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We're all sitting in the class, about to hear what Mr. Schuester has for us today. I'm sitting at the end of the classroom, minding my own business. Finn is sitting next to me, just like Quinn. Quinn and I talked a lot last night. She doesn't know about the abuse and I won't let her know but I really loved talking to her. The last time my father beat me up was two nights ago. Quinn and I stayed together for the whole day yesterday and I even stayed at her for dinner.

,,Hey, are you okay?" Quinn whispers to me. ,,You've been quiet."

,,Yeah, it's just that I lost something important that I needed on Saturday."

,,Oh, that sucks. What are you going to do on Saturday?"

,,Oh, she has a date with Chloe on Saturday." Says Finn and smirks.

,,It's not a date. I just made a mashup for her and I'm going to let her listen to it."

,,When are you going to tell her that you are hopelessly in love with her?" I roll my eyes.

,,Never. Chloe doesn't love me and by the way, she is in a relationship with Tom Wilson."

,,Everything can break." Quinn gives me a wink and I blush a little.

,,Hey, Becs." Finn suddenly says.

,,What's up?"

,,How great would it be if Marley joined the Glee club too?"

,,Yeah, that would be great, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to."

,,Then we have to persuade her. She loves your mashups Beca, maybe you can persuade her with one of your mashups."

,,But how is it going between you and Rachel, Q?" Q is our new nickname for her. Jesse didn't like the idea of me hanging out with cheerleader Quinn Fabray, but I really like her and she is also my best friend. She's pretty and sweet.

,,Not that good. I don't know how to because every time I see her, I'm speechless. Just like you are with Chloe." Quinn pushes me playfully and we start laughing. We keep talking for a while until Mr. Schuester walks in with sheets of music. He starts handing them out, but not to me because I don't sing.

,,All right, guys. We're doing a new number for Sectionals. I know that pop songs have sort of been our signature pieces, but I did a little research on past winners and it turns out that the judges like songs that are more accessible. Stuff they know. Uhm, standards, Broadway."

,,Defying Gravity?" Yells Kurt enthusiastically. ,,I have an iPod shuffle dedicated exclusively to selections from Wicked. This is amazing." Mr. Schuester smiles at him.

,,Do you think you can handle it, Rachel?"

,,It's my go-to shower song. It's also my ringtone." I look over at Kurt and see that he's crushed. He really wanted to sing that part.

,,Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song?" Yes, thank you, Mercedes. ,,See, what we need is my chocolate thunder." Okay, delete that compliment. Rachel and you are both selfish!

,,We don't have time to rearrange this song for you, Mercedes. Rachel is singing it. Don't worry, we'll find another song for you."

,,Rachel always gets the solo's." Complains Puck.

,,Well, maybe you should shut the fuck up." Finn tells him and I'm happy that he defends Rachel, for Quinn sakes, but why does nobody defend Kurt?

,,Okay, something different now." Mr. Schuester asks for our attention again. ,,The school won't pay for the special bus we need to take Artie and his wheelchair with us to sectionals."

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