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A/N: Trigger warning of domestic violence


The smell of undercooked potatoes and watery macaroni with cheese came out of the kitchen of the cafeteria, while we stormed inside. The popular kids meaning: the cheerleaders, the jocks, and the pretty rich students with expensive designer jeans gathered around the tables at the high windows looking over the schoolyard. The football players are blowing milk through their straws and are throwing fruit from a can at each other. They are on top of the food chain and they're going to stay that way. The tables in the middle of the cafeteria are filled by people who desperately want to be popular and are looking at the jocks with eyes full of jealousy. The tables at the wall were reserved for the goths, the band geeks and the other Glee club kids; Artie, Tina, and Kurt. Quinn used to sit with the cheerleaders herself, but she isn't herself lately. I don't know what is up with her. I look at the entrance of the cafeteria.

,,Who are you looking for?" Stacie asks me and I startle for a moment. ,,A certain blond girl?" She smirks when I feel my cheeks burning up.

,,Aw, she's blushing."

,,You all know how much I care about Chloe." I tell them honestly. ,,To be honest, she's the only person that can light up my day."

,,Wow, you're breaking my heart Bec." Jesse pretends that he's hurt.

,,You've been my best friend since 9th grade, loser." I drop his head into his food, earning a laugh from Quinn. I love to see her laugh again.

,,So Finn, what are you going to do when you graduate?" Marley asks him. Marley is the youngest of us, but still one of my closest friends and she's hopelessly in love with Finn.

,,I have no idea. I'm still waiting for a football scholarship."

,,You're something without that too, you know." I tell him and see Marley agree with me.

,,You're not bad yourself, Marley." He says and Marley smiles with red cheeks.

,,You can meet Chloe at Glee club." Says Quinn.

,,Is that possible?" I ask purely out of curiosity.

,,Of course, that's possible." Says Stacie. ,,In fact. Everyone from Barden University will be here at every football game."

,,So they're only here before a big sports game, huh?"

,,Dude, why wouldn't they? I mean, have you seen the cheerleaders in the halftime show?" Jesse says and I push his head in his food again.

,,Cheerleaders are at every sports game." Says Quinn, still not herself.

,,Okay, I didn't want to say this at first but now I'm going to say it." Finn turns towards Quinn. ,,What's wrong with you? You've been very quiet."

,,Oh, don't mind me." She says. ,,I'm just not feeling well."

,,Do you have a fever?" Stacie put her hand on Quinn's forehead.

,,No, it's not that. I don't know what it is yet." She tells us and then the bell rings, the sign for all of us to go to our next class. 

When I enter the choir room with Finn, Rachel, and Quinn, everyone is already there and Puck is holding a guitar.

,,What's he planning to do?" Quinn asks loudly but Finn and I both keep quiet.

,,No idea." We take a seat when Mr. Schuester walks in.

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