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I throw my bag on the floor when I get home but I startle from my father's voice coming out of the living room.

,,Beca, come in here!" He tells me and the fear rises up in my body. Maybe my test came in today? I slowly walk inside the room and see him with the last math test in his hand. ,,Can you tell me why you still got an F on your math tests?" He asks me.

,,Because I don't understand a thing. Math is difficult."

,,Or maybe because you are wasting your time with music and singing in that Glee club?"

,,How do you know about that?" I ask nervously.

,,That doesn't matter! You're a disappointment!" He yells and throws my test on the side table.

,,I just can't do it! I don't understand a thing, I need help." I say, my hands are shaking and I swallow in fear.

,,Yeah prove to everybody you're the biggest disappointment that lives on this earth! I don't care what you have to do to raise up your test grades, but you will do better next time. Cheat next time!" He yells and walks towards me.

,,But dad, I can't cheat. If the teacher catches me doing it, I'll get an F."

,,Then make sure he doesn't catch you!"

,,I can't cheat!"

,,Yes, you will because if you don't, I'll lock you up in your room for weeks. So you're going to cheat, understand?!" He grabs my hair and pulls hard. I yell in pain.

,,Stop dad! Please!" I say, crying and he throws me onto the floor. I drag my body to the corner and he walks in my direction again. His shadow covers me and kicks me in the stomach.

,,You're a disgrace to this family!" He tells me and kicks my stomach again. ,,You're a disappointment!" He kicks again. ,,This is for all the trouble you give me by living!" He says and kicks my stomach uncontrollably.

,,Please dad, stop!" I beg, crying.

,,You're gonna study harder than normal and you'll quit that little club!" He says, grabbing me by my neck, suffocating me and putting me against the wall, so hard that a few frames on the wall fall. I look into his eyes, they're dark and full of hate. I am a disappointment. Maybe he is right... My father looks down at the frame that has fallen. The glass in the frame has shattered but you still can see my mother's face in it.

 The glass in the frame has shattered but you still can see my mother's face in it

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He looks at me again and then I catch a glimpse of regret but I'm not sure. He releases me and I fall on the floor. ,,Get out of my sight!" He yells again before stumbling into the living room grabbing a new bottle of Dom. I stay on the floor because my whole body hurts. I can't talk, I can't move, but I have to. I drag my broken body up from the floor, grab my bag and get upstairs to my room.

When I'm in my room, I lay down on my bed because I start to feel dizzy. Why does he hate me so much? What did I ever do to him?! I don't understand. I sigh while hugging my own body carefully. Just as I'm about to close my eyes, my phone starts ringing. I groan when I turn my body to reach for it.

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