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Santana's point of view

We are sitting in Mr. Schue's Spanish class and every time he opens his mouth I want to pull my hair out. His accent is horrendous and half of what he is saying doesn't make any sense. I've tried correcting him but he doesn't listen to me or just laughs it off like that's what he meant to say. It's such a joke that I'm even in this class in the first place, but I took it as an easy A to keep my GPA up, but I feel bad for everyone else in the class. I've tried helping the others but it's just as annoying helping them try to understand Spanish when Mr. Schue is teaching them wrong anyways. I also don't have the patience to teach our friends, the only one I can willingly help is Brittany without getting annoyed. It's getting to the point where I've considered going over his head to the principal to get him fired from this position. He isn't a bad person but he has no place to be teaching this class.

I decided to reach out to Chloe and see if she would be willing to help our friends. I know she took Spanish in high school and was taking it in College so maybe she could help. It's different reaching out to her now because she isn't at our school anymore but I have kept in contact with her. She also helped me come to terms with my sexuality when I was struggling with it, because she had gone through a similar situation herself with Beca. So now I'm sitting in a coffee shop waiting for Chloe to show up. Thankfully I don't have to wait too long because after five minutes I see Chloe come bouncing through the door with a big smile on her face.

,,Hey Santana, how are you doing?"

,,I've been better, but the reason I asked you here was because I need your help."

,,Well how can I help, you know I'm always here for you guys."

,,It's in Spanish. Mr. Schue is ruining the entire language and the class is failing. How did you make it through class?" Chloe laughs now.

,,By doing my own studying outside of his class and having a tutor. I would be more than happy to help your friends out." I feel relief wash over me and get up from the table to give Chloe a quick hug.

,,Thank you so much Chloe. That would be amazing, I just hate watching my friends fail at the language that I love. But what am I supposed to do about Mr. Schue?"

,,If I'm being honest Santana you need to go to the principal about this. Mr. Schue has been teaching Spanish incorrectly for too long and he needs to be in a different position."

,,But won't that make him mad? I mean, I don't want him to completely lose his job because then the glee club would be over too."

,,Santana you know as well as I do that your education is what matters most to you so if something is coming between that then you have to do whatever it takes to make it better."

,,Thanks a lot Chloe, I will think about it and also thank you for helping out our friends even after all of that we have been through."

,,It's my pleasure so don't worry about it. Now good luck with everything and I hope things will get better for you." We enjoy the rest of our coffee time and head our separate ways for the day. Chloe gave me a lot to think about in regards for getting Mr. Schue out of teaching Spanish and into something he is better suited for. When I get home I decided to send an email to the principal with my feelings and frustrations about Mr. Schue being the Spanish teacher. It turns out I wasn't the only one who had expressed concerns about his ability to be a Spanish teacher because within ten minutes of my original email I received a response saying the matter would be looked into. I smiled to myself hoping that something would actually be done to change things.

The next day in class unfortunately it is the same thing, Mr. Schue trying but failing to teach Spanish and I just lay my head on the desk to try and get through the day. Then it got to Glee club where there was a mysterious person sitting on the side by the piano. Mr. Schue finally enters the room and simply writes Spanish on the white board. Now I'm even more interested in what he has planned, seeing as he can barely speak Spanish I sincerely doubt he can sing in Spanish. The silence is broken by Sam.

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