A little too much drink

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(Thank you to Xena_2006 for suggesting this idea)

    It was an average day at the garage that served as the spy racers' hangout and base. Having just gotten back from another successful international mission they were all exhausted and unenthusiastically lounging about. The entire garage was peacefully quiet until Echo broke the silence.
   "Hey, everyone! Check this out!" She called, poking her head out of the kitchen before darting back inside. Everyone slowly got up, not all that interested, and walked into the small kitchen that really just consisted of a refrigerator and a sink. They all gathered around Echo who was hold the refrigerator door open and immediately perked up at what they saw.
  "Is that alcohol?" Tony asked.
  "Yeah." Echo said.
  "Who put that in there?" Layla questioned.
  "I doubt it was Gary. Maybe Miss. Nowhere?" Cisco said.
  "It doesn't matter who put it in, it's ours now!" Echo said, already reaching for the bottle.
  "Wait, should we really just be taking that?" Tony asked skeptically.
  "What, Toretto, are you scared?" Layla said with a sly smile.
  "Of course not!" He yelled, grabbing the bottle from Echo and placing it on the countertop. Frostee brought over five cups and placed them on the counter as Tony opened the bottle. He began pouring the liquid into four of the cups but left the last one empty.
"Hey! What about me?" Frostee asked.
    "Sorry, Frostee. You're too young." Tony replied.
    "What? That's so not fair!" Frostee complained.
    "Tony's got a point." Cisco added. Crossing his arms over his chest Frostee stormed out of the room grumbling as he went. With the minor gone, Tony, Layla, Echo and Cisco all picked up a cup. "Yeah, I'm not so sure about this." Cisco said as he swirled the liquid around in his cup.
    "You don't have to have any. More for us!" Echo said as she reached for his cup. Cisco held it back out of her reach while shaking his head.
"Well, cheers everyone." Layla said, holding up her cup. The others tapped their cups against hers before taking a big sip.
    "Blegh." Cisco's face contorted into disgust and he placed his cup down. Echo took his cup and poured its contents into her own cup before drinking the rest of it. Layla seemed to enjoy her drink as she chugged the rest down and poured herself a second glass. Tony on the other hand took smaller sips as he tried not to make a sour face.
    "This isn't so bad." He said when he was about half done with his cup.
    "Hey, Toretto. How about a challenge?" Layla asked clutching the bottle in her hand while a sly smirk rested on her already rosy face.
    "You're on!" Tony said.
    Layla filled both of their cups all the way up with the liquor. "First one to finish their cup wins." She said.
    "Uh, careful. That stuff's pretty strong." Echo warned.
    "It's fine." Layla brushed her off as she faced Tony. "Ready? Go!" The two quickly chugged down their drinks as fast as they could. Tony could feel his throat burning but Layla didn't seem to be fazed. She showed no signs of slowing down or stopping so he could not slow down either. Or at least that was what he was telling himself until he realized that he subconsciously was slowing down and Layla was almost done. Slamming her now empty cup down on the counter, Layla yelled out in triumph.
    "Ew, how can you guys drink that stuff?" Cisco said but he went unheard over Layla's slurred shouts of victory.
    "I win!" Layla yelled as she stumbled slightly into Tony. He quickly caught her as he placed his almost empty cup down on the counter. "Now's for my prize!"
    "What prize?" Tony asked.
    "My prize for winning." She tried to stand but ended up falling back onto Tony again.
    "Layla you're drunk!" Echo said with a slight laugh.
    "I am not!" Layla yelled back. "Now for my prize. Tony, you're gonna be my servant for the rest of the day!"
    "What? I did not agree to that!" Tony shouted.
   "Ahh, too loud!" She mumbled as she lightly hit his face with her fingertips. But her playful hits suddenly turned into a gentle caress as she stared into his eyes.
    "Uh, Layla?" Tony started but quickly stopped when she started to lean in.
    "Your eyes are pretty." She whispered before resting her face in the crook of his neck. Tony's heart was beating fast in an erratic rhythm as Layla's warm breath tickled his neck.
    "I think you need to go lay down." He said as he propped her up on her own two feet. He tried to guide her into the other room, but she wouldn't move. "C'mon, Layla."
    "No. As my servant I order you to carry me!" She said. Echo and Cisco laughed as they watched the scene unfold in front of them.
    "Don't just stand there, help me out!" Tony said to them.
    "You heard her, Tony. You're her servant, carry her." Echo said with a smirk. Tony rolled his eyes, realizing that they would be of no help and it was left only up to him. He carefully placed one arm around her waist and the other under her legs as he picked her up. Layla smiled while resting her head on his shoulder as she looked up at him.
    Tony's face heated up as he tried not to look at her. If he did then he wouldn't be able to think straight, not that he was already thinking too clearly in the first place. "Good. Now let's go!" Layla said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Tony could feel her chest pressing against his, making his face flush even brighter.
    Focus! Focus! He told himself. But how could he focus with Layla so close to him? Her face was nuzzled right next to his, he could even feel her warm breath against his cheek. Tony's legs were walking on their own, but his head was too far in the clouds for him to even realize he was moving. As he walked out the room, he remembered what he was doing and directed his steps to the couch.
    Tony placed Layla down gently on the soft cushions, but instead of letting go, Layla pulled him down on top of her. "Tony." She said, sending a shiver down his spine as her fingers brushed over his cheek. "You're so red."
    He was about to push away and get off of her when suddenly she reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Wha- what was that?" He nearly yelled.
    "You're warm. Do you have a fever?" She asked with a look of concern spreading across her face.
    "No, I don't have a fever." He said nervously as they were still too close for him to be able to think clearly. Layla leaned up again and Tony froze, unable to move or think, as she kissed his forehead.
"You're ok, only your cheeks are hot." Layla said. She began kissing his cheek again before moving to his other cheek to do the same.
"What are you doing?" Tony barely managed to say as his mind was out the window, on cloud nine.
"I'm cooling you down." She said between kisses. "It's not working." She parted from his now redder than ever cheeks with a frown.
"Uh, Layla, I think you're just making it worse." He said sheepishly, his eyes looking anywhere but at her.
"Tony." Layla placed her hands on his cheeks and turned his head to face her. Her eyes drifted down to his mouth as she bit her lip. "Kiss me."
"What?" Tony meant to yell but it only came out as a surprised whisper.
"It's an order." She said. Her hands lowered his face down to hers and he didn't stop her. As their lips brushed against each other Tony let out a short breath he didn't know he was holding and captured her lips with his. They moved at a slow, uncertain pace as neither of them quite knew what was happening, but both were eager to find out together.
When they parted, Tony hovered a few inches above her, wondering what just happened and what would happen next. Before he could finish his thought, Layla pulled him back down for another kiss. This time they moved faster as they got the hang of it. Tony let go of all thoughts and reason and surrendered to the moment.
As they exchanged kisses, Layla bit down on Tony's lip. Surprised and shocked, he opened his mouth without realizing it and allowed her tongue to enter. They battled for dominance and took turns exploring each other's mouth while pulling each other impossibly closer.
After several blissful minutes, they pulled away to catch their breath as Tony rested his forehead against Layla's. "I love you, Tony." Layla said. His eyes widened as he had no idea how to respond. Before he had a chance to say anything, Layla brought their lips together again. Not expecting to ever hear such happy words from Layla, he poured all his emotion into the kiss as it got even deeper than the ones before.
A sudden loud yell made them quickly pull apart as Tony looked up to see an astonished and slightly startled Cisco. "What's going on, T?!" He said- or more of shrieked.
"It's not what it looks like!" Tony yelled. "Or I guess it kind of is what it looks like... Layla told me to!" Tony looked down, hoping that she could somehow help explain but she was now fast asleep. Careful not to wake her, he got up and turned to Cisco who was already walking away shaking his head. "Wait, I can explain!" He yelled as he chased after him, wishing that he too could have been drunk enough to sleep it off and forget his embarrassment.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now