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The first moment I walked into the yard of Barden High the next morning, fingers laced themselves around my wrist, surprising me and making me jump out of my skin. My dark blue eyes flicker up, startled! Chloe!

,,Becs, we need to talk." Chloe says and before I can react, she pulls me away towards the oak tree. She knows how much I like this tree.

,,What the hell, Chlo?!" I say when we finally stop.

,,Tell me, Beca." I knew she couldn't stop asking questions. Maybe Chloe expects me to crack and spill out my secret but that's not how it works.

,,Tell you what?" I glare at her as I hiss out bitterly through my clenched teeth. I face away from Chloe straight after, denying to continue the conversation.

,,At the party when we talked about you getting hurt, was that true?" I bite on my lip. Thinking about my conversation with my father wasn't the thing I'm worried about. Chloe has to believe I lied, she has to! If I want Chloe to be safe, I need to lie. My eyes shift down to the ground as I gulp.

,,I was lying. I'm sorry, Chlo." I say, afraid to look at Chloe's eyes.

,,Really, Beca?"


,,I don't believe you were lying. I want to help you out of this, Becs." A tear slips out of the corner of Chloe's eyes, as she continues. ,,But I can't if you won't tell me anything." Chloe reaches out for my hand. ,,Talk to me Becs, please."

,,Why do you care, anyway?" I interrupted her. Chloe answers directly, without hesitation.

,,Because I care about you! Tell me, how can I not worry when I know that someone is abusing you?"

,,Why can't you just let it be and stop questioning me? Stop wasting your time."

,,So it's true?" I keep silent. Fuck! ,,You didn't lie? You were being abused and you still are?"

,,It doesn't matter if I lied or if I'm getting abused."

,,Of course, that matters!" Chloe raises her voice.

,,Chlo, don't freak out about this."

,,You've been lying to me for the entire year and now I can't freak out?" 

,,You've been lying to me for the entire year and now I can't freak out?" 

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,,Stop Chloe, just stop." I say. ,,Don't act like you actually care about me."

,,But I do care about you!"

,,Oh, really?" Now I'm getting mad. ,,Remember the night you kissed me? When I ran away because you saw a big bruise on my back? Because I do! You kissed me but never talked to me about it! So, don't fucking say you care because you don't." Tears are flooding out of Chloe's eyes right now.

,,Don't shut me out like this, Becs." She croaks out in between her sniffling, reaching out for me. Apocalyptic pain throbs in my heart as I step back from her reach, trying to protect her. If she knows the truth, she can get hurt!

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