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,,What are you doing?" I ask Jesse when he takes a left turn instead of right. ,,You need to go that way." I point to the road on the right. I can't let him come to my house!

,,I'm coming with you. I'm going to help you." I don't like that idea at all. I don't want Jesse in my house or there when I'm with Chloe, but when I see his face, I see that he's joking.

,,I work alone."

,,Pity. I want to see how you're handling yourself near Chloe. You will be all alone with her." He makes kiss noises. ,,Well, I'll read it in the school paper tomorrow. Music producer falls in love with another student and is now on ventilation."

,,You have a lot of fantasies. Don't worry, I got this. I'll see you tomorrow." And I ride further until I'm home.

,,I'm home." I say to my father who sits inside the living room.

,,I don't care. Go study! Don't bother me." I roll my eyes and run upstairs. I want to pack my laptop in case Chloe texts me. It needs to look professional. I open my bedroom door but I'm surprised when I can't see my laptop. I had my laptop this morning and put it on my desk, right? Maybe I put it somewhere else? I look through my room, but there's no laptop.

,,William?" I walk to the attic, where his room is. ,,Do you know something about my laptop?"

,,Yeah, dad has it."

,,What?! I need it myself. I have an assignment."

,,I know that, but I don't think dad knows."

,,This is ridiculous that he just takes everything in this house! It's my laptop. I'm going to take it back." I walk back to my room. Dad probably noticed my good mood this morning. He does not grant me anything. But why not? I don't get it. Every other parent wants to see their child happy. I look at my father's LP's. He gave that to me years ago but now I just want to throw them out of the window one by one. I take a deep breath and walk downstairs.

,,Where's my laptop?"

,,I need that. You can do your homework on paper."

,,But I need my laptop! Someone is waiting for me. It's very important."

,,Nothing is more important than your grades. You are going to study."

,,But dad -" I try but his fist comes to my cheek and I fall onto the ground.

,,You're not going anywhere! Now get out of my sight!" I run upstairs to my room and lock the door. I don't want him to come in and give me bruises again. Okay, what to do? I finally have a chance to be close to Chloe and he ruins it. My phone goes off and a message pops up.

+1 (404) 629-1648: Hi, I talked to the head master and you're allowed to come to my dorm at 4 PM.

Beca 💻: Chloe?

+1 (404) 629-1648: Yeah. Will I see you at 4? No, because I can't go. My father forbid me.

Beca 💻: Of course.

I add her number to my contacts and change it to Chloe. I go through my hair. What do I do now? I have no idea what to say to Chloe. Without my laptop I can't make a mashup at all! I look at myself, watch and sigh. I just have to go to her and explain that I can't work on my laptop. I feel myself getting angry again, but that doesn't solve anything. I put my notebook and a pen in my backpack. That way we can write down some of her favorite songs. I always got ideas about how to make the mashups, that won't be a problem. Well, if Chloe doesn't send me away. I open my window. Sorry dad, but I have to go. This is more important than studying. And I sneak out.

I cycle on the schoolyard and lock my bicycle in front of the dorm rooms of the university. I look at the text Chloe sent me on my way. It's her dorm number, 208. I walk into the big halls. Normally I'm not allowed to walk in here, but now I'm freaking out. The idea that Chloe will be standing in front of me in just a few minutes... Breathe! I tell myself while I'm getting closer to her dorm room. When I'm in front of the door, I quietly knock and wait until the door opens. She's so beautiful!

,,Hey Beca." She tells me. I love you! Chloe opens the door a little bit more, so I can get inside.

,,Thank you." I say and walk inside.

,,Aubrey is gone, so we can work in piece." I swallow. The whole afternoon alone with Chloe! Aahhh!! I scream inside my head. ,,Did you bring your laptop? Then we can start with downloading the songs." She tells me and I swallow again. This time not because of being alone with her, but because I have to let her down already.

,,I, um... I have to tell you something silly. I totally forgot that my father had to use my laptop today. Stupid of me, huh? I couldn't ask him back, because he was already working on it."

,,You're joking, right?" Chloe laughs. ,,As if you would come here with an excuse like that. Well, then you could leave again." I'm turning red. ,,No, you don't fool me that easily. Your laptop is in there." Chloe points to my backpack. I break out in sweat. I don't know what to say. I better pretend it was a joke, otherwise everything I had planned out will be lost. ,,Shall we begin? I'm so excited, nobody ever made a mashup for me."

,,You're in too much of a hurry." I tell her and sit down on the end of her bed. ,,I can think of so many ways to make this mashup. Maybe we have to start writing down your favorite songs." I grab my notebook out of my backpack.

,,Okay, there are so many songs that I like. I love "Rude boy" by Rihanna, but I also love Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga and I love "All that she wants" from Ace of Base. Oh and Fifth Harmony! They're amazing and -" I have to laugh about Chloe's enthusiasm. She likes a lot of songs.

,,We should write down some songs, otherwise I can't make something for you." I look at Chloe.

,,You're right." She says and sits down next to me. My heart thumps. Chloe's sitting next to me. How many times did I dream about that? And now it's really happening! Out of nerves I look around the room. ,,Don't be nervous around me." Chloe lays her hand on mine. It's nice to have her holding my hand. I look into her eyes and a smile forms on my face. This is worth it! I'm not regretting sneaking out. I clear my throat and take my hand away.

,,Well, can you tell me what your two favorite songs are?"

,,It's probably silly, but I really love "Bulletproof" from La Roux."

,,I can work with that song." I say and write it down. ,,And your second one?" Chloe keeps quiet for a moment and when I look at her, she's embarrassed again. So it's because of a song! Now I wonder what song. ,,You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I quickly say, but she shakes her head.

,,No, I'm happy to help you do your assignment." I look down, blushing. ,,It's "Titanium" by David Guetta and Sia." I look her in her eyes again.

,,You're embarrassed about liking "Titanium"? I love that song!"

,,Let's say it does something to me, every time I hear it." Wait, what does that even mean?

,,Okay, I guess."

,,It's hard to put those two into one, huh?"

,,Not really, but continue. Do you have more songs you like?"

,,Um, let me think. "Heaven", I don't know who the singer is though." Chloe put her finger under her chin and thinks again. ,,Oh and I love "Rolling in the deep" by Adele." I write all the four songs in my notebook.

,,I can work with these songs." I say and notice it's 5 PM. I get up. ,,I'm sorry, I promised my father that I would be home at 5:30 PM." I say and I hate that I have to lie, but there's no other way. Chloe can not know about what happens at home!

,,Okay, but can we meet again?"

,,You want to meet me again?" Chloe nods. ,,But why?"

,,So I can hear the mashup, silly." She pokes me with her hip. I blush once again, but hide it perfectly. ,,When can you meet me?"

,,Saturday? You can come to my house, my father will be away the whole day. I'll see you then." Chloe nods and I get out of her dorm room again. I walk back to my bicycle with a smile on my face. I just spent one hour with Chloe and she made my day! I unlock my bicycle and ride back home.

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