show you off-jaemin

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jaemin x nct added member male reader
pronouns used: he/him
content warning: cursing, adult themes, pictures with non-melanated skin

connecting his and jaemin's hands, m/n guided them into the han river park, jaemin following behind him. "why are you guiding me to the date i set up?" jaemin asked, m/n turning around to smile brightly at his boyfriend. "because i want to." rolling his eyes, jaemin hitting m/n's shoulder gently. smiling brightly, jaemin pulled m/n forward, running hand and hand to a small picnic blanket surrounded by candles.

"what's this?" m/n asked, sitting down with jaemin. "our little date spot." jaemin smiled, leaning in to kiss m/n. "jaemin-" m/n said, instinctively pulling back. "let them see." jaemin's eyes were filled with a fiery glow, moving his hand to hold m/n's head, playing with his hair. "i'll protect you."

connecting their lips quickly, m/n gently kissed jaemin, moving his hands onto his hips. laying down, jaemin brought m/n's down with him, m/n hovering over his boyfriend. "i'm so in love with you." jaemin breathed out as the two disconnected their lips. m/n smiled, pecking jaemin's cheek.

"just kiss me jaem."

smiling, jaemin connected their lips once more,  taking his leg and moving it up, locking it around m/n's hip. m/n smiled brightly in their kiss, moving his hands through jaemin's brown hair.

the two happily kissed, the sun going towards the west. sitting back up, jaemin gently kissed m/n one last time, admiring his puffy pink lips. standing up, m/n turned back, walking in the distance. "let's go to dinner jaem."

"m/n." m/n looked back, wondering why jaemin wasn't following me. and then he saw him.

resting on one knee, jaemin looked up at him, his eyes carrying a universe full of stars. "jaemin-" m/n spoke, walking forward carefully. "i honestly don't know how to explain in words how much i love you. since the first time i laid eyes on you you had me captivated. in all honesty, i'm quite new to loving in general and we're both young, but the one thing i do know is that i want to be with you for the rest of my life," m/n smiled brightly, jaemin grabbing a box from his pocket. "so, m/n, will you marry me?"

"yes my love."

smiling brightly, jaemin stood up, connecting m/n's lips with his, hearing 2 cameras click. the engagement photographer i hired, he thought, smiling brightly as he gently kissed his now fiancé. pulling away, jaemin slid the ring on m/n's finger. "and since you can't show your ring on camera i got us matching rings so you can still have something." putting the second ring on m/n's finger, m/n smiled looking straight at jaemin.

"god i love you."

kissing jaemin gently, m/n smiled, jaemin taking out his phone to snap a quick picture. "dinner and then back to the hotel?" jaemin asked, m/n grabbing his hand to walk out of the park with jaemin.




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