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laying in their bed, m/n snuggled into the covers, evening sunshine coming through the windows. a small bear sat on the other side, m/n grabbing at it and holding onto it tightly. he had gotten home from work three hours prior, his back aching as he took a shower. m/n smiled as he heard the lock turn in the door, pretending to be asleep. "i'm home love." he said, walking into the apartment, going to the bedroom.

"darling?" he asked, smiling at m/n's asleep body. quickly changing out of his outfit, he got into pajamas before kissing m/n's exposed shoulder. "taeyong!" m/n smiled, clinging onto his partner. "you cheeky boy, i thought you were asleep." taeyong laughed, getting in bed next to him. "i guess i tricked you." "i'm not going to kiss you anymore." taeyong pouted, turning over. "no!" m/n whined, snuggling into taeyong's back. "hmph." he said, turning back towards his partner, pulling them closer together. "and if i kissed you would that make butterflies fly in your stomach?"

m/n's mind fluttered back to when they first met, a smile on his face.


"taeyong, what are you-" "m/n if i kissed you would that make butterflies fly in your stomach?" m/n's face heated up at the unexpected words, looking at taeyong's eyes. "what do you mean?" "if i were to," taeyong said, his eyes trailing to m/n's lips. "kiss you right now, would butterflies fly in your stomach?"

taking a deep breath, m/n said his answer. "yes taeyong." getting ticklish at the air against his lips, m/n couldn't explain the rollercoaster of feelings in his stomach as they gently pressed their mouths together. their first kiss. "d-did you feel anything?" taeyong nervously asked, afraid to meet m/n's eyes. m/n grabbed the side of his face, brushing his hair away.

"butterflies yong. i felt butterflies." the two connected their lips again, happily feeling together.


"maybe." he smiled, taeyong gently laughing before connecting their lips. melting into his partner's body, m/n let his arms lock around taeyong's neck as taeyong grasped at his waist. "i love you angel." m/n smiled, pressing a kiss to his nose, heart lifting at taeyong's soft laugh. "you haven't called me that for a while." "should i do that more?" taeyong nodded, m/n cooing before connecting their lips again. "my angel." "my darling."

"dinner?" m/n asked, taeyong nodding, his eyes slowly closing. "sleep love. i'll cook tonight." "okay." he sleepy said, m/n smiling as he exited the room and went to the kitchen.

washing the rice, he quickly started the rice cooker, smiling as he opened the fridge. "i love him so much." he whispered, looking back toward the bedroom towards the sleeping love of his life.


"wake up." m/n smiled, kissing taeyong's temple. "good morning." taeyong whispered, picking his hands up toward m/n, cuddling close to him. "come here." "dinners getting cold." "no i want you to hug me." pecking taeyong's lips, m/n picked him up, taeyong happily smiling as m/n sat him down.

"thank you." he smiled, pouring himself and m/n a glass of their favorite wine. "you're welcome love." the two happily ate dinner, enjoying a casual conversation together. "you're working on stuff for your solo album." "yep." taeyong said, grain of rice on the corner of his lip. " i'm going to be in the studio producing tomorrow." m/n nodded, leaning over. "what are you doing?" "this." kissing the rice off, m/n smiled as taeyong blushed.

"want to sleep?" m/n asked, taeyong's eyes closing. "yes please." "come on." he smiled, grabbing taeyong's hand as they walked to the bathroom. "brush your teeth." the two quickly brushed their teeth, m/n picking his tired boyfriend up and carrying him into their room. "i'll be right back angel." "don't leave!" he whined, m/n quickly running to put in the dishes in the sink before walking back to their room, his sulking boyfriend greeting him.

"come on angel." m/n smiled, hugging taeyong. "fine." taeyong frowned, kissing m/n. "goodnight." hugging taeyong's side, m/n pulled him closer, kissing his forehead before falling asleep, taeyong joining him shortly after.


picking up lunch from taeyong's favorite restaurant, m/n waved to the sm staff, walking towards the studios. walking to the number taeyong texted him, he knocked, waiting for an answer. "taeyong?" pushing open the door, m/n's mouth dropped at the site of his crying partner. "yong, what's wrong?" he asked, holding taeyong's sobbing body. "i-" he choked out, m/n kissing his head. "go slow."

"i don't know why my own song is making me cry." he sobbed out, m/n picking him up and sitting in the chair, stroking his hair. "it's natural love." he looked at the open computer, understanding. "i love you forever my love, you know that?" taeyong nodded, his sobs turning to soft cries. "one day we'll start our little family, adopting kids together. we'll move into our home where you'll do what you love and i'll do what i love." "do we have to get married?" laughing, m/n kissing his ear. "not if you don't want to, we'll see how we feel later."

"thank you darling." taeyong whispered, the standard words comforting him. "i would do anything to make sure you're okay angel." connecting their lips, m/n smiled happily, taeyong wrapping his hands around his waist. "hey taeyong, are you on track for dance in an hour." yuta said, walking in on his phone. "i'm a little busy." he said, annoyed that yuta had walked in. "oh, hi m/n." yuta smiled, m/n waving. "anyways, answer me." "yeah, probably. songwriting is going." "kissing your boyfriend with an open door is also going but carry on."

laughing, m/n put his head in taeyong's shoulder, kissing his neck. "it's not funny." "i brought you lunch. go eat." taeyong smiled, grabbing the bag and sitting at the small table. "you got my favorite?" he asked, m/n nodding, taeyong digging in.

looking at the notes on taeyong's desk, m/n weakly smiled as he read the page.


you are my love, love, love
you are my world, world, world
i promise you forever, forever
너와 함께하는 이곳

"m/n come over." "alright angel." sitting next to taeyong, the couple dug in, enjoying the company of each other.

i'll love him forever too

"what are you thinking?" taeyong asked. "nothing angel." he smiled, kissing taeyong's lips, taeyong happily kissing back. "i'm glad."

yep, i'll really love him forever

word count: 1111
status: unedited
original date of publish: 7/1/2023

happy birthday to my love taeyong :(
he deserves the world
i love tyong so much
more than i can explain
ugh i feel like i didnt do him justice with this
i might fix this later sooo
its cute tho
night night


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