Mind control

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     The garage was unusually quiet as Echo walked inside. On her way in she saw Layla outside helping Tony fix his car but Cisco and Frostee were nowhere in sight. Knowing that their strange lack of annoying noise couldn't mean anything good, Echo searched for them and quickly found them giddily whispering in Frostee's lab.
     "What're you up to?" Echo asked, startling them as she suddenly appeared behind them.
     "Wha? Echo! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Cisco yelled, his hand dramatically clutching his chest.
     "You two are up to something. What is it?" Echo asked again.
     "Well, you know how Tony and Layla obviously like each other and everyone knows except for them?" Frostee said.
     "Yeah, what about it?" Echo put her hands on her hips.
     "We were thinking about giving them a helping hand with this!" He held out a vile of a shiny green liquid.
     "Is that some of Rafaela's mind control?" Echo asked, raising her eyebrows disapprovingly.
     "Yeah, I kept a sample of it in case we ever needed it and I can't think of a better way to use it than to help them out." He said with a mischievous smile. "So, you in?"
    "It's not our place to get involved with their business." Echo said.
    "Are you gonna stop us then." Frostee asked disappointedly.
    "Well, it's also none of my business to stop you." She said. "Do whatever but leave me out of it."
"Hey, whatcha talking about?" A sudden voice said from the doorway. They all turned as Tony obliviously walked into the room. Frostee smirked while mischievously side-eyeing Cisco.
"Hey T, check this out!" Frostee said before spraying him with the mind control serum.
"Huh? What the-?" Tony sputtered.
"Let's see if it worked!" Cisco said. "Tony, do a handstand!"
"Sure thing." Tony said as he effortlessly stood on his hands.
"I don't know, Tony likes doing handstands." Echo said skeptically.
"Tony, tell us who your crush is." Frostee ordered.
Tony stood back onto his feet with ease. "Layla." He said nonchalantly without a hint of embarrassment.
"Hah! It worked!" Cisco cheered.
Frostee's sly smile grew into an evil grin. "Now Tony, go make out with Layla!" He ordered.
"On it." Tony replied before running out of the lab.
"You're probably gonna regret this when Tony realizes what you did." Echo said.
"Yeah, but it will be worth it." Cisco said. "Aren't you a bit curious to see what'll happen?"
Echo shrugged. "I guess it could be interesting. Especially to see how Layla reacts."
Frostee smiled slyly. "Then let's go!"
In the meantime, Layla was outside, shutting the hood of Tony's car when he came back outside and walked up to her. "So, did you find out what everyone else was up to?" She asked. Tony didn't answer, instead he stepped closer to her and bent down so that his face was only a couple inches away from hers. "What're you doing Toretto-oh?" She was surprised by the sudden feeling of his lips pressing against hers.
    Layla stumbled back slightly, her back hitting the side of the car as his lips followed her, not letting her escape. She was too shocked to think or react for several seconds as she was still trying to comprehend what was happening. Tony just kissed me. Tony is kissing me. She thought. It was so random and out of nowhere. But what was even more surprising was that she hadn't pushed him away. She didn't want to push him away.
    Layla finally kissed back, letting her lips guide her and take control as her brain was still too fuzzy to work right. Tony pulled away after a few more seconds, moving his lips down her jaw, leaving small kisses as he went. "Tony?" Layla tried to question what he was doing but couldn't seem to be able to form the words. "Hey..." She cut herself off as his lips moved down her neck.
She had no idea what had gotten into him, but she didn't want him to stop as his lips moved back up to hers. This time she kissed back right away. His arms snaked around her waist as he pressed his body against her, trapping her against the car door. Layla's hands drifted up to his head, her fingers running through his hair as she lost herself in the heat of the moment.
Tony nibbled on her bottom lip, asking for entry and she granted it, opening her mouth. Their tongues fought for dominance for several long seconds until Layla backed down and let him explore her mouth. She had never seen him act this dominant before but strangely liked it. Whatever had gotten into him, she didn't care to find out right then as the only thing that mattered in that moment was the passion they shared.
    A fiery heat coursed through their bodies, igniting their feverish passion. As Tony's tongue explored the new terrain it discovered, their lips moved swiftly in sync, making them both light headed. "Toretto." Layla said between kisses. "What's gotten into you?"
    Tony trailed his lips across her jaw and nibbled on her ear, the metallic taste of her earring pleasing his mouth. "I love you, Layla." He whispered huskily in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. Layla didn't know what to say or how to respond. The only thing she could think to do was kiss back as his lips reconnected with hers.
    Inside the garage, Echo, Cisco and Frostee watched with wide eyes through a crack in the door. As Layla and Tony's moment grew even more heated, Echo pulled the other two spy racers away from the door. "I don't think you should be watching that." She said.
    "Aw, it was just getting good." Cisco complained. She sent him a stern glare.
    "Our plan worked though!" Frostee cheered.
    "Yeah, but what happens when the mind control wears off?" Echo asked.
    "Hm, we haven't thought that far." Frostee said.
    "Yeah, except for running for our lives so they don't kill us." Cisco added. Just then the door to the garage opened and in walked Tony. As he was walking up to them, suddenly his vision blurred and he clutched his head as to not lose consciousness.
    "Aww." He groaned as his vision finally cleared. "What happened? I can't remember what I came in here for."
    "Hey, T. What's the last thing you remember?" Frostee asked.
    "Uhh, I remember going into your lab and now I'm somehow walking in from outside." Tony recalled, his head still feeling strangely fuzzy.
    "You might want to talk to Layla sometime soon." Cisco advised.
    "Why." Tony asked confused.
    Before Cisco could answer, Layla walked inside and came up to Tony, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Your car's all fixed. I'm gonna head home now, I'll see ya'll tomorrow." She said and kissed Tony on the cheek with a seductive look before walking away.
    "What the-? Did I miss something?" Tony asked even more confused. The others looked away awkwardly. "Cisco? Frostee? What did you do?"
    "Do we run now?" Cisco asked Frostee.
    "Yup." Frostee said, already beginning to run away as Tony chased after them. Echo watched them running and screaming like little children and rolled her eyes.

Fast and furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots Where stories live. Discover now