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yuta laid his head in m/n's lap, mindlessly scrolling as m/n played with his hair. "baby." yuta said, m/n humming in response. "i'm taking you on a date." "do i have a decision in this plan?" he asked, a bright smile on his lips. "nope. i'll drag you out of the house." "okay then angel." leaning down to kiss yuta's lips, the two closed the space between them, the bed squeaking under them.

a soft meow came from the floor, yuta pulling away to reach for the cat, bringing the animal into his lap. "you love the cat more than me." m/n pouted, yuta pecking his lips. "very correct." "you should just go on a date with a cat." "no please take me back i love you." "i love you too angel."

connecting their lips again, m/n sat up, the cat hopping from yuta's lap. "let's get ready?" nodding, m/n went to the closet, taking his shirt off and plopping it on the floor. "hey." yuta said, wrapping his arms around m/n's bare torso. "hey." "do you like my chest?" "i do baby."

kissing his lips, the two got ready to go on their date, taking a second to hold each other. "i think we're the only ones who cuddle in our underwear." yuta laughed, m/n kissing his neck. "i do too."

"come on, let's actually get ready." "okay angel."


"where are we going?" "not saying." "what if you're kidnapping me?" "i'm not going to do that angel." yuta whined, stopping. "open your eyes." smiling, m/n started to jump up and down. "we're going to an arcade?" nodding, m/n happily connected his and yuta's lips, separating to walk into the arcade.

"how many tokens?" the minimum wage worker asked, the couple turning to each other. "200 to share?" "sure." m/n nodded, yuta taking out his wallet and pulling his card from the pocket within the leather. wincing at the price, yuta put the card in the chip reader, patting m/n's head. "let's go!" m/n cheered, the worker handing the bucket of tokens to the two boys.

the arcade was practically empty aside from the couple inside it. a group of three teenagers sat playing skee ball and a son and mother battled in a basketball game, laughing. "what should we do?"

the two looked around, running to play mario kart. sliding the tokens in the slot, the two started customizing their characters, yuta with kirby and m/n with yoshi. "get back here!" yuta cackled, m/n crossing over the finish line. "i win!" smiling, m/n put his hands up, yuta tickling him. "hey!" connecting their lips, m/n smiled, pulling away.

"another round?" "i'll win." "in your dreams."


"you got this!" m/n cheered, yuta taking another try at the claw machine. sending the claw down, he groaned at the failure of picking up the stuffed animals. "oh." m/n frowned, yuta holding him. "i'm sorry." he said, kissing the boy's lips. "it's alright baby. i'm going to go back to the restroom."

walking to the back of the arcade, yuta sighed, looking at the lack of tokens in the bucket. running to the front, he took out his wallet, purchasing a final 50 tokens. "thank you." he bowed, running to the claw machine.

sliding two tokens into the rusty slot, he started the claw, trying to grab a matching set of bears. "so close." he muttered, the claw missing the thread by a hair. sliding more tokens in, he started the claw again, yuta panicking as he grabbed the two bears and putting it down the shoot, receiving the object.

"yuta?" m/n asked, holding yuta's back. "here you go love." holding the two stuffed animals in his hands, m/n smiled, hugging yuta. "thank you angel." he said, cuddling into his shoulder. "you're welcome lovebug."

kissing each other quickly, they walked over to the counter, dropping off the excess and receiving cash back. locking pinkies, m/n and yuta walked to their car, getting into the front. "i love you." "i love you too." pecking m/n's lips, yuta started to drive off, m/n playing with the stuffed animal in his lap.




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❤️ 💬 ⬇️arcade date with the loml@foreveryuta

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❤️ 💬 ⬇️
arcade date with the loml


tyongsworld: are those matching plushies?
-foreverm/n: yes yuta won them for us😭
-tyongsworld: sobs yall are so cute

sugarwoo: kitty!
-foreverm/n: she didnt want us to leave :(
-foreveryuta: we should have taken her
-foreverm/n: no we should not have
-foreveryuta: :(
-foreverm/n: i'll give u cuddles come
here you big baby

foreveryuta: i love you my angel
-foreverm/n: i love you too baby
-foreveryuta: mwua mwua

word count: 789
status: unedited
original date of publish: 7/7/2023

happy 127 day my angels!
i love them so much
to 7 and many more<3
i napped while writing this
and now im gonna sleep
night night!


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