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(Trigger Warning: physical abuse. Viewer discretion is advised!)

A loud crash thundered through the air as the glass of a window shattered into millions of pieces onto the ground. "Tony! We're supposed to be quiet!" Layla whisper-shouted.
"Sorry! I didn't know the glass would break so easily!" He shot back.
"You think they heard?" Cisco asked. Loud shouts and heavy footsteps could be heard rushing from the other room. With all the Spy Racers inside the room after carefully climbing over the broken glass, they braced themselves as they faced the door.
"Yeah, I think they heard, Cisco." Echo said, putting her fists up as the door suddenly swung open. Several masked criminals charged into the room, immediately going into an attack. The Spy Racers each pared off, taking on the criminals one on one. They were able to quickly defeat them with little struggle.
"Though you lost the element of surprise, you can still continue your mission." Miss Nowhere said over the coms.
"Again, no one told me the glass would be that easy to break!" Tony said. Miss Nowhere ignored him.
"Gary! Where's the target's location." They could hear her yelling.
"The suspect is on the third floor making his escape!" They heard Gary's voice say over the coms.
"You heard Gary, go catch him now!" Miss Nowhere said. The Spy Racers rushed out of the room and took the elevator to the third floor. When the door opened, they found several more intimidating criminals waiting for them.
"We'll hold them off. Tony, Layla, you guys go on ahead." Echo said. Tony and Layla nodded as they rushed past the enemy while Echo, Cisco and Frostee kept them from being attacked. When they got to the end of the long hallway, they barged into a large room where they found their target standing next to a large open widow. They were about to rush him when suddenly several bodyguards charged into the room to stop them. As they fought them off they could hear a loud sound coming from outside the window. Layla looked up to find a helicopter hovering over the building, sending down a rope so their target could escape.
    "We can't let him get away!" She yelled. The target suddenly turned around. Though his face was covered by a mask, Layla could tell that he was somewhat familiar. Brushing that thought aside, Layla charged at him, aiming for a punch but he easily dodged it. She continued to attack him but he kept dodging her every move without having to lift a finger.
    The masked man smirked, looking down at her while she was beginning to grow tired. "Still can't seem to land a hit can you, Layla?" He said. Layla's heart dropped as her eyes widened. She knew that voice. "I see you've turned rat. I have to say, I'm very disappointed."
    "What's going on over there, Layla?" Tony yelled, trying to get closer so he could assist her but the bodyguards prevented him from getting close enough.
    "Don't worry. I'll make it right." The masked man said to Layla. She tried to punch him again, but he stepped out of the way. In one swift movement he was suddenly behind her and she could feel a sharp pain before her vision faded to black. Tony looked up just in time to watch the masked man catch Layla and throw her over his shoulder.
    "No!" Tony yelled as he fought back the last of the bodyguards. He rushed towards the man but he was too late. The man had already grabbed the rope and was making his escape with Layla.
    Back at the garage, Tony paced anxiously back and forth. "We have to find her!" He said.
    "Look, Tony, Miss Nowhere's trying but we don't know where they went." Echo told him.
    "Then we have to try harder." He said.
    "I've sent my drones to search the entire city, but they haven't found any signs of her yet." Frostee said.
    "We should be out there looking for her!" Tony told them, growing more anxious by the second.
    "If Miss Nowhere and Frostee's drones can't find her, I highly doubt you can." Echo said.
    "Look, T, I know you're worried about Layla, but she can handle herself." Cisco put his hand on Tony's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
    "I know she can, but I can't just sit here and do nothing." Tony said. "I'm going out to look for her." His friends knew that he wouldn't be able to find her just by aimlessly driving around, but they also knew that they wouldn't be able to talk him out of it so they let him go.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now