campus couple-haechan

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"wake up!" "huh?" a loud voice yelled in his ears, m/n waking from his slumber, knocking heads with his roommate. "you're going to be late to class." panicking, m/n grabbed onto the boy's shoulders. "why didn't you wake me up renjun?" "i just did! your boyfriend would have my ass if you're late."

renjun left the room, staring at the boy on his bed. "come on, you don't have all day!" "actually, you have more like 15 minutes to make it to campus." his second roommate said, looking down at his phone. "shit."

m/n shot up, opening the closet, getting a sweater vest from the closet. pulling out a pair of jeans, he stripped from his pajamas, putting on his clothes for the day. he grabbed his canvas messenger bag and exited his room, grabbing the piece of toast renjun made for him.

scarfing the toast down, he walked to their shared bathroom, brushing his teeth and putting on deodorant, chenle smacking his hips. "what the hell are you doing." "hitting on you." "get a partner." "i'm good, thanks." rolling his eyes, m/n flipped off chenle, walking to the entrance of the house and grabbing his hoodie. "i'm leaving."

he walked outside of the dorm, waving as his friend joined him. "xiaojun ge, good morning." the boy's eyes were semi closed as he pulled the drawstrings of his hoodie. "good morning." "hungover?" "yes!" xiaojun whined, the two getting into the elevator.

"good luck at class ge." m/n said, the two exiting the elevator, xiaojun sighing deeply. walking into the garage, m/n took out his keys, entering his car.

"fuck i have 5 minutes." exiting through the opening he looked both ways, pressing on the gas toward his university campus.


opening the door to the main campus, m/n smiled as he saw his boyfriend's car pull up. fixing his outfit, he smiled as the door opened, his boyfriend running to him and connecting their lips.

"hey baby." he whispered, sneaking his hands into the belt loops of m/n's jeans. "clingy donghyuck?" "only for you babe." donghyuck smiled, his hands tracing the exposed skin on the small of m/n's back.

"you look cute." connecting their lips again, m/n smiled, slapping his boyfriend's arm. "i love you but i have class." "what's it on?" "something for psychology. i forgot." "that's not good babyboy."

groaning, m/n started walking away, other students watching them and laughing as donghyuck yelled at him. "you're so hot babe! you're gonna have someone fall in love with you!" "lee donghyuck calm the fuck down baby!" "i love you!" "donghyuck-"

the two fell on the floor, bursting into laughter. "are you okay?" donghyuck asked, m/n nodding, sticking their heads up at renjun's laughter. "hey bitches." "go fuck your boyfriend." m/n said, renjun smirking. "maybe i will." "don't fight!" donghyuck said, putting his hoodie over m/n's neck. "i've got to go to class. give me your hoodie." "bye babe." m/n smiled, pecking his lips, handing his boyfriend his hoodie.

"that was entertaining." renjun said, wrapping his arm around m/n's shoulder. "fuck off. i'm almost late to class." "for your therapist training?" m/n nodded. he had been training to become a sex therapist, and the first step was to get his license.

the door for his lecture hall appeared, m/n waving to renjun as he entered the room, running to sit next to mark as professor walked in. "you're almost late." mark whispered, m/n opening his textbook. "donghyuck kept me." his seat mate opened his mouth to speak but the professor entered, quickly starting their class.

m/n snuggled into donghyuck's hoodie, taking in his scent as he took notes, waiting for the class to come to an end. "finish the chapter in your textbook we started. remember, your research is due by next class. you're dismissed."

getting up from his seat, mark and m/n sat up, chatting with each other as they exited the lecture hall, m/n smiling as donghyuck stood outside, hugging him tightly.

"i missed you baby!" he said between kisses, m/n laughing happily. "i missed you too." clasping hands, m/n waved goodbye to mark, the couple walking away happily. "want to study at my dorm?" donghyuck asked, m/n nodding. "are your roommates there?" "why, do you want me so badly?"

hitting donghyuck's shoulder, the couple smiled, exiting the building and walking to donghyuck's car.


"baby! cuddle me!" donghyuck called, m/n wrapped up in his hoodie on the couch, textbook on his lap. "will you do my homework for me?" nervously laughing, donghyuck sat back at his desk. "on second thought, maybe my student teacher application is more important."

"i'm joking love, i'll come cuddle you." a bright smile appeared on donghyuck's face, m/n coming to hug him. "i'm proud of you, you know that?" nodding, m/n smiled again, pecking donghyuck's face. the boy was getting a degree to be a korean teacher and m/n had seen first hand the effects of burn out on him. standing up from his chair, donghyuck back-hugged m/n toward his room, happily leaving pecks on his partner's clothed shoulder.

getting donghyuck's bed, m/n snuggled into his boyfriend's chest, tiredly kissing the exposed skin on donghyuck's neck. "stop." hyuck groaned, playfully pushing m/n's head off. "no." he said, nipping his boyfriend's neck. "that's going to leave a hickey." "no it won't."

the two playfully argued, rolling around on the bed. grabbing the wrists if his partner, donghyuck hovered over him, kissing his lips softly. "calm my love." m/n connected their lips again, happily putting his hands under his shirt. "are we doing this now? we have class in the morning." donghyuck murmured, m/n humming. "it's fine."

and maybe among all of that,
the noise complaints of neighbors
the late nights studying together
maybe thats what made them them


m/n woke up, cuddled against donghyuck's bare chest. "good morning." he whispered, kissing m/n's cheek. "good morning to you too hyuck." the couple cuddled together, sharing sweet morning kisses as the light fluttered in, birds chirping outside. "what time is it?" donghyuck croaked, m/n grabbing his phone. "8:45." silence hung over the room before they both sat up, panic on their faces.

"8:45?" shooting out of the covers, they dug around their closet, looking for something to wear. "we're late babe!" "i knew this would happen!" stumbling out the door, m/n grabbed donghyuck's hand as they went to the car, exchanging a quick kiss before donghyuck stepped on the gas and drove them to the college.

running into history, donghyuck and m/n made it their seats in the back with mark and jeno, jaemin and renjun turned around in the row in fromt of them. "you're late." "i know, we we're busy."

"doing what? giving each other hickeys?" jaemin chuckled, m/n covering his neck in annoyance. "focus on notes." the group laughed, donghyuck's hand returning to its familiar place around m/n's shoulder, taking out his notebook.

"that's the campus couple for you." jeno said, happily smiling.

word count: 1203
status: unedited
original date of publish: 6/6/2023

happy haechan day!
i love my sunshine sm :(
he deserves the world


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