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When I arrive at Chloe's dorm room the next afternoon, I'm more than happy. My father is gone for the whole weekend, so there's no chance of getting beat up. You can still see the bruises from yesterday, but now my body can heal for two days. My laptop is safe in my backpack because my father didn't need it after all. I look at my watch. Chloe and I agreed to meet at 2 PM. I'm a little early because it's 1:45 PM. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. The door opens and to my surprise, it isn't Chloe who opens the door, but Aubrey.

,,Hi, I'm here for Chloe." I say nervously.

,,Oh, I know. Chloe bought drinks and some snacks."

,,That's sweet of her. Is she here?"

,,Yes, she's waiting for you. The right side of the room is hers. I'll be gone, enjoy." She says and walks away, leaving the door open for me to enter. I get inside the room carefully and close the door.

,,Chlo?" I ask and she looks up.

,,Hey, Becs." She says and grabs my hand. ,,Do you want something to drink?" I look over to her desk full of all different kinds of sodas.

,,No, I'm good." I look around the room. I've been here before but never noticed Aubrey's side of the room.

,,Don't be nervous around me, Becs." Chloe grabs my hand and leads me to her bed. She sits us down and I open my backpack.

,,Shall we start? I want to know what you'll think about it." Chloe laughs shyly.

,,It's getting real, huh?"

,,Yes, I did my best to make it perfect."

,,It doesn't have to be perfect, right?" Chloe sits against the headboard and gestures for me to follow her. I take my laptop with me while sitting next to her. Oh, my God, we're really close right now! Breathe Beca, breathe! ,,So, let me hear what you made."

,,I used two of your favorite songs. I hope you will like it." I give Chloe my laptop and she starts the mashup.

When it's done, she closes my laptop, puts it aside and turns her gaze at me. She keeps quiet for a while and only smiles at me. It's not creepy, but nerve-wracking.

,,Becs," She starts and I feel the panic rising in my chest.

,,It's okay if you don't like it, I can delete it if you want." I tell her and reach over to my laptop, but she holds me back. Her hand on my arm and her eyes that look into mine.

,,I love it, Becs. You did a really good job using my two favorite songs."

,,Seriously? You really mean that?"

,,Of course, I do." She tells me and I feel her hand that was holding is now on my hip.

,,You're not just saying that to make me happy, right?" Chloe starts laughing but when she sees that I wasn't joking, she stops laughing.

,,No, why would I do that?"

,,I - I don't know. Because I'm ordinary?" I say looking down at the bed sheets. Chloe grabs my chin and looks into my eyes.

,,No, you're not ordinary. You're very special." She says and keeps looking in my eyes and I can feel her warm and hot breath on my face. I just want to kiss her so badly right now, but she will never let that happen. She starts to say something but I don't hear a word she says because I'm too mesmerized by her beauty. All I can do is stare at her beautiful lips with lipstick. She then moves a little closer to me and my heart starts beating very fast. Oh, my God is this really going to happen?! She comes closer and then her lips are pressed against mine. I need a little time to process what is going on now but I don't need long to do that. I close my eyes and kiss her back. Before I know it we are making out on her bed. She's holding me by my waist and pulls me closer to her with each kiss. I put my hand through her gorgeous, blond hair. Her lips are so soft and smooth, like a cloud. I never want this to end! Chloe's tongue goes over my bottom lip, asking for permission and I'm glad to let her in. I didn't know Chloe swung both ways. Oh, my God, she is in a relationship with Tom! Why would she kiss me? My confusion doesn't stay because I'm lost in her kiss. Should I tell her how I feel about her? That I'm in love with her? Suddenly Chloe starts to pull up my shirt and without me even reacting to that, she stops kissing me and her voice speaks out. ,,What is that?" She asks me. I turn my head slightly and startle when I see that Chloe can see the bruise on my lower back through the mirror. I quickly pull my shirt down.

,,It's nothing Chlo, don't worry about it."

,,No that's something." I don't know what to say and get up. I grab my laptop and put it in my backpack. I look at Chloe one more time before running out of her dorm room.

,,Beca wait, please." I hear her calling my name. ,,Please, wait." Chloe reaches me, grabs my hand but I pull my hand away and run faster away from her. I shouldn't have met her! She probably has a lot of questions and she will find out about everything! If she knows about everything, she's in great danger! My eyes widen. Oh, my God, what have I done?!

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