cisco said.
    "You should have told me that before, then I wouldn't have agreed to it in the first place!" She said.
    "Is the great Layla Gray afraid of a little game?" Frostee asked.
    "I told you you had no chance of beating me!" Tony bragged.
    "I'm not afraid and I could beat you if I wanted to." Layla said.
    "Sure." Tony teased.
    "Fine. I'll play again right now!" Layla said, pulling a pokey stick out of the box and placing the chocolate end in her mouth. Tony bit down on the other side and this time they both started nibbling towards the middle. He was too distracted by eating the pokey stick that he didn't realize how close they were getting until her lips brushed against his. Tony's eyes widened as he found that the pokey stick was no longer between them and their lips were connected.
    He quickly pulled away as a bright blush covered his face. "I win." Layla said with a smirk.
    "What? But we just... you just... you kissed me!" Tony exclaimed.
    "Yeah, and you pulled away first which means I win." Layla said. Tony's face grew even more red as he realized that that was actually the whole point to the game all along. "What's the matter, Toretto? You're turning red."
    Tony rubbed the back of his hand over his cheek, hoping that would make the color die down. "I wasn't ready! Let's try it again. This time I'll win!" He said.
    "You're on!" Layla said as Tony pulled out another pokey stick. They both bit down on either end and nibbled their way to the center without hesitation. When their lips connected neither of them backed down. They started off slow and uncertain but quickly sped up the pace as they each fought for the other to back down. Tony could feel his face heating up again and a slight tint of pink began to form on Layla's face as well but neither of them gave in.
    Wanting to gain the upper hand and force Tony to give up, Layla bit down on his lip. Startled by the sudden spike of strangely pleasing pain, Tony accidentally broke away from the kiss. "Dirty tactics!" He yelled.
    "It's not against the rules." Layla said. "I win, again."
    "We're going again!" Tony said as he pulled out another pokey stick and placed the plain end in Layla's mouth before biting down on the other end, himself. Their lips quickly met in the middle as they engaged in another fiery kiss. Trying to gain the upper hand, Tony wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer against his chest. But instead of pulling away Layla wrapped her arms around the back of his head, tangling her fingers into his hair.
    Their lips moved in sync in a rhythm that grew faster as they continued. Before Layla could get the upper hand like she did before, Tony bit down on her lip. Layla gasped but didn't pull away. But that small opening was all Tony needed to slide his tongue into her mouth. Layla's eyes shot open wide in surprise but she slowly closed them again as she fought his tongue with hers. They both were relentless and would not back down as their kiss grew in heat and intensity.
    Tony had to admit that the kiss felt really good and he was glad that he was able to share it with Layla. He loved competing with her and especially loved winning but this was definitely his favorite competition with her. The way their lips molded together and seemed to fit perfectly together to complement each other was a greater feeling than anything he had ever felt. He was so caught up in the moment that it almost didn't matter to him whether he won or lost. Just kissing Layla was already a victory on his part. And what Tony didn't know was that Layla felt exactly the same.
    Their kiss seemed to last an eternity as the rest of the world faded into the far off distance. They forgot about the game and forgot about their audience. The only thing that existed in that moment was the heated passion they shared. Finally running out of breath, Layla pulled away and they both caught their breath.
    "Tony wins that round." Cisco announced. Tony and Layla both turned towards Frostee and Cisco, their faces burning bright red as they remembered they had an audience.
    "You were just watching the whole time!" Tony yelled out of embarrassment.
    "What? We didn't expect you to get all... intimate." Cisco said. Unable to calm down the wild blush burning on her face, Layla stormed outside to get some fresh air. Tony followed shortly after her, wanting to get as far away from the embarrassing situation as possible.
    "Looks like they both fell for the Honeypot." Frostee said slyly.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now