Sick day part 2

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Tony woke up with the sun in his eyes and an ache in his head. He felt much better than he did the day before, thanks to Layla's care, but couldn't ignore the stiff feeling in his weary body. As he rolled out of bed- somewhat falling out as his body was still too dense to move quite right- he cleared his throat and found that the soreness was gone along with the annoying tickle. At least his cough was finally gone, he was proud to discover. Even if he did have a slight headache that made him a little lightheaded, he didn't want to miss another day of spy racing. So he quickly got ready, got in his car, and sped off to the garage.
When he arrived at the garage, he found the other spy racers lounging around while Miss Nowhere paced anxiously back and forth. But something was off, and it wasn't Miss Nowhere's repetitive movements. "About time you joined the party!" Miss Nowhere said. "Now all we're waiting for is that ex criminal."
Tony looked around the room to find that Layla was indeed not there. "Where is she?" Tony asked.
"You think I'd be anxiously pacing around like this if I knew?!" She yelled. "I never would have thought she of all people would pull a Toretto."
"Pull a Toretto? What did I do?" Tony asked.
"Everything except what you're supposed to do." Miss Nowhere rolled her eyes.
    "And you were over three hours late yesterday." Echo added.
    "Well, maybe Layla's sick." Gary said as he entered the room. "She did take care of Tony all day yesterday."
    "Then why didn't she call in sick?" Miss Nowhere shouted.
    "She could still be sleeping." Gary said in a smaller voice as he could feel Miss Nowhere sending him a death glare.
    "I'll go check on her." Tony offered. "I'm the one who got her sick in the first place."
    "If  she's sick." Echo said.
    "Well either way, I'll see what's going on." Tony said as he started walking towards the door. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped and turned around. "Wait, does anyone know where Layla lives?"
    "She lives alone in an apartment. I'll text you the address." Miss Nowhere said as she pulled out her phone and began texting.
    "How do you know where she lives?" Tony asked.
    "You think we don't do our research on all of you?" She said. There was a small buzz from Tony's phone as he received Miss Nowhere's text.
    "That's scary." He said as he opened the door.
    "Don't take too long!" Miss Nowhere yelled after him as he left the garage.
    Once in his car, Tony opened the text and read Layla's address. It wasn't too far away, and he was able to get there in less than ten minutes. When he arrived at her door, he knocked but no one answered. He knocked again louder, and listened closely as he could hear a faint shuffling sound coming from the other side of the door. After several long seconds, there was a faint click coming from the door and it slowly creaked open.
    "Toretto? What're you doing here?" Layla said in a raspy voice that sounded like she had just woken up. Her hair was slightly messy and out of her usual ponytail and she was still in her pajamas which was a black tank top with leggings. She held the door less than halfway open as she leaned against the wall, her blue eyes hazy and half-lidded. 
    "I came to check on you." He said. "Are you feeling alright?"
    "What does it look like, Toretto?" Layla slurred, as she clutched her head.
    "I got you sick, didn't I?" Tony said.
    Layla sent him a lazy glare as if saying, "Isn't it obvious?". "I was going to call in sick. You didn't have to come here."
    "Did you already forget? I promised to take care of you when you get sick." He said. Layla stared blankly at him for a few seconds before stepping aside and opening the door. She stumbled slightly over her own feet as she waited for Tony to enter before closing the door behind him. Inside was dark and stuffy as all the lights were off and the windows were closed. Tony looked around for a light switch or something when a loud crash caught his attention.
    He turned around to find Layla on the floor next to a knocked over lamp. "Layla! Are you ok?" He asked as he helped her up.
    "I'm fine." She said as she tried to step away from Tony but nearly fell over again. He quickly grabbed her and helped her stand upright.
"You should go back to bed. I'll take care of you." Tony said. Layla tried to take a wobbly step forward by herself, but Tony grabbed her arm, wrapping it around his shoulders, and helped her into her room, not wanting to risk her falling over again.
He guided her into her bedroom, which was even darker than the rest of the apartment, and gently lowered her onto the bed. Layla laid down without argument and groaned as soon as her head touched the pillow. "Did you eat yet?" Tony asked.
"I just woke up." Layla said, her voice slightly slurred. "What do you think?"
"I'll go make you something." He said as he pulled the covers over her.
"Don't burn the building down!" She yelled, but her voice sounded more tired than threatening.
"How irresponsible do you think I am?" Tony said while rolling his eyes. Layla tried to respond but instead only let out a groan.
Tony made his way into the compact kitchen and spent a full ten minutes just trying to figure out where everything was. After he got a good feel for where everything was situated, he found a can of soup and a pot to heat it up with. Putting the pot on the stovetop and the soup in the pot, he carefully heated it up, taking extra care to make sure it didn't burn.
While the soup was cooking, he looked around for tea bags but couldn't find any. "Hey, Layla." Tony quietly said as he popped his head into her room. "Do you have any tea?"
"If it's not there, I don't have it." She responded in a tired voice.
"It's not there. I'll go to the store real quick to buy some." He offered but Layla stopped him.
"No, you don't need to, I don't want any. My throat doesn't really hurt, it's mostly my head." She said. Her eyes were squinted shut tightly as her fingers wrapped around her covers with a death grip. Tony could tell that she was in more pain than she was letting on.
"I'll get you some Advil. Do have any?" Tony asked. Layla lifted a limp hand and pointed towards the nightstand next to her bed. Tony stepped closer to where she indicated and opened the small drawer of the nightstand. Inside he found a small bottle of Advil. "Be back in a second." He said before running into the other room.
A delicious smell drifted past his nose as he jogged into the kitchen. Slightly confused by where it was coming from, he looked around the kitchen to find the pot on the stove simmering and steaming. "Oh no, the soup!" He almost shouted, quickly covering his mouth in hopes to stop his sudden sounds from reaching Layla.
He quickly took the soup off the stovetop and turned off the burner. Using a spoon to stir the steaming soup, he was relieved to find that it was not burnt or ruined. Tony let out a breath as he poured it into a bowl so it could cool down. With one crisis successfully averted, Tony carried on with what he came into the kitchen to do. Grabbing a clean cup, he filled it with water and took it, along with the Advil, back to Layla's room.
"Here." He said as he handed Layla a pill with the cup of water. She took them both and handed him the cup back when she was done.
"Did you say something when you were in the other room?" Layla asked.
"No, it was nothing." He quickly said. "The soup's ready, I'll go get it." Leaving for a few seconds, he returned with the soup in barely any time at all. Holding the soup in one hand, he used the other to help Layla as she struggled to comfortably sit up. "Careful, it's hot." He warned as he handed her the bowl.
Eyes still half-closed in exhaustion, Layla slowly picked up the spoon and brought it to her lips without blowing on it first. "Ouch!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening at the stinging burning sensation in her mouth as she dropped the spoon back into the bowl. The spoon made a loud clanking sound as it hit the bowl, but luckily it didn't fall out onto her bedsheets.
"I said be careful." Tony said as he sat down on the bed facing her and picked up the spoon for her. Bringing the spoonful of soup up to his own lips, he carefully blew on it, cooling it down before moving the spoon towards Layla's mouth. As he held the spoon in front of her, he suddenly realized what he was doing and knew that Layla would never allow him to feed her like that. But before he could pull it away, to his surprise, she opened her mouth and ate the soup.
"Mm." She hummed in satisfaction. "It's actually not burnt."
"How dare you doubt my ability!" He said, pretending that he didn't forget about the soup and almost came close to causing a great kitchen crisis. Since Layla still hadn't yelled at him or seemed opposed being spoon fed, Tony continued to feed her the rest of the soup until she was finished.
    "Miss Nowhere!" He suddenly exclaimed as his brain randomly unlocked another important memory he forgot. "I completely forgot about her! I need to call and tell everyone we won't be able to make it to the mission."
Layla opened her mouth to argue with him and insist that he went on the mission without her, but before she could Tony had already darted out of the room. Dialing Miss Nowhere's number, Tony tentatively held his phone to his ear. "Hey, Miss Nowhere-."
"TORETTO!" He was cut off by a loud scream on the other end. "What's taking you so long?! Don't you know we're all waiting!?"
"I kinda forgot." He said and quickly went straight into telling her what he needed to say before she could cut him off and scold him again. "Layla's sick so I'm taking care of her."
It was silent on the other end for a couple of seconds and Tony knew what was coming next. After taking a deep breath, Miss Nowhere continued to shout even louder than before. "YOU DON'T THINK YOU COULD HAVE TOLD US THAT TWO HOURS AGO!"
"But I was still at the garage two hours ago." Tony was barely able to say before she continued shouting.
"TWO HOURS AGO WOULDN'T EVEN BE SOON ENOUGH! NEXT TIME TELL ME WHEN YOU PLAN ON GETTING EVERYONE SICK!" She hung up the phone before he could say anything else in his defense.
A splitting headache shot through his head as he put his phone back into his pocket. At first he figured that it was just an effect of Miss Nowhere's ear-splitting yelling, but as he walked into Layla's room, an undeniable wave of dizziness suddenly hit him.
"Are you ok, Toretto?" Layla asked in a soft, tired voice as she watched him nearly fall over as he was about to pick up the empty bowl placed on her nightstand.
"Uh, y-yeah. It... it's nothing." He stuttered, his hand clutching his head as his vision started getting blurry. The dark atmosphere of Layla's apartment wasn't helping as it had been making him feel tired and drowsy since he stepped foot inside. Now, as his legs were growing wobbly, he knew that he had to sit down before his body stopped supporting him.
"Tony." Layla said as she reached out and grabbed his arm. "You should rest too. You look like you're still sick." She scooted back a little, making room for him in her bed as she pulled him closer. Tony wanted to argue, but his body was already getting too heavy to hold up on his own and as soon as she pulled him onto the bed, he knew he wouldn't be able to get back up.
"You sure it's fine?" He asked, slowly rolling over to face her. As both of their heads were sharing the same pillow, their faces were just a couple inches apart. But they were both too tired to notice or care.
"You shouldn't be taking care of me when you need to be taken care of too." She said, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
"But I promised I would. It's my fault you're sick." He said.
"It's fine." She assured him. "I like this." She snuggled against him, soaking in the comfort of his warmth.
"I like you." Tony said before he could register what he was saying. Both still with fuzzy brains, too hazed by sickness to think clearly, they didn't realize that they were both leaning in until their lips were brushing against each other. They softly kissed for a few seconds before Layla abruptly pulled away.
"We shouldn't, I'm sick." She said sadly.
"I'm still sick too, it's fine." Tony said before recapturing her lips with his. They kissed softly and slowly with a sweet passion. When they pulled away, they rested their foreheads against each other as their eyelids were too heavy to keep open and they both drifted off to sleep.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now