Mishap part 2

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One year later
Layla POV
Sirens blared and red and blue lights flashed as the high speed chase continued through the long black night. A lot had changed over the past year. I had gone back to my old ways, being a criminal and lone wolf but this time I was completely alone. All feelings other than hatred were gone, buried deep down in my heart of stone.
After a few quick turns, I lost the rest of the cops and was able to drive back to my apartment. When I got home I began packing my bags. That's how it was. Over the past year I had been traveling all around the country, specifically staying away from California. At the start I was a "simple thief", but I guess the time I spent with those spy racers rubbed off on me because, well, it was a long story.
By "simple thief", I meant simply a thief, nothing I actually did was simple. At first I just wanted to do it for me, but then I ran into some bad company. Apparently I had, on several occasions, jacked another criminal's heist, pulling it off the day they planned to and stealing it before they could. And then the spy part of me kicked in. I started going under cover and found that they planned on building a super weapon. So I made it my mission to find out their plans and steal their target before they could.
I knew that since I technically wasn't working for a corporation anymore, I could get in a lot of trouble if I got caught. But that was a risk I was willing to take. This way I could still be a criminal, but doing some good and all the action and adrenaline helped take my mind off... him. But still, after all this time, I could never truly forget him no matter how much I wanted to. I just hoped that I would never see him again, especially since the next thing I needed to steal was a giant ruby from some rich guy... in L.A.. It was risky, but I had come too far to give up now. So to L.A. I went.

                                             Tony POV
   One year, two months and fourteen days. That was how long it had been since I last saw Layla. Believe me, I looked everywhere for her. I had to tell her the truth, how I truly felt, but it was like she left the state. Which, knowing Layla, she probably did. With every hour that went by, it hurt not knowing where she was or if she was alright. Although I already knew the answer to that. She was heartbroken, and I would be too if I had gotten rejected like that. I had to make things right.
   "Tony, hurry up! Lez go!" Echo yelled, snapping me back to reality.
"Where? What's going on?" I asked.
"Did you not hear what Miss Nowhere just said? There was a break in, they're getting away!" She explained as we got in our cars and raced off the the coordinates Frostee sent us. It was all the way across town so it took us several minutes to arrive on scene.
In the corner of my eye I saw the shadow of a car speeding away and took off after it. "I got 'em!" The mystery driver in the car was very skilled and I couldn't seem to get close. Each time I was about to catch up they turned onto a different street or pulled off some fancy move to shake me off their trail. "Two can play at that game." I said to myself as I took a sudden turn down a different street. After a few quick turns I was able to cut off the driver, forcing them to stop on an empty side street.
"Get out of the car!" I yelled as I swung my door open and carefully approached them. Slowly the door of the mystery driver's car opened and my jaw dropped at who I saw. "Layla?" I gasped in disbelief.
"Been a while, huh Toretto." She said. There was an edge to her voice and I could tell she wasn't happy to see me, but that didn't change the fact that I was head over heals seeing her. And boy had she changed over the last year. She looked a little taller (though I had also grown so she still wasn't at my height) and she seemed to be more matured, not to mention there were more curves to her figure. But as much as I wanted to catch up, I knew that I still had business to attend to.
"What happened Layla? Why're you doing this?" I asked.
"What happened? You're asking me what happened? Shouldn't you know?" She snapped.
"Oh. Layla about that, I-."
"I don't want to hear it. It's too late for excuses." She interrupted. "And you asked why am I doing this, but how can you ask that when you don't even know what I'm doing."
"Then what are you doing, if not stealing a giant ruby." I asked.
"I was such a fool to ever think you believed in me." She muttered and I could see a pained look in her eyes. "I found out the hard way that I don't know you, and you don't know me. So you would never understand."
"No, Layla, I do know you. Better than anyone. Ever since we first met I knew you had good potential. When everyone doubted you and even Shashi wanted to leave you, I didn't." I said. "With Rafaela's mind control, everyone thought you had flipped but I never stopped believing in you. When you confessed to me a year ago I wasn't myself. I accidentally mind controlled myself and someone told me it was Opposite Day so when you confessed, I told you the opposite of what I really felt. Layla, I love you!"
"Tony." She said sadly. "I stopped loving you a long time ago."

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