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Three weeks after Regionals, we've been invited to a University party for the first time in years. Normally it's not allowed for high school students to attend these kinds of parties, but I think Chloe convinced the others. Even though we aren't allowed to consume alcohol, since we're not eighteen yet, I definitely need it tonight. I've let Quinn, Jesse, Finn, Stacie and Marley in before me and keep my distance from them, nervous about what I have to do tonight.

,,I'm so glad Chloe invited us!" Jesse yells who immediately grabs an alcoholic drink. ,,We're going to be the center of attention at this party!"

,,Oh, please." Quinn starts and looks at me. ,,Chloe only invited us because without us Beca wouldn't have come. We all know how much Beca means to Chloe. I think tonight is the night."

,,You really think Chloe will ask Beca to be her girlfriend?" Stacie says excitedly. I can't be the center of attention, so I change the subject.

,,Q, who's babysitting Beth tonight?"

,,My mom, why?"

,,Didn't you have a fight with your mom?" Finn looks surprised. ,,She and your dad kicked you out when you told them you were pregnant." He obviously doesn't know what happened between Quinn and her mother after Quinn gave birth.

,,My mother left my father and promised to be there for Beth and I. After thinking about it, I decided to give her a chance."

,,Very brave of you." Jesse says and then he disappears towards the University students. It's at this moment that my friends notice me standing at a safe distance from them.

,,Why are you standing over there?" Stacie asks, confused. ,,We don't bite." She's making a joke, but Quinn and Marley see that I'm dead serious.

,,What's wrong?" Quinn wants to take a step towards me but I stop her.

,,Don't come closer, please." I tell her and she shares a worried look with Finn, Stacie and Marley.

,,Okay, there's definitely something wrong." Marley says and steps forward before I can stop her. ,,And don't you dare say it's nothing. I have been your best friend since, for me, the eight grade. I might be younger than you are, but I still can see if you're okay. Right now, you're not okay. So, why are you keeping your distance from your best friends?"

,,It's nothing, just," I begin, running a hand through my hair. I take a deep breath and look at my four best friends. ,,it's my father."

,,What has he done now?" Finn groans.

,,He found out that I told you about the abuse and demanded that I cut my ties with you or he will hurt you all and Beth."

,,That's messed up." Quinn says and they all take a step towards me. ,,But we're not going anywhere. You're stuck with us."

,,But he will hurt you if you stay with me. And it's not only you he threatened to hurt." I look over to the girl who has my heart. ,,I can't let him hurt her."

,,He hurt you again and you're worried about us?" Quinn asks. ,,Don't you hear how messed up that is? What the hell does he want? You can't pause your life for him, Bec."

,,Yes, I can. I have to, Q. I can't risk any of you getting hurt because I disobeyed him."

,,You argued with him, huh?" Finn interrupts. ,,You disagreed about cutting ties and he hit you. That's why you have a busted lip!" Finn is smarter than everyone thinks, but his voice is too loud right now. If anyone wants, they can easily overhear.

,,Shush!" I say quickly. ,,I don't want Chloe to hear what's going on, okay?! I'm used to everything, so I would rather have you guys safe than have to visit you or Chloe in the hospital."

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