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mark birthday oneshot #1!

tw! cursing, argument between couple, unintentional harm of partnernote: mark is a meanie here but he's actually an angel :( this is not an irl representation of him

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tw! cursing, argument between couple, unintentional harm of partner
note: mark is a meanie here but he's actually an angel :( this is not an irl representation of him

m/n sat up, stretching his shoulders out. "ready for practice babe?" he asked, mark nodding. "you've been out for so long so i'm excited to go through the danced with you." mark said, grabbing his boyfriend's face, squeezing his cheeks to peck his lips. m/n had injured his shoulder, needing multiple surgeries to correct the issue, going on hiatus for almost a year. "what are you doing?" m/n asked, mark putting his arms around his waist, picking his boyfriend up "kissing you." he smiled, m/n laughing. "i love you." "i love you too."

"if you love me will you let me skip practice?" m/n asked, mark thinking quickly. "nope." he said, slapping m/n's butt. "hey!" laughing, mark got in his spot, waving m/n over. "come here!" "tsk." rolling his eyes, m/n walked over, mark smiling brightly as he started working him throught the counts.


"m/n, you need to keep up!" mark yelled, restarting the music. sweat dripped down m/n's neck. "i'm fucking trying." he grumbled, starting the dance again. "not right!" mark said, turning to music on. "do you know what you're doing wrong?" he said, m/n putting his finger on his temple. "if i knew i would fix it."

mark grumbled, fixing m/n's position, tweaking m/n's shoulder. "ow!" m/n said, gripping onto his injured shoulder. "oh shut it." mark said, twisting it in a different direction. "mark you're hurting my fucking shoulder." "sorry." he extended the word, m/n groaning. "can you stop being an ass." "oh i'm not. you just need to finish learning this."

walking away, mark started the music, the opening notes for candy playing. "m/n." "oh shut the fuck up." m/n said, rolling his eyes. "oh?" mark said, glaring straight at m/n. "i'm fucking done with this. actually help me mark." "we've been at this for 2 hours. you should be almost perfect." scoffing, m/n reset his shoulder, crossing his arms. "i haven't danced in 11 months because of my fucking shoulder give me a fucking break." "we don't have time idiot!"

looking back at mark, m/n's eyes narrowed. "what did you just say?" stepping forward, mark folded his arms in front of his chest. "you're an idiot." glancing up and the ceiling, m/n exhaled, blinking back tears. "wow."

the room turned silent, m/n and mark refusing to make eye contact. "you probably don't want to date an idiot so consider us done." m/n said, grinning at mark before dropping his smile, picking up his bag and leaving the room.

"fine! be that way!" mark yelled, the door slamming shut as he ran a hand through his hair.


m/n entered 127's dorm, slamming the door shut behind him. "don't slam the door." taeil said, looking over his notebook. rolling his eyes, m/n threw his bag on the floor. "i'm showering."

entering the bathroom, m/n stripped out of his sweat drenched clothes and grabbing his towel, turning on the water. waiting a few minutes, he stepped into the stream, burning water running down his back. his mind kept flashing to the practice room, mark's angry face showing up. "stop thinking about that asshole." m/n grumbled, putting shampoo in his hair.

finishing his shower, m/n hopped out, wrapping his towel around his waist. rubbing his hair, he exited the bathroom, the dorm filled with noise. "you're back mark! m/n's taking a shower." m/n heard mark weakly reply causing him to scoff before entering his room and changing into pajamas.

sitting in his room, m/n looking up at the ceiling. tears pooled in his eyes, mind racing. "i can't do this." his shoulder ached as he turned over, closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.


"wake up." a voice softly said, m/n adjusting to the light. "taeil hyung?" m/n asked, taeil nodding, playing with his hair. "it's me. dinners ready." getting up, m/n clung onto taeil, walking to the living room. "good morning sleeping beauty." yuta said, placing his spoon down. "didn't even work that hard and you still somehow slept for 5 hours. shocking." mark said, food in his mouth, playing with his fork. "i-" jaehyun said, m/n placing his plate down, stomach grumbling.

"i'm not hungry anymore." he nervously laughed, mark rolling his eyes. "just eat." "you clearly don't want me here so." m/n frowned, quickly walking back to his room. "i'll go talk to him." taeil said, making another plate and taking both his and m/n's to his bedroom.

"knock knock." taeil said, hearing m/n's sniffles through the door. "not in here." opening the door, taeil frowned, setting dinner down on the desk. "what's up baby?" he asked, wiping m/n's tears. "mark's just being an asshole." he said, eyes welling up again.

"i'm sorry. want a hug?" m/n nodded, taeil hugging him tightly. "thank you." "you're welcome."


a week had passed. m/n was still very upset at the things mark said to him. sitting in his room, he lightly sketched, different shapes appearing over the back of his lyric sheet. "m/n can i come in?" "go away mark." m/n said, looking at his paper. "i want to apologize." dropping his pen, he looked towards the door, sighing. "fine."

mark nervously entered, not wanting to scare m/n. "hi." "just get to the point mark." m/n huffed, not amused with mark's behavior. "i'm really sorry m/n. i shouldn't have called you an idiot. i was tired and took my anger out on you instead of working through it together. i really love you and i don't think you're an idiot. you such a smart boy. my smart boy if you would ever let me be with you the same way."

sighing, m/n turned around, holding mark's hands. "i'm not mad about you calling me an idiot. i'm mad because you ignored that i was in pain and didn't let me take it at my own pace." "i'm sorry." mark said, noticing tears well in m/n's eyes. "i love you but sorry isn't cutting it. you betrayed my trust mark." the two were crying, mark looking down. "i would like to try and make amends."

laughing, m/n held his hands out, bringing mark in a hug. "i would too. it'll take time but i know you won't do this again." "promise." mark said, interlocking their pinkies, m/n smiling sweetly before pecking his boyfriend's lips. "nap & cuddle?" "i thought you would never ask." mark said, picking m/n up and laying him on the bed, snuggling under the covers.

while they weren't back to normal, they were healing.


"what's up with you an m/n?" johnny asked, taeyong opening a can of beer. "he wasn't working hard today." sighing, jungwoo drank from his can, placing it down. "he's out of shape mark. he's not going to jump back into it. he seemed to be in pain." those words made mark's heart ache.

"he's the one in the wrong!" "mark," taeyong said, looking at the flustered younger boy. "you need to apologize. it seems like you flipped out on him. he should be angry." rolling his eyes, mark finished off his beer. "i might."

all he really wanted to do was hold m/n but his pride had gotten in the way.

word count: 1242
status: unedited
original date of publish: 8/1/2023
requested by: Kpop_Geek_Duh <3

oneshot one of mark bday special!
i love markie poo
this is a good oneshot ngl
anyways im going to sleep night night


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