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We arrived back home after the funeral. Last week my mother died of cancer that held her in its grip. I'm going to miss her so much. She was everything to me. I know William and Lauren are going to miss her too, but they never seemed to have such a bond with her as I did. My father walks over to the refrigerator and grabs a bottle of Dom.

,,Dad, are you sure you want to drink that right now? We just buried mom." I told him.

,,Stay out of my way, Beca." He tells me and pushes me aside. William grabs my arm, not that hard and whispers.

,,It's his only way out of this. He can't handle his sorrow right now. We should go to our rooms."

,,But I need him. We lost her too, you know." I tell him, tears appear in my eyes. He shrugs his shoulders and heads upstairs to his room, followed by Lauren. I walk up to my father.

,,Dad, I know it's hard but mom couldn't do it anymore. The cancer was spread out throughout her whole body." His eyes find me, while he takes a sip from the bottle itself.

,,Don't you think I know that?!" He sits down on the couch and I walk a little closer to him.

,,Dad, we all find it difficult to deal with our feelings, but we need you." He put the bottle against his lips and drank in one long tug. ,,Don't drink too much, dad." I tell him, but he doesn't like that. He points his finger at me.

,,Don't tell me what to do, young lady!" Now he starts yelling, but that's understandable when you drink a whole bottle. ,,And bring me another bottle."

,,But dad, I don't think -" My sentence is interrupted by the almost empty bottle of Dom that gets smashed against the wall. I cringe and look at my father with wide eyes.

,,Why did you do that?"

,,You're frustrating me by talking to me, now bring me that other bottle!"

,,Suit yourself." I only say, before walking over to the refrigerator. When I open it, I don't see just one bottle of Dom, but four.

,,Beca." My father looks my way. ,,I changed my mind." I let out a sigh of relief and closed the refrigerator. ,,What are you doing?!" I don't like his tone.

,,Closing the refrigerator."

,,Why would you do that?"

,,You said that you changed your mind. Do you want a cup of tea?" He starts laughing now.

,,You stupid silly child. I don't need a cup of tea, I need bottles of Dom."


,,Yes, bring all four of them to me, will you?" I want to react to that request but don't because just a few minutes ago he yelled at me for questioning him. I open the refrigerator again and take out all four bottles of the Dom. ,,Well, would you hurry!" He yells and I take a few extra steps, to be in front of him quicker.

,,I don't think it's a good idea to drink this much, dad."

,,I do whatever I want and you keep your mouth shut, do you understand?!" He sits up straight and looks at me. I cringe once again and quietly nod. ,,Good." My father opens his second bottle of Dom and drinks it all at once. I don't understand why he would do that, he knows he gets drunk fast. I have to do something before he gets alcohol poisoning.

,,Dad, stop drinking." I try to grab the bottle out of his hands, but he slaps away my hands and pushes me hard onto the ground. My back hits the tip of the coffee table and it hurts, but I don't give up. ,,Dad, please stop! Mom wouldn't want you to do this. She loved you and she will be disappointed by your actions." It's true. My mom didn't like it when my dad drank. My father puts down the bottle and I think he stops, but he walks over to me.

,,Don't ever talk about your mother ever again!" He yells and turns back to the couch. ,,How did your math test go last week?"

,,I couldn't concentrate because of mom, so I got an F." I told him, but he didn't like that answer. He storms up to me, grabs me and throws me hard against the wall.

,,You're such a disappointment!" He tells me and starts hitting and kicking me. And that was only the beginning...

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