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Quinn's point of view•

Yesterday we landed at JFK because the glee club is going to perform here at the Nationals. Tomorrow will be the performance but my mind isn't at Nationals. Four days ago, when Rachel and I were in the park in Atlanta, we saw Beca getting chased by her father. It was a terrible sight. We couldn't help her because I couldn't leave Beth all alone but I wanted to. I wanted to come in between Beca and her father but that would've meant I was in big trouble. Beca would've never forgiven herself if something happened to me, Rachel or Beth. I sigh while looking at an excited Rachel. She loves everything here and even though she hasn't mentioned it yet, I'm pretty sure she's dreaming of living here. But who doesn't want to live in New York? It's pretty awesome here. I just wish Beca could see this now too.

,,She's fine." Rachel grabs my hand and squeezes it.

,,I haven't heard from her since she ran away from her father." I snap and regret it immediately. ,,I'm sorry, I just miss her so much. I'm worried she's not okay."

,,I get it but Beca doesn't want you to worry about her. She wants you to sing with us and win the Nationals."

,,You're probably right." She pulls me towards her and holds me. ,,I just want her to call or text me."

,,Can't you text her?"

,,Yeah, I can do that but I'm afraid she won't react."

,,Quinn, you are one of her best friends. She loves you. She misses you, just as much as you miss her. I know she misses Beth too."

,,Beca is amazing with Beth." I say happily.

,,Beth is cute." She gives me a kiss and I hold her.

,,You really like New York, huh?"

,,Absolutely. When I finish this year I want to go to NYADA." I stop walking.

,,What?! Did you apply to NYADA already?"

,,I did. I can't leave my dream unanswered."

,,But you can leave me and Beth?"

,,That's not -"

,,I get it. You want to live your dream just like every other girl without a baby."

,,Quinn, I love Beth but I can't give up on my dream to become a Broadway performer."

,,When did you apply?"

,,Last week. I wanted to tell you."

,,But you didn't! What was your plan? Getting accepted and just leaving us behind?"

,,No, I love you!"

,,Then why keep it a secret? Were you even planning to tell us?"

,,Of course, but you were so busy with Beca."

,,Oh, so you not telling me is Beca's fault?"

,,That's not what I'm saying."

,,But you're implying it!" I release my hand from hers. ,,You know what? We're going to win at Nationals but I can't be around you right now. I'm sorry." And I walk over to Finn.

,,Are you okay?" He asks me the second he sees the frustrated look on my face.

,,Not really. First Beca runs away and doesn't react to my messages and now I find out that the love of my life is going to move to New York to attend NYADA."

,,She applied to NYADA?" I nod. ,,That's cool and what she wanted from the 9th grade, right?"

,,Yeah but she didn't tell me. She's abandoning me and Beth. We need her." Finn gasps slightly.

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