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Okay so, a lot has happened in the last few months. Quinn got kicked out by her parents when she told them she was pregnant, she is living with Mercedes until she can move into a dorm room at Barden University, Quinn and Rachel have been in a relationship for two months. They have been on dates a lot but only decided to be girlfriends two months ago, when Quinn was already pregnant for eight months. Quinn can go into labor anytime now because the nine months are almost over. Marley and Finn have been on a lot of dates now and now it's the day of Regionals. My life is still a nightmare with my father who beats me up and Chloe being in a relationship with Tom, but the positive thing in all this is that my grades for math have been increased from an F to a B. Just like Spanish. Quinn, already in her dress they have to wear during the performance, grabs my hand and pulls me into the empty auditorium.

,,Q, what's wrong? Oh, my God. Are you going into labor?"

,,No, Bec. I've brought you here because we want to practice."


,,Yeah," Rachel appears and grabs Quinn by her hand. ,,you know Mr. Schue wants me to perform faithfully with Finn and be all romantic and all, but I can't do that."

,,Do you want to watch us sing faithfully and help us try to convince Mr. Schue to give us the lead?" Quinn asks me and I nod while sitting down. Quinn and Rachel walk on stage and start to sing "Faithfully". It sounds amazing! Their voices fit so well together and I hope that Mr. Schue will give them the lead.

 Schue will give them the lead

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They look so happy.

,,How was that?" Asks Rachel and I applaud.

,,That was really good. Mr. Schue should give you the lead." I say and they walk up to me again. ,,Come on, then we have to go to the choir room and talk to Mr. Schue immediately." They nod eagerly and we run to the choir room where everybody is already inside.

,,Mr. Schuester? Quinn and I have something we want to ask you." Rachel says immediately, but Mr. Schuester cuts her off.

,,Me first. Have a seat." Quinn and Rachel sit next to each other, hand in hand. ,,Nine months ago, there were five of you in here and we sucked. One day, all of you are going to be gone. And all of this, all of us will be nothing but a hazy memory. It will take you a second to remember everyone's name. Someone will have to remind you of the songs we have sung, the solo's you got or didn't get. Life only really has one beginning and one end and the rest is just a whole lot of middle. And I love you guys so much to let you not make the most of it. Now, I was going to quit once, but you guys brought me back with "Don't stop believing". It was a nine, but we are going to make it a ten."

,,So we're doing "Don't stop" at Regionals?" Asks Matt.

,,We are going to do a Journey medley."

,,We already agree to do "faithfully", right?" Finn says and looks at Rachel.

,,Well," She starts but Puck cuts in.

,,Don't go back now, Berry!" He yells. ,,I never agree on something here, but a Journey medley is the best we can do."

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