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I'm dreading about going to school today. My side is killing me from when I hit the side table last night. I have to hide it! I got up early so I can choose clothes that can hide the bruise that's on my side. I need to have a shirt that is long and I need to make sure nobody finds out. I'm laying clothes on my bed and when I'm satisfied with every piece of clothing that's on my bed, I go downstairs quietly. What I've learned by now is not to wake up my father. I'm not sure if I can do anything good in his eyes. He's using every reason to beat me up and when I say something to him, he beats me up even harder. Lately, I wish that I was dead instead of my mom. I grab a banana from the fruit bowl. This is going to be my breakfast. I don't know how fast I have to get away from my own house, but I run towards my bike. I can't face my father! Today I won't ride with Jesse or Finn, because they needed to get to school earlier. They didn't tell me why, but I'm kinda happy. That way they won't see the bruise or that I didn't sleep last night. Luckily nobody can hear my thoughts. I sigh while getting to the school yard, where I put my bike in a stand. I put my backpack on my shoulders and walk inside the school. Maybe I should find Chloe today and talk about our kiss. I think by myself, while walking to my locker to put the books I don't need there.

,,Beca Mitchell." I suddenly hear and turn around. Mr. Smith from math class is standing in front of me. ,,Can I talk to you for a moment?" My eyes find Quinn's who was just on her way to me.

,,Yeah, sure." I tell him and follow him into his office. He closes the door and sits down behind his desk.

,,Look Beca, I called you in here because I want to talk to you about your math grades."

,,I already know they're bad and that they aren't improving."

,,That's not why I called you in here." He tells me and I look at him surprised. ,,Your grades were very low for months, but your last test went way better." He grabs the test that I made and I swallow. We haven't got our grades back and this was the last chance.

,,Do I have an F again?" I ask carefully.

,,That's what surprises me." He gives me the test and I look at it.

,,I got an D?"

,,Yes, you should keep Chloe as your tutor because if you go on at this pace, you might pass math for this year."

,,Really?" I feel a smile coming up. Mr. Smith nods. ,,Oh, my God! I can't believe it!"

,,Believe it and let Chloe know too that you do a lot better with her help."

,,Thank you sir." I tell him and get up. He nods at me and I leave his office, after which Quinn immediately walks over to me.

,,What did he want?"

,,I got an D for my last test!" I practically yell.

,,Oh, my God, that's awesome!" She's just excited as I am, because she knows how hard math is for me.

,,I have to find Chloe and show her this." I say and want to walk away, but the bell rings that our first class starts.

,,You can tell her at lunch time." Quinn says and I nod. I can't wait to tell you this Chlo. Quinn and I walk to our class and the day goes by as usual. First I have history, a class I don't find hard, then I have Spanish, in which I grow day by day, and at last I have Astronomy. Now it's lunch time and before I go to the cafeteria to find my friends, I put my books in my locker.

,,I heard you got an D for your last math test." Finn walks up to me, along with Marley.

,,You heard well." I say proudly.

,,I'm so happy for you." Says Marley and wraps me in a tight hug. Ouch, it hurts so much! I can't help but wince and cry out a little in pain. Marley pulls back confused. Oh, no! I'm caught now! I have to get away from them! I turn around quickly and want to leave but Finn is fast, he catches my arm and softly pulls me into an empty classroom that's close to my locker. Quinn closes my locker, so that nobody can grab my books and follows Finn, leaving Marley at my locker for now. I try to pull away but stop because of the pain. ,,Becs, why did you cry out when Marley hugged you? Did she hurt you?" A worried Quinn asks me.

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